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Warm email from NASA Go team.

See you at Tashkent this year!

🚀 I am honored to be selected as the Local Lead of NASA Space Apps Tashkent 2025!

This is a fantastic opportunity to bring together innovators, engineers, and space enthusiasts to solve real-world challenges using NASA’s open data.

The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is the world’s largest hackathon, inspiring collaboration and creativity to tackle challenges on Earth and beyond. I look forward to organizing an amazing event in Tashkent and fostering a vibrant community of problem-solvers!

Stay tuned for updates! Let’s make history together!

👥 Linkedin | 🕊Telegram

We will host NASA Space Apps Challenge Tashkent 2025!

Ziyodulla | ɴᴀᴢᴀʀ x dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🚀 O’z g’oyalaringizni jahon sahnasiga olib chiqish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🏆 Teknofest festivalida jamongiz bilan qatnashing va yurtimiz yoshlarini qo’lidan qanday ishlar kelishini butun dunyoga ko’rsating!

🇺🇿 Barchangizga omad, O’zbekistonni birgalikda texnologik rivojlantiramiz!

🔵 Telegram | 👥 Linkedin | 📱Instagram

🖥Firdavs.Exe 👾 dan repost
Very cool update from my life: My sister got into Uchicago!!!!

Munisa is the GOAT. I want to say, “After working hard with her to perfect her essays and application and helping her every step of the way, she finally got in” but that would make me a liar. She did everything herself and I hope she feels extremely proud of herself for doing so.

The funny part is that I got waitlisted from Uchicago but accepted to Cornell, my sister got accepted to Uchicago but waitlisted by Cornell. Does that make me or her smarter? I’ll let the comments decide

I’m insanely proud of her as a big brother, she overcame so many more challenges than me. Unlike me, she was actually considered as an international applicant (uzbek citizen) in her application and also had to fight for a full ride scholarship from a greedy university that didnt even accept me (ok yeah im jealous). Doing all of that while studying at ALWIUT and being a girl in UZBEKISTAN is just so crazy to think about. Oh yeah not to mention she had a brother who didnt even read her uchicago supplemental until after she applied (lol sorry bro)

But enough glazing, I can’t let her ego get too big. All thanks go to god. Shoutout to my parents (I love you guys) for being there for her while I was in the US and she was at home in tashkent applying to university. This never would have happened without you guys.

Just came back to Tashkent after 3 days of break)
We have to work hard now!

Please, be careful with your health guys!

Prezident matbuot kotibi | Sherzod Asadov dan repost
Бугун Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев мудофаа саноати мажмуасида амалга оширилаётган ишлар билан танишади ҳамда мамлакатимиз ҳарбий хавфсизлиги ва мудофаасини мустаҳкамлаш масалалари бўйича йиғилиш ўтказади.

Сегодня Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев ознакомится с проводимой работой в оборонно-промышленном комплексе, а также проведет совещание по вопросам укрепления военной безопасности и обороны нашей страны.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rocket engineering

🇺🇿President Shavkat Mirziyoyev Recognizes Our Contribution to STEM Education!

We are honored that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted the work of our team at NazarX Research and Development Center during his recent meeting with young innovators in Uzbekistan.

🛰️ As STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—continue to shape the 📱future, investing in education and innovation has never been more important.

🏆 In the Olmazor district, 10 schools have been equipped with state-of-the-art engineering laboratories, where over 2,000 students are actively learning robotics, programming, and advanced technologies.

Recognizing the impact of these initiatives, the President has instructed district governors to replicate this model across Uzbekistan, ensuring that at least five schools in every region receive similar engineering laboratories.

🦾 For us at NazarX Research and Development Center, this recognition is more than just an achievement—it is a powerful motivation to push forward. We remain committed to expanding STEM education, empowering young minds, and driving Uzbekistan’s technological progress. This is just the beginning!

🚀🔬✨ #Innovation #STEM #Education #Uzbekistan #NazarX

In 2 years 1200+ students
Today, we officially represented our project to President!

It was a long journey!

We will continue, stay tuned🫡

Successfully delivered 👀

Alisher Sadullaev dan repost
⚡️Bugungi Prezidentimiz bilan bo'lib o'tgan uchrashuvdan qisqacha taasurotlar!

Bu xabarni har bir yosh eshitishi kerak! Marrani baland olib, oldinga harakatlanishdan to'xtamang aziz yoshlar 🇺🇿

Bugundan yangi tarix boshlandi


The day is coming! Stay tuned

Digital Olmazor TechnoCamp dan repost
🚀 Bugun, erta tongdan TechnoCamp loyihasi o’quvchilari “Avstraliya kosmik agentligi” tomonidan tashkil etilgan online workshopda ishtirok etishdi!

🛰️ Ushbu workshopda o’quvchilar yer yuzasi hamda ochiq koinotdagi haroratni kosmik sun’iy yo’ldoshlar qanday o’lchasi haqida bilib olishdi!

🤝 Ushbu workshopni tashkil qilishda “Avstraliya kosmik agentligi”ga o’z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz!

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Coming soon...
March 2025
Our first research paper

Bugun bir loyihaga hujjatlarimni yubordim ko’ramiz qani bular ishonisharmikin?

07.02.2025 start 🛰️

Edu Grands dan repost
⚡️EduCast podkastimizning oltinchi soni TEKNOFEST musobaqasining g'olibi Akbarshoh Qosimov bilan bo'lib o'tdi.

Akbarshoh o'zining tajribalari bilan bo'lishgan holda, musobaqa haqida foydalanuvchilarimizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob berdilar.

📌 Qatnasha olmaganlar ko'nglingizni tushirmang. Biz siz uchun podkastmizning yozib olingan shaklini YouTube sahifamizga joyladik. Ko'ring, foydali bo'lsa do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing

🔗 Quyidagi havola orqali tomosha qiling:


Bugun mehr nimaligini hozir guvohi bo’lmoqdaman. Baribir bir insonga bir inson, uni mehri kerak bo’ladi ekan

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.