Add up – yig‘moq, qo‘shmoq
The total cost doesn’t add up.
Jami narx to‘g‘ri qo‘shilmayapti.
2. Come back (from) – qaytmoq (biror joydan).
When did you come back from the trip?
Sayohatdan qachon qaytdingiz?
Give away – berib yubormoq, sovg‘a qilmoq.
He decided to give away his old books to charity.
U eski kitoblarini xayriya qilishga qaror qildi.
Hurry up – shoshilmoq.
Hurry up, we are late!
Shoshiling, kech qolayapmiz!
Pay back – qarzni qaytarish, hisob-kitobni qilish.
I'll pay back the money I borrowed from you tomorrow.
Men sizdan olgan pulni ertaga qaytaraman.
Save up (for) – (biror narsa uchun) pul yig‘moq.
I'm trying to save up for a new phone.
Yangi telefon uchun pul yig‘moqdaman.
Take back – qaytarib olish, so‘zini qaytarib olmoq.
She had to take back the dress because it didn’t fit.
U ko‘ylakni qaytarib olishga majbur bo‘ldi, chunki u unga mos kelmadi.
Take down – yozib olish, pastga tushirish.
Can you take down these notes for me?
Menga bu eslatmalarni yozib olasizmi?
Add up – yig‘moq, qo‘shmoq
The total cost doesn’t add up.
Jami narx to‘g‘ri qo‘shilmayapti.
2. Come back (from) – qaytmoq (biror joydan).
When did you come back from the trip?
Sayohatdan qachon qaytdingiz?
Give away – berib yubormoq, sovg‘a qilmoq.
He decided to give away his old books to charity.
U eski kitoblarini xayriya qilishga qaror qildi.
Hurry up – shoshilmoq.
Hurry up, we are late!
Shoshiling, kech qolayapmiz!
Pay back – qarzni qaytarish, hisob-kitobni qilish.
I'll pay back the money I borrowed from you tomorrow.
Men sizdan olgan pulni ertaga qaytaraman.
Save up (for) – (biror narsa uchun) pul yig‘moq.
I'm trying to save up for a new phone.
Yangi telefon uchun pul yig‘moqdaman.
Take back – qaytarib olish, so‘zini qaytarib olmoq.
She had to take back the dress because it didn’t fit.
U ko‘ylakni qaytarib olishga majbur bo‘ldi, chunki u unga mos kelmadi.
Take down – yozib olish, pastga tushirish.
Can you take down these notes for me?
Menga bu eslatmalarni yozib olasizmi?