Doston's blog

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

This channel was created to share my experience that I'm learning.
I wish you luck !
My own channel which I share my opinions in Uzbek: @dostonsulaymon

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Uzbekistan, English
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I disagree Trump's administration's policies on Gaza but they are right about many things, after all anyone can have their own opinion on anything.

You can feel that power by watching this. He is just saying great things. Elon was right, if they didn't win, we would have 1984 or the matrix or the farm.

When the power is in room, everything get silenced.

Let’s ozamiz

Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face.

Guys! We have limited time to learn, grow, change the league. After 3 or 5 years, we might not have desire, time to do them. Or responsibilities may get in our way. Those things might make us give up.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

When I got my IELTS certificate, I felt relaxed. I started being lazy but it was 6.5, even the mission wasn't accomplished. My brother noticed this and told this which I never forget: "Ok you know English! that's fine, but remember 2 billion people on the planet know this and it's not the end. You must keep learning, remember why you came here"

That was the harsh truth and it will be all the time. Whenever you learn something, you, let's say, update your level and you start competing in different league. One thing to keep in mind that every time your level goes up, you will become a starter or the one with the lowest level.

Expenses won’t get any cheaper. You either make more money, or you sit tight and do nothing but complain.

We are absolutely growing😁

Inagi! )))

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The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

— George Orwell

Time is passing. Last year on these days, I was actively teaching people, making fun of them, punishing them, explaining the things. My English journey gave me a lot, much more than I got from my school or university or even more both combined. I happened to have inspiring teachers, great friends. I learned many things from them, English was the just one thing among many. I learned how to act in certain situations, how to treat others. I saw what a person can do, the limitations I had became meaningless. I learned how to dream big.

I know I am getting sentimental. I am always grateful that I got a chance to learn this. Alhamdullilah.

Bilasizmi bazida juda noshukurligimdan hafa bo'lib ketaman, hozir 5 yil oldin o'zimda bo'lishini hohlagan hamma narsam bor. Maktab payti ingliz tilini o'rganish katta orzuyim bo'lgan, Toshkentda o'qishni juda hohlardim, maktab paytida direktordan menga ruhsat berishini ham so'raganman bu bo'yicha, IT haqida nimalarnidur gapira olishni juda hohlaganman. Apple mahsulotlariga ega bo'lish ham ro'yhatda bo'lgan. Ilmli insonlar bilan yashashni doim orzu qilganman, ilmlik do'stlarim bo'lishini hohlaganman. Yana ko'plab narsalarni o'sha paytlarda shunchaki ko'nglimdan o'tqazib ketganman va hozir qarasam juda ko'plariga erishibman, bu judayam ancha oldindek eshitilishi mumkin lekin 5 yil ilgari bo'lgan halos. Hayolizga kelgan narsalarni shunchaki bir keldida, deb oradan ozgina vaqt o'tgandan keyin ularga ega bo'lib turganizni ko'rganizda, men hozir his qilyotgan narsalarni his qilasiz.

You gotta lose to know how to win

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