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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Kanal maqsadi Ilm berish!

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Harry Potter movies 🍿🎥

Dua can open endless doors

Ana endi bundan foydalanish vaqti kesa boʻldi😄

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One of my favorite person!!!

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Ha bu meni ham har kuni bir rakat boʻlsa ham Tahajjud namozi oʻqishga undamoqda🙂

Sen uchun koʻlmakni ham bosib oʻtolmagan odam uchun, 🔋
Okeanlarni bosib oʻtishga urinmang.🪫
Fyodor Dostoevskiy 🕯️

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Remremind yourself, Ramadan is coming, it's a best feelings

Репост из: Mood Swings
Dreams prayers come true.

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📹 Хали хаёт олдинда "Хеч қачон махзун бўлма"°Абдуллох Домла 2022°Abdulloh Domla 2022°Imnuri

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📹 Oogway | The Choice (Kung Fu Panda)

Ramadan is coming✨

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Nasib Hudo Hohlasa biz ham niyat qilib qoʻydik❤️

"Erkinlik- bu masʼuliyatdir, masʼuliyatdan qochish esa erkinlikni yoʻqotishdir"
Fyodor Dostoyevskiy

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Only Dostoyevsky

Репост из: Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS
Some people think that art is an essential subject for school children while others think it is a waste of time.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

While some people emphasize the significance of art lesson in schools, others think that students should focus on other more important subjects. I agree with the former view.

One reason why art lessons are regarded as a waste of time is they are not directly linked to career opportunities. Critics arguethat instead of studying arts, students should concentrate on subjects like science, math, and technology, which are high in demand in today’s job market. These subjects usually offer better financial stability and career growth. Another argument is that generally very few children have artistic interests and talents. Mandatory art classes may not appeal to the majority, leading to a lack of engagement and wasted classroom time. Therefore, it is considered important to prioritize the collective interests of students.

In my opinion, however, art should remain an integral part of school curriculum. First and foremost, engaging in art activities allows students to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in ways that other subjects may not. This fosters creativity, which is a valuable skill not only in artistic world but also in problem-solving across various fields. Studying and participating in art can also boost students’ mental wellbeing. Engaging in painting, drawing, and music can reduce stress and anxiety which students experience in school due to exams and deadlines.

In conclusion, art lessons offer limited career opportunities and are not liked by every student equally but such lessons develop students’ creativity and can help deal with stress. Therefore, the argument that art lessons are a waste of time is unjustifiable.

257 words.
Band 7.5


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