Break down – Buzilib qolmoq, ishdan chiqmoq.
My car broke down on the way to work.
Mashinam ishga borayotganimda buzilib qoldi.
Come across – Tasodifan uchratmoq, ko‘rib qolmoq.
I came across an old friend at the supermarket.
Men supermarketda eski do‘stimni tasodifan uchratdim.
Find out – Bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq.
I need to find out the train schedule before leaving.
Ketishdan oldin poezd jadvalini bilib olishim kerak.
Make up – To‘qib chiqarmoq, o‘ylab topmoq
He made up a funny story to entertain the kids.
U bolalarni xursand qilish uchun qiziqarli hikoya to‘qib chiqardi.
Pull off – Qiyin ishni uddalamoq.
He pulled off an incredible comeback in the last minute.
U oxirgi daqiqada ajoyib qaytish harakatini amalga oshirdi.
Throw away – Tashlab yubormoq.
Don’t throw away that book, I still need it!
O'sha kitobni tashlama, menga hali kerak!
Turn off – O‘chirmoq.
Please turn off the lights before you leave.
Iltimos, ketishdan oldin chiroqlarni o‘chir.
Turn on – Yoqmoq.
He turned on the TV to watch the news.
U yangiliklarni ko‘rish uchun televizorni yoqdi.
Break down – Buzilib qolmoq, ishdan chiqmoq.
My car broke down on the way to work.
Mashinam ishga borayotganimda buzilib qoldi.
Come across – Tasodifan uchratmoq, ko‘rib qolmoq.
I came across an old friend at the supermarket.
Men supermarketda eski do‘stimni tasodifan uchratdim.
Find out – Bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq.
I need to find out the train schedule before leaving.
Ketishdan oldin poezd jadvalini bilib olishim kerak.
Make up – To‘qib chiqarmoq, o‘ylab topmoq
He made up a funny story to entertain the kids.
U bolalarni xursand qilish uchun qiziqarli hikoya to‘qib chiqardi.
Pull off – Qiyin ishni uddalamoq.
He pulled off an incredible comeback in the last minute.
U oxirgi daqiqada ajoyib qaytish harakatini amalga oshirdi.
Throw away – Tashlab yubormoq.
Don’t throw away that book, I still need it!
O'sha kitobni tashlama, menga hali kerak!
Turn off – O‘chirmoq.
Please turn off the lights before you leave.
Iltimos, ketishdan oldin chiroqlarni o‘chir.
Turn on – Yoqmoq.
He turned on the TV to watch the news.
U yangiliklarni ko‘rish uchun televizorni yoqdi.