Fond of – biror narsani yoqtirish, mehr qo‘yish.
She is fond of reading books.
U kitob o‘qishni yoqtiradi.
Jealous of – rashk qilish, hasad qilish.
He is jealous of his brother's success.
U akasining muvaffaqiyatidan hasad qiladi.
Kind to – mehribon bo‘lish.
She is always kind to animals.
U doimo hayvonlarga mehribon.
Married to – kim bilandir turmush qurgan bo‘lish.
He is married to a doctor.
U shifokor bilan turmush qurgan.
Proud of – faxrlanish.
She is proud of her achievements.
U o‘z yutuqlari bilan faxrlanadi.
Admire somebody for – kimnidir biror narsa uchun qoyil qolish.
I admire him for his hard work.
Men uning mehnatsevarligiga qoyil qolaman.
Apologize (to somebody) for – kimdandir biror narsa uchun uzr so‘rash.
He apologized to his teacher for being rude.
U o‘qituvchisidan qo‘pol bo‘lgani uchun uzr so‘radi.
Argue (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida bahslashish.
They argued with their boss about the new rules.
Ular boshlig‘i bilan yangi qoidalar haqida bahslashishdi.
Care about – e’tibor berish, g‘amxo‘rlik qilish.
She cares about the environment.
U atrof-muhitga befarq emas.
Chat (to somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida suhbatlashish.
I chatted to my friend about my holiday plans.
Men do‘stim bilan ta’til rejalari haqida gaplashdim.
An argument (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida janjallashish.
He had an argument with his brother about money.
U akasi bilan pul haqida janjallashdi.
A relationship with – kim bilandir munosabatga ega bo‘lish.
She has a good relationship with her colleagues.
U hamkasblari bilan yaxshi munosabatga ega.
Fond of – biror narsani yoqtirish, mehr qo‘yish.
She is fond of reading books.
U kitob o‘qishni yoqtiradi.
Jealous of – rashk qilish, hasad qilish.
He is jealous of his brother's success.
U akasining muvaffaqiyatidan hasad qiladi.
Kind to – mehribon bo‘lish.
She is always kind to animals.
U doimo hayvonlarga mehribon.
Married to – kim bilandir turmush qurgan bo‘lish.
He is married to a doctor.
U shifokor bilan turmush qurgan.
Proud of – faxrlanish.
She is proud of her achievements.
U o‘z yutuqlari bilan faxrlanadi.
Admire somebody for – kimnidir biror narsa uchun qoyil qolish.
I admire him for his hard work.
Men uning mehnatsevarligiga qoyil qolaman.
Apologize (to somebody) for – kimdandir biror narsa uchun uzr so‘rash.
He apologized to his teacher for being rude.
U o‘qituvchisidan qo‘pol bo‘lgani uchun uzr so‘radi.
Argue (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida bahslashish.
They argued with their boss about the new rules.
Ular boshlig‘i bilan yangi qoidalar haqida bahslashishdi.
Care about – e’tibor berish, g‘amxo‘rlik qilish.
She cares about the environment.
U atrof-muhitga befarq emas.
Chat (to somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida suhbatlashish.
I chatted to my friend about my holiday plans.
Men do‘stim bilan ta’til rejalari haqida gaplashdim.
An argument (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida janjallashish.
He had an argument with his brother about money.
U akasi bilan pul haqida janjallashdi.
A relationship with – kim bilandir munosabatga ega bo‘lish.
She has a good relationship with her colleagues.
U hamkasblari bilan yaxshi munosabatga ega.