Guzarian English 🇺🇸

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Prediction Score
  •   6.0
  •   6.5
  •   7.0
  •   7.5
5 голосов

The pictures show how smoked fish are produced. Overall, there are three main stages involved in this process, starting with collecting fish and this is followed by preparing them. After this, these smoked fish are frozen, before the ready product is prepared to deliver for selling in fish store.
Before smoked fish are made, fish go through a number of steps. Initially, fish are caught after which they are taken to port. Once there, the fish are frozen then they are thawed. After being thawed, the fish are washed in fresh water, in order to remove any dirt or impurities. Once fish have been cut open, they are put in salt water and get yellow color. Afterwards, they undergo the smoking process.
The next stage of process begins after being smoked. The prepared fish are packed into boxes after which they are stored to freeze once again. Once they are frozen at 0 Celsius degree and then it is placed in cold store. After these steps, it is ready to deliver and distribute to sell in fish store.

Band: ♻️

Репост из: AI | DigiTech
⚡️Film va videolarni real vaqtda tarjima qiladigan neyrotarmoq chiqdi — uning yordamida kontentlarni deyarli barcha tillarda ko’rish mumkin:

• U YouTube, yuklab olingan fayllar, filmlar, audiokitoblar va MP3 bilan ishlaydi.
• 100 dan ortiq tilni qo’llab-quvvatlaydi.
• Tayyor subtitrlarni ham 34 tilga tarjima qiladi.
• Agar siz lug’atni o’rganayotgan bo’lsangiz, Word Search'dan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
• Neyrotarmoq bir vaqtning o’zida asl nutq va tarjima subtitrlarini ko’rsatadi. Asosiysi undan foydalanish bepul.

👉 Sinab ko’rish uchun havola.

📟 DigiTech

As I expected🫤🫣

Episode 1 is ended

Episode 2 is coming soon 🔜

Prediction Score
  •   6.0
  •   6.5
  •   7.0
  •   7.5
21 голосов

Many high schools have allowed their students to make comments or even criticism of their teachers.
Is this a positive or negative development?

Sample by me:
Students of high school have allowed to criticize and pass judgement of their teachers. I view this trend as a harmful development.

This trend, however, has some positives. One potential benefit is that making a criticism, when given constructively, can help teachers improve in teaching field and it encourages open communication between students and teachers as well. It allows teachers to understand students more and their needs during study, leading to better teacher-student relationships. Constructive feedback has high possibilities to help new teachers to be better and gain more experience, also it can lead to be more creative that helps students learn easily. With getting such feedback allows teachers to identify areas to improve and work on it properly.

Despite this, I still think being evaluated and criticized by students may give a rise to disrespect the teachers. Disrespect toward teachers can lead to lack of discipline in education, create negative environment, and decrease teaching effectiveness. Constantly, not having respect and mocking the teachers without any consequences certainly lead to lose discipline and break another rules of school consecutively. Also, it might widely spread misbehavior through other schools with making it a trend. Without discipline, students’ academic performance will lower and it leads to negative environment which interrupts the lesson. For instance, while having disturbs during the lesson cause to lose concentration of the teacher and that leads to another problem which is diminishing teaching efficiency. In the absence of proper instructions, there is always poor academic achievements.

In conclusion, while having supportive critique provide to be more experienced teacher, it can lead to erode honor for teacher and having unsatisfactory academic performances. For these reasons, I consider this development to be harmful one.

YouTube Technology va Self-development uchun videolar olib chiqarmoqchiman? Qaysi tilda bo'lsin?
  •   Ingliz tilida 🇺🇸
  •   O'zbek tilida 🇺🇿
9 голосов

So much regrets

I woke up at around 7 a.m., did some personal stuff
Studied around 1.30 hours, contacted with my lazy students' parents, talked with them about their children's education and results
Watched an anime around 30 minutes (SUZUME)
Then, I went to the work.
After work, we had a group meeting with colleagues, then (after meeting) I wasted my evening😑

Kecha royxatdan otgandim🥲

Репост из: AI | DigiTech
⚡️DeepSeek xakerlar hujumiga uchradi — chatbot bilan barcha yozishmalaringiz, maxfiy kalitlar va boshqa ichki ma’lumotlar tarmoqqa sizib chiqdi.

Wiz Research tadqiqotchilari ma’lumotlar bazasini tarmoqda topishdi, u hech qanday parol bilan himoyalanmagan.

Chatbot bir necha kundan beri xakerlar hujumiga uchrab kelmoqda, ehtimol ma’lumotlar bazasi tarmoqqa shu tarzda tarqalgan. DeepSeek jamoasi muammodan xabardor, lekin vaziyatga hechqanday izoh berishmadi.

📟 DigiTech

it feels different if you work and study as you want and keep yourself busy❤️‍🔥

Assalomu alaykum how's it going guys?

How's life?
I know, I'm not running this channel, I have a lot on my plate and trying to balance everything but it is hard to keep it up.

Study, work + wasting time = this is my day cycle
Trying hard to stop wasting and doom scrolling through the day

let's do challenge, I will give report of my day in this channel, if you want, you can do it in the comment, I'll read for sure and share it in this channel

Assalomu alaykum
Hamma dunyodagi eng arzon AI haqida eshitgandir ya'ni DEEPSEEK haqida.
ChatGPTga hozirgacha $6 billion ketgan ekan, yangi chiqqan AI Deep Seekga esa $6 milliondan kam.
Va hozir men sinab kordim bir ikkita promptlarini, ChatGPT pullik versiyasida qiladigan ishni Deep Seek ham qilib berdi, eng qizigi GPT bitta qibergandi, Deep Seek esa birdaniga bir nechta qiberdi.

Lekin, Deep Seekda hozir Image Generation yo'q ekan:(

Siz ham sinab ko'ring 👇

Luck or Hard Work @guzarian.pdf

📰Article about "Luck and Hard Work"

✔️Reading articles, analyzing it then learning new words by heart helps you to boost your Reading Comprehension

What about the millions of people who received similar levels of education, grew up in similar neighborhoods, or were born with similar levels of genetic talent? These people aren’t achieving the same results. The more local the comparison becomes, the more success is determined by hard work. When you compare yourself to those who have experienced similar levels of luck, the difference is in your habits and choices.

Follow for more 👉 @Guzarian

What about the millions of people who received similar levels of education, grew up in similar neighborhoods, or were born with similar levels of genetic talent? These people aren’t achieving the same results. The more local the comparison becomes, the more success is determined by hard work. When you compare yourself to those who have experienced similar levels of luck, the difference is in your habits and choices.

It means a lot. 📌

Do you wanna read this article?

Yes - fireeeeee 🔥

A year ago, I took a personality type test and I did it againg today

Here is the result

The future of travel @guzarian.pdf

📰Article about Travel

✔️Reading articles, analyzing it then learning new words by heart helps you to boost your Reading Comprehension

✨With VR, travelers can experience a destination without ever leaving their homes..

Follow for more 👉 @Guzarian

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