Call off – Bekor qilmoq
They called off the match due to heavy rain.
Ular kuchli yomg‘ir tufayli o‘yinni bekor qilishdi.
Give back – Qaytarib bermoq.
She gave back the borrowed book.
U qarzga olgan kitobni qaytarib berdi.
Go on – Davom etmoq.
The show must go on despite the problems.
Muammolarga qaramay, shou davom etishi kerak.
Put off – Kechiktirmoq.
They put off the meeting until next week.
Ular uchrashuvni keyingi haftagacha kechiktirishdi.
Set up – Tashkil qilmoq.
He set up his own business last year.
U o‘tgan yili o‘z biznesini tashkil qildi.
Stay up – Uxlashni kechiktirmoq, uyg‘oq qolmoq.
I stayed up late to finish my homework.
Uy vazifamni tugatish uchun men kechgacha uyg‘oq qoldim.
Take away – Olib ketmoq.
The waiter took away the empty plates.
Ofitsiant bo‘sh likoplarni olib ketdi.
Take over – Boshqaruvni o‘z qo‘liga olmoq.
The new manager took over the company.
Yangi menejer kompaniyani boshqaruviga oldi.
Call off – Bekor qilmoq
They called off the match due to heavy rain.
Ular kuchli yomg‘ir tufayli o‘yinni bekor qilishdi.
Give back – Qaytarib bermoq.
She gave back the borrowed book.
U qarzga olgan kitobni qaytarib berdi.
Go on – Davom etmoq.
The show must go on despite the problems.
Muammolarga qaramay, shou davom etishi kerak.
Put off – Kechiktirmoq.
They put off the meeting until next week.
Ular uchrashuvni keyingi haftagacha kechiktirishdi.
Set up – Tashkil qilmoq.
He set up his own business last year.
U o‘tgan yili o‘z biznesini tashkil qildi.
Stay up – Uxlashni kechiktirmoq, uyg‘oq qolmoq.
I stayed up late to finish my homework.
Uy vazifamni tugatish uchun men kechgacha uyg‘oq qoldim.
Take away – Olib ketmoq.
The waiter took away the empty plates.
Ofitsiant bo‘sh likoplarni olib ketdi.
Take over – Boshqaruvni o‘z qo‘liga olmoq.
The new manager took over the company.
Yangi menejer kompaniyani boshqaruviga oldi.