Call back – Qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilmoq.
I will call you back in five minutes.
Men besh daqiqadan keyin seni qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.
Come out – Chiqmoq, paydo bo‘lmoq.
The new book will come out next month.
Yangi kitob kelasi oy chiqadi.
Cut off – Uzilmoq, uzmoq.
Our conversation was cut off because of a bad signal.
Suhbatimiz yomon signal sabab uzilib qoldi.
Fill in – To‘ldirmoq.
Please fill in this form with your personal details.
Iltimos, ushbu shaklni shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bilan to‘ldiring.
Hang out – Vaqt o‘tkazmoq.
We usually hang out at the park on weekends.
Biz odatda dam olish kunlari bog‘da vaqt o‘tkazamiz.
Log off – Tizimdan chiqmoq.
Don’t forget to log off after using the computer.
Kompyuterdan foydalangandan keyin tizimdan chiqishni unutmang.
Log on (to) – Tizimga kirish.
You need to log on to your account to access the files.
Fayllarga kirish uchun hisobingizga kirishingiz kerak.
Print out – Chop etmoq.
Can you print out the document for me?
Menga hujjatni chop etib bera olasizmi?
Call back – Qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilmoq.
I will call you back in five minutes.
Men besh daqiqadan keyin seni qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.
Come out – Chiqmoq, paydo bo‘lmoq.
The new book will come out next month.
Yangi kitob kelasi oy chiqadi.
Cut off – Uzilmoq, uzmoq.
Our conversation was cut off because of a bad signal.
Suhbatimiz yomon signal sabab uzilib qoldi.
Fill in – To‘ldirmoq.
Please fill in this form with your personal details.
Iltimos, ushbu shaklni shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bilan to‘ldiring.
Hang out – Vaqt o‘tkazmoq.
We usually hang out at the park on weekends.
Biz odatda dam olish kunlari bog‘da vaqt o‘tkazamiz.
Log off – Tizimdan chiqmoq.
Don’t forget to log off after using the computer.
Kompyuterdan foydalangandan keyin tizimdan chiqishni unutmang.
Log on (to) – Tizimga kirish.
You need to log on to your account to access the files.
Fayllarga kirish uchun hisobingizga kirishingiz kerak.
Print out – Chop etmoq.
Can you print out the document for me?
Menga hujjatni chop etib bera olasizmi?