Band: ♻️
The pictures show how smoked fish are produced. Overall, there are three main stages involved in this process, starting with collecting fish and this is followed by preparing them. After this, these smoked fish are frozen, before the ready product is prepared to deliver for selling in fish store.
Before smoked fish are made, fish go through a number of steps. Initially, fish are caught after which they are taken to port. Once there, the fish are frozen then they are thawed. After being thawed, the fish are washed in fresh water, in order to remove any dirt or impurities. Once fish have been cut open, they are put in salt water and get yellow color. Afterwards, they undergo the smoking process.
The next stage of process begins after being smoked. The prepared fish are packed into boxes after which they are stored to freeze once again. Once they are frozen at 0 Celsius degree and then it is placed in cold store. After these steps, it is ready to deliver and distribute to sell in fish store.
Band: ♻️