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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Careful with – …ga ehtiyot bo‘lmoq

Be careful with that glass, it's fragile.

U stakanga ehtiyot bo‘l, u mo‘rt.

Difficult for – … uchun qiyin.

This math problem is difficult for me.

Bu matematik masala men uchun qiyin.

Fed up with – …dan charchagan, joniga tekkan.

I'm fed up with waiting for the bus every day.

Har kuni avtobus kutishdan charchadim.

Ready for – …ga tayyor.

Are you ready for the exam?

Imtihonga tayyormisan?

Responsible for – … uchun mas’ul.

He is responsible for organizing the event.

U tadbirni tashkil qilish uchun mas’ul.

Apply for – …ga ariza topshirmoq.

I want to apply for a scholarship.

Men stipendiya uchun ariza topshirmoqchiman.

Depend on – …ga bog‘liq bo‘lmoq.

Success depends on hard work.

Muvaffaqiyat mehnatga bog‘liq.

Inform sb about – Kimnidir … haqida xabardor qilmoq.

The teacher informed us about the schedule change.

O‘qituvchi bizni jadval o‘zgarishi haqida xabardor qildi.

Refer to – …ga ishora qilmoq, …ga murojaat qilmoq.

This word refers to an old tradition.

Bu so‘z qadimiy an’anaga ishora qiladi.

Work as – … sifatida ishlamoq.

He works as a teacher.

U o‘qituvchi sifatida ishlaydi.

Work for – … uchun ishlamoq.

She works for an international company.

U xalqaro kompaniya uchun ishlaydi.

A kind of – … turiga kiruvchi, … singari.

Sushi is a kind of Japanese food.

Sushi yapon taomlarining bir turi.



Call off – Bekor qilmoq

They called off the match due to heavy rain.

Ular kuchli yomg‘ir tufayli o‘yinni bekor qilishdi.

Give back – Qaytarib bermoq.

She gave back the borrowed book.

U qarzga olgan kitobni qaytarib berdi.

Go on – Davom etmoq.

The show must go on despite the problems.

Muammolarga qaramay, shou davom etishi kerak.

Put off – Kechiktirmoq.

They put off the meeting until next week.

Ular uchrashuvni keyingi haftagacha kechiktirishdi.

Set up – Tashkil qilmoq.

He set up his own business last year.

U o‘tgan yili o‘z biznesini tashkil qildi.

Stay up – Uxlashni kechiktirmoq, uyg‘oq qolmoq.

I stayed up late to finish my homework.

Uy vazifamni tugatish uchun men kechgacha uyg‘oq qoldim.

Take away – Olib ketmoq.

The waiter took away the empty plates.

Ofitsiant bo‘sh likoplarni olib ketdi.

Take over – Boshqaruvni o‘z qo‘liga olmoq.

The new manager took over the company.

Yangi menejer kompaniyani boshqaruviga oldi.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Sometimes we need to be actors. Otherwise life becomes very difficult.

Sirojiddin's blog dan repost
Instagramda eshitib qoldim:
Bir ota-ona farzandi IELTSdan 4.5 olgani uchun ko’ngli o’ksimasin deb Turkiyaga sayohatga yuboribdi. 🙂.

6-sinfda choraklikda matematikadan 4 olganim uchun (qolgan hammasi 5 edi) boshimga chelak uchib kelgani esimga tushdi. Eh…


Angry (with sb) about sth – Kimdandir biror narsa uchun jahli chiqmoq.

She was angry with her brother about the broken phone.

U ukasiga singan telefon uchun jahli chiqdi.

Guilty of sth – Biror narsada aybdor bo‘lmoq.

He was guilty of stealing money.

U pul o‘g‘irlaganlikda aybdor edi.

Accuse sb of sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.

They accused him of cheating in the exam.

Ular uni imtihonda aldashda aybladilar.

Blame sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.

The teacher blamed the student for being late.

O‘qituvchi talabani kechikkanlikda aybladi.

Blame sth on sb – Biror narsaning aybini kimdirdan ko‘rmoq.

He blamed the mistake on his friend.

U xatoni do‘stidan ko‘rdi.

Criticize sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun tanqid qilmoq.

The coach criticized the player for his bad performance.

Murabbiy o‘yinchini yomon o‘yin ko‘rsatgani uchun tanqid qildi.

Forget about sth – Biror narsani unutmoq.

I completely forgot about our meeting.

Men uchrashuvimizni butunlay unutib qo‘ydim.

Forgive smb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun kechirmoq.

She forgave him for lying.

U uni yolg‘on gapirgani uchun kechirdi.

Invite sb to sw – Kimnidir biror joyga taklif qilmoq.

They invited us to their wedding.

Ular bizni to‘ylariga taklif qilishdi.

Punish sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun jazolamoq.

The teacher punished the student for cheating.

O‘qituvchi talabani aldangani uchun jazoladi.

Share sth with sb – Kim bilandir biror narsani bo‘lishmoq.

He shared his lunch with his friend.

U tushligining bir qismini do‘sti bilan bo‘lishdi.

Smile at sb – Kimga qarab jilmaymoq.

She smiled at the baby.

U chaqaloqqa qarab jilmaydi.



Break in (to) – Buzib kirish, o‘g‘rilik maqsadida kirish.

Someone broke into our house last night.

Kecha tunda kimdir uyimizga buzib kirdi.

Catch up (with) – Yetib olish, ortda qolgan narsani o‘zlashtirish.

I need to catch up with my studies after being sick.

Kasallikdan keyin darslarimni yetib olishim kerak.

Get away with – Jazodan qutulib qolish, jazosiz qolish.

He stole the money but got away with it.

U pulni o‘g‘irladi, lekin jazosiz qoldi.

Get up – Uyg‘onmoq, o‘rnidan turmoq.

I usually get up at 6 AM.

Men odatda ertalab soat 6 da turaman.

Move in – Yangi joyga ko‘chib kelmoq.

They moved in last week.

Ular o‘tgan hafta bu yerga ko‘chib kelishdi.

Put away – Joyiga qo‘ymoq, tartibga solmoq.

Please put away your clothes.

Iltimos, kiyimlaringni joyiga qo‘y.

Wake up – Uyg‘onmoq.

I wake up early every day.

Men har kuni ertalab barvaqt uyg‘onaman.

Wash up – Qo‘l-yuz yuvmoq, idish yuvmoq.

Don’t forget to wash up after dinner.

Kechki ovqatdan keyin idishlarni yuvishni unutmang.


Real Madrid or Man City


Connect on – … orqali bog‘lanmoq.

We can connect on WhatsApp.

Biz WhatsApp orqali bog‘lanishimiz mumkin.

Communicate with – … bilan muloqot qilmoq.

I communicate with my teacher every day.

Men har kuni o‘qituvchim bilan muloqot qilaman.

Glance at – … ga tez nazar tashlamoq.

She glanced at her watch and continued working.

U soatiga tez nazar tashladi va ishlashda davom etdi.

Receive smth from – … dan nimanidir qabul qilmoq.

He received a gift from his friend.

U do‘stidan sovg‘a oldi.

Reply to – … ga javob bermoq.

She replied to my email quickly.

U mening elektron pochtamga tezda javob berdi.

Send smth to smb – … ga nimanidir jo‘natmoq.

I sent a message to my brother.
Men akamga xabar yubordim.

Talk (to smb) about – … bilan … haqida gaplashmoq

We talked to the manager about the project.

Biz menejer bilan loyiha haqida gaplashdik.

Tell smb about – … ga … haqida aytib bermoq.

He told me about his trip to London.

U menga Londonga sayohati haqida aytib berdi.

Translate (from smth) into – … dan … ga tarjima qilmoq.

She translated the book from French into Uzbek.

U kitobni fransuz tilidan o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qildi.

Write (to smb) about – … ga … haqida yozmoq.

I wrote to my friend about my new job.

Men do‘stimga yangi ish joyim haqida yozdim.

Information about – … haqida ma'lumot.

Can you give me information about the university?

Menga universitet haqida
ma'lumot bera olasizmi?

A letter (from smbd) about – …dan … haqida xat.

I received a letter from my cousin about his wedding.

Men amakivachchamdan uning to‘yi haqida xat oldim.



Call back – Qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilmoq.

I will call you back in five minutes.

Men besh daqiqadan keyin seni qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.

Come out – Chiqmoq, paydo bo‘lmoq.

The new book will come out next month.

Yangi kitob kelasi oy chiqadi.

Cut off – Uzilmoq, uzmoq.

Our conversation was cut off because of a bad signal.

Suhbatimiz yomon signal sabab uzilib qoldi.

Fill in – To‘ldirmoq.

Please fill in this form with your personal details.
Iltimos, ushbu shaklni shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bilan to‘ldiring.

Hang out – Vaqt o‘tkazmoq.

We usually hang out at the park on weekends.

Biz odatda dam olish kunlari bog‘da vaqt o‘tkazamiz.

Log off – Tizimdan chiqmoq.

Don’t forget to log off after using the computer.

Kompyuterdan foydalangandan keyin tizimdan chiqishni unutmang.

Log on (to) – Tizimga kirish.

You need to log on to your account to access the files.

Fayllarga kirish uchun hisobingizga kirishingiz kerak.

Print out – Chop etmoq.

Can you print out the document for me?

Menga hujjatni chop etib bera olasizmi?



Different from/to – ...dan farqli.

This phone is different from mine.

Bu telefon menikidan farqli.

His opinion is different to yours.

Uning fikri senikidan farqli.

Full of – ... ga to‘la.

The bag is full of books.

Sumka kitoblarga to‘la.

Begin smth with – biror narsani ... bilan boshlamoq.

I always begin my day with a cup of tea.

Men har doim kunimni bir piyola choy bilan boshlayman.

Connect smth to/with – biror narsani ... ga ulash / bog‘lash.

You should connect the printer to the computer.

Printerni kompyuterga ulashing kerak.

Good teachers connect lessons with real-life examples.

Yaxshi o‘qituvchilar darslarni hayotiy misollar bilan bog‘laydi.

Disconnect smth from – biror narsani ...dan uzmoq.

Please disconnect the phone from the charger.

Iltimos, telefonni quvvatlagichdan uzing.

Fill smth with – biror narsani ... bilan to‘ldirmoq.

He filled the glass with water.

U stakanni suv bilan to‘ldirdi.

Result in – ...ga olib kelmoq.

Lack of sleep results in poor concentration.

Uyqusizlik diqqatning pasayishiga olib keladi.

A difference between – ... o‘rtasidagi farq.

There is a difference between British and American English.

Britaniya va Amerika ingliz tili o‘rtasida farq bor.

An idea about – ... haqida g‘oya/fikr.

She has an idea about how to solve the problem.

U muammoni qanday hal qilish haqida fikrga ega.

A number of – bir qancha / ko‘p.

A number of students failed the exam.

Bir qancha talabalar imtihondan o‘ta olmadi.

A reason for – ...ning sababi.

What's the reason for your absence?

Sening yo‘qligingning sababi nima?

A type of – ... turi.

Mango is a type of tropical fruit.

Mango tropik mevalarning bir turi.



Break down – Buzilib qolmoq, ishdan chiqmoq.

My car broke down on the way to work.

Mashinam ishga borayotganimda buzilib qoldi.

Come across – Tasodifan uchratmoq, ko‘rib qolmoq.

I came across an old friend at the supermarket.

Men supermarketda eski do‘stimni tasodifan uchratdim.

Find out – Bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq.

I need to find out the train schedule before leaving.

Ketishdan oldin poezd jadvalini bilib olishim kerak.

Make up – To‘qib chiqarmoq, o‘ylab topmoq

He made up a funny story to entertain the kids.

U bolalarni xursand qilish uchun qiziqarli hikoya to‘qib chiqardi.

Pull off – Qiyin ishni uddalamoq.

He pulled off an incredible comeback in the last minute.

U oxirgi daqiqada ajoyib qaytish harakatini amalga oshirdi.

Throw away – Tashlab yubormoq.

Don’t throw away that book, I still need it!

O'sha kitobni tashlama, menga hali kerak!

Turn off – O‘chirmoq.

Please turn off the lights before you leave.

Iltimos, ketishdan oldin chiroqlarni o‘chir.

Turn on – Yoqmoq.

He turned on the TV to watch the news.

U yangiliklarni ko‘rish uchun televizorni yoqdi.



Level test.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The problem is – we think we have time.


Wrong about – bilan xato, to'g'ri emas.

He/She is wrong about me.

U men haqimda xato fikrda.

Wrong with – bilan muammo bor.

There is something wrong with my phone.

Telefonimda muammo bor.

Belong to – Tegishli bo‘lish.

This book belongs to me.

Bu kitob menga tegishli.

Borrow smth from – Biror narsani ...dan qarzga olish.

I borrowed a notebook from him.

Men undan daftarni qarzga oldim.

Buy smth from – Biror narsani ...dan sotib olish.

I bought a new phone from the store.

Men do‘kondan yangi telefon sotib oldim.

Choose between – Tanlash (ikki yoki undan ortiq narsalar orasidan).

We need to choose between two movies.

Biz ikkita film orasidan birini tanlashimiz kerak.

Compare smth to/with – Biror narsani ...ga taqqoslash.

I compared the new phone with the old one.

Men yangi telefonni eski bilan taqqosladim.

Decide on – Qaror qilish.

They decided on meeting in the afternoon.

Ular kunduzi uchrashishni qaror qildilar.

Lend smth to – Biror narsani ... ga qarzga berish.

I lent him money.

Men unga pul qarzga berdim.

Pay for – To‘lash (biror narsa uchun).

I paid for the food at the restaurant.

Men restoranda ovqat uchun to‘ladim.

Spend smth on – Sarflash (biror narsa uchun).

He spends a lot of time on studying.

U ko‘p vaqtni o‘qishga sarflaydi.

An advert(isement) for – Reklama (biror narsa uchun).

I saw an advertisement for a new phone.

Yangi telefon uchun reklama ko‘rganman.



Add up – yig‘moq, qo‘shmoq

The total cost doesn’t add up.

Jami narx to‘g‘ri qo‘shilmayapti.

2. Come back (from) – qaytmoq (biror joydan).

When did you come back from the trip?

Sayohatdan qachon qaytdingiz?

Give away – berib yubormoq, sovg‘a qilmoq.

He decided to give away his old books to charity.

U eski kitoblarini xayriya qilishga qaror qildi.

Hurry up – shoshilmoq.

Hurry up, we are late!

Shoshiling, kech qolayapmiz!

Pay back – qarzni qaytarish, hisob-kitobni qilish.

I'll pay back the money I borrowed from you tomorrow.

Men sizdan olgan pulni ertaga qaytaraman.

Save up (for) – (biror narsa uchun) pul yig‘moq.

I'm trying to save up for a new phone.

Yangi telefon uchun pul yig‘moqdaman.

Take back – qaytarib olish, so‘zini qaytarib olmoq.

She had to take back the dress because it didn’t fit.

U ko‘ylakni qaytarib olishga majbur bo‘ldi, chunki u unga mos kelmadi.

Take down – yozib olish, pastga tushirish.

Can you take down these notes for me?

Menga bu eslatmalarni yozib olasizmi?


Katta shaharlarda ham, kichik ko'ngilsizliklar bo'lib turadi.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Hayotingning har qanday vaziyatida ham yordam bera oladigan faqat Allohdir.



Fond of – biror narsani yoqtirish, mehr qo‘yish.

She is fond of reading books.

U kitob o‘qishni yoqtiradi.

Jealous of – rashk qilish, hasad qilish.

He is jealous of his brother's success.

U akasining muvaffaqiyatidan hasad qiladi.

Kind to – mehribon bo‘lish.

She is always kind to animals.

U doimo hayvonlarga mehribon.

Married to – kim bilandir turmush qurgan bo‘lish.

He is married to a doctor.

U shifokor bilan turmush qurgan.

Proud of – faxrlanish.

She is proud of her achievements.

U o‘z yutuqlari bilan faxrlanadi.

Admire somebody for – kimnidir biror narsa uchun qoyil qolish.

I admire him for his hard work.

Men uning mehnatsevarligiga qoyil qolaman.

Apologize (to somebody) for – kimdandir biror narsa uchun uzr so‘rash.

He apologized to his teacher for being rude.

U o‘qituvchisidan qo‘pol bo‘lgani uchun uzr so‘radi.

Argue (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida bahslashish.

They argued with their boss about the new rules.

Ular boshlig‘i bilan yangi qoidalar haqida bahslashishdi.

Care about – e’tibor berish, g‘amxo‘rlik qilish.

She cares about the environment.

U atrof-muhitga befarq emas.

Chat (to somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida suhbatlashish.

I chatted to my friend about my holiday plans.

Men do‘stim bilan ta’til rejalari haqida gaplashdim.

An argument (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida janjallashish.

He had an argument with his brother about money.

U akasi bilan pul haqida janjallashdi.

A relationship with – kim bilandir munosabatga ega bo‘lish.

She has a good relationship with her colleagues.

U hamkasblari bilan yaxshi munosabatga ega.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.