Doston's blog

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

This channel was created to share my experience that I'm learning.
I wish you luck !
My own channel which I share my opinions in Uzbek: @dostonsulaymon

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Uzbekistan, English
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Any interesting places in Samarqand to visit except for Registan and all mausoleums?

Telegram = Database(free, effective, safe)

Deleting all IELTS related things(materials, channels, files, books) is a real satisfaction.


I'm coming back to Tashkent today. 3 years and 3 days ago I went to the city for the first time.

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Always think about long term goals not short ones. We tend to overestimate what we can do within a year, but we underestimate what we can do within 10 years.


Meet Steve Jobs, a pioneer of the personal computer revolution and many other technologies which we usually take for granted. I really admire him and love every product that his company makes. ...

One thing to keep in mind as you step into this new year: you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.


Before graduating high school, time felt like it crawled. But after graduation, it feels like it’s speeding up.

Forward from: Azimjon's Fikrlog
2024-yil sizga nima o'rgatdi?

Boshlab beraman:
Shoshilgan kechikadi. Ko'proq shoshiling, ko'proq kechikasiz. Natijani shoshirib tezlashtirmaysiz. Jarayonni tezlashtirishni eng oson usuli bu hotirjam miyya bilan diqqat qilish - biroz sekinlashish.

Overall, I was able to keep my previous band scores for all sections of the test, only jumping to one score in reading section.

Apparently, writing more than 300 words in task 2 doesn’t promise 7.


Meet Levi Rosman, also known as GothamChess, a popular chess streamer and International Master. His YouTube channel, GothamChess, is a go-to place for chess enthusiasts, offering educational content that’s both easy to understand and highly engaging. Levi’s ability to break down complex chess concepts in a fun and relatable way has made him one of the most respected figures in the online chess community. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, GothamChess is a great resource to improve your skills and enjoy the game.

His video where he analyzed the game between ChatGPT and Google AI Bard(lately changed to Gemini)


Meet Geoffrey Hinton, often referred to as the “Godfather of AI.” For the past three days, I have been watching his videos, and they are incredibly informative. He received the Nobel Prize this year for his groundbreaking contributions to artificial intelligence, particularly his work on neural networks and deep learning.

His article which is about the potential threats of AI.


It is always good practice to listen to people who are true experts in their fields.

So from today on, I’ll be sharing brief insights about the incredible scientists, scholars or just people who are shaping our world. I’ll highlight their work, discoveries, and how they’re impacting different fields. Stay tuned for some quick, interesting facts!

He said, “I can’t live without her.”

I replied, “No one is truly irreplaceable. From the moment we’re born, we are destined to lose people we care about—it’s an inevitable part of life. We better get used to it. Life goes on, and so do we.”

I repeat, that’s how it works no one cares whether you agree, accept it, or not.


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