Oldinda nima yorqin ko’rinsa o’sha maqsadga aylanadiBugun maktabda bir sinfdoshim so’rab qoldi “Qanday qilib ko’p bunchalar ko’p o’qiysan?” deb. Avvalo men dangasaligim sababli o’zimni hozir juda ko’p o’qib ilm oladigan inson deb o’ylamayman. Lekin menda ilm olishga intilish borligi rost. Xo’sh insonga ilm olishga intilish qanday jo’sh urib ketishi mumkin. Shu haqida gaplashamiz.
Qanday qilib buyuk inson bo’lish mumkin deb so’rashganda- “Buyuklarning xizmatiga kirib, ulardan ilm o’rganib, agarda bunday qilishga yetarlicha imkoniyat bo’lmasa buyuklar hayoti haqida o’qish orqali”- deb javob berishgan ekan.
Bu nima degani? Inson qanday insonlar bilan suhbatdosh bo’lsa, qanday insonlarning fikrini tinglasa, qanday insonlar hayoti haqida o’rgansa, eshitsa o’sha insonlar singari inson bo’ladi. Misol uchun men. Men “Osmondagi bolalar ”, “O’zbekistonlik” va yana bir qancha shularga o'xshagan ko’rsatuvlarni kuzatib yaxshi, ilmli inson bo’lishga ahd qilganman. Sababi bu ko’rsatuvlarda asosan chet eldagi yoki O’zbekistondagi universitetlarda ta’lim olib, o’z yo’nalishining eng zo’r mutaxasisi bo’lib, jamiyatga o’z hissasini qo’shayotgan insonlar o’z o’tmishi, bosib o’tgan yo’llari haqida gapirib berishadi. Tabiyki, bu ularni kuzatib turgan men kabi yoshlarga yaxshi namuna bo’ladi.
Qanday inson bo’lishidan qat’iy nazar, har qanday insonga tashqi muhit o’ta katta ta’sir ko’rsatadi va shaklantiradi bu esa tabiiy holdir. Shunday ekan oldimizda nima yorqin bo’lib ko’rinsa o’sha bizning maqsadimizga aylanadi, u bizga yorqin bo’lib ko’rinayotgan narsa yaxshi yoki yomon bo’lishidan qat’iy nazar.
You tubedagi “Osmondagi bolalar”, “O’zbekistonlik”, “Millat umidi" singari loyihalarni ko’rishni tengdoshlarimga va ukalarimga tasiya qilaman.
What seems bright at first becomes the goal.Today, one of my classmates asked me, "How do you study so much?" First of all, I don’t think of myself as someone who studies a lot because of my laziness. However, it's true that I have a desire to learn. So, how can a person’s urge to gain knowledge ignite? Let's talk about this.
When asked how to become a great person, the answer was: "By serving the great ones, learning from them, and if there is no such opportunity, by reading about the lives of great people."
What does this mean? A person becomes like the people they converse with, listen to, and learn about. For example, me. I decided to become a good, knowledgeable person by watching shows like “Osmondagi Bolalar” (Children of the Sky), “O’zbekistonlik” (The Uzbekistani), and others. The reason is that these shows mainly feature people who have studied at universities abroad or in Uzbekistan, who have become top specialists in their fields, and who are contributing to society. They talk about their past and the paths they have taken. Naturally, this serves as a good example for young people like me who watch these shows.
No matter what kind of person someone is, the external environment has a significant influence and shapes them — this is natural. So, whatever seems bright before us becomes our goal, regardless of whether what seems bright is good or bad.
I recommend watching YouTube projects like "Osmondagi Bolalar," "O’zbekistonlik," and "Millat Umidi" (Hope of the Nation) to my peers and younger brothers.
@Shohruh_Roziqov 🚀🚀🚀