IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev 4-yillik tajribaga IELTS INSTRUCTOR
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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🥇Master 20 complex structures for S and W
🥈Activate collocations, topic-based vocab, phrasal verbs
🥉Analyse daily articles and videos


3.6k 4 12 192 502


The modern world + trend + where

In a world characterized by technological advancements and internet resources, it has become increasingly common for individuals to conduct financial transactions through virtual means, particularly in urban areas. While this trend poses serious risks to personal security, I believe that it brings much greater benefits in terms of convenience and environmental sustainability.



No matter who you are, where you are, what you are going through, there is always the best move on the chess board. Do not care about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future, make the best move in the position and move on.

For example, you might have a hard time making a choice between studying abroad and entering a local university. You already know what is best for you: make the best possible decision and try your best to execute your plans. As long as you are on the right path and doing your best, do not give a fuck about what others think, say, or do!


5.1k 0 50 33 188

Birinchi kundan tirik chiqdikmi-ye😁

Bugun 3 soat uxlaganidim, ancha qiynaldim. Endi yetmish soatlar uxlasam kerak.


6.4k 0 2 29 192


💯At this point, nobody can stop my students from crushing the test!


7.5k 4 10 23 135

Bugun offline bilan Writing marathonni yondiramizmi😁


5.6k 0 1 29 156

The difference between 7.0 and 8.0!

There are several benefits to walking. First and foremost, it improves physical health. Mainly because, walkers burn sufficient calories, strengthen their muscles, and enhance their immune systems. As a result, they can maintain a healthy weight and stay away from chronic diseases like obesity. Consequently, their physical fitness and overall quality of life get better.

🥇Coherence and cohesion:

Referencing ✅ [ it, this, their, they ]
A central topic ✅ [ The impact of walking on physical health ]
Paraphrasing ✅ [ walking and walkers ]
Logical sequencing ✅ [ logical flow of ideas ]
Cohesive devices ❌ [ Overuse of linkers like "first", "mainly because", "as a result", and "consequently" ]

🥈Grammar range and accuracy:

No errors in punctuation and grammar ✅
A wide range of structures ❌ [ only simple sentence forms ]
Flexibility ❌ [ only basic use of common structures ]

There are several benefits to walking. When people integrate daily walks into their schedules, they can not only burn sufficient calories and strengthen their muscles but also boost their immune systems and cardiovascular health. Such improvements can ultimately mitigate the risk of chronic health conditions like obesity, enhancing physical fitness and overall quality of life in the process. In a world dominated by sedentary lifestyles due to technological advances and busy lifestyles, walking can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight and staying in shape.

🥇Coherence and cohesion:

Referencing ✅ [ they, their, such ]
Paraphrasing ✅ [ walking, daily walks, improve, improvements ]
Cohesive devices ✅ [ linkers do not attract attention ]
A central topic ✅ [ the impact of walking on physical health ]
Logical sequencing ✅ [ smooth flow of ideas ]

🥈Grammar range and accuracy:

No errors in punctuation and grammar ✅
A wide range of structures ✅ [ simple, complex, and uncommon ]
Flexibility ✅ [ The use of "In a world dominated by" ]


8.1k 5 118 24 71

Do you want to see the difference between 7.0 | 7.5 and 8.0 | 8.5 in IELTS Writing?


5.3k 0 3 35 286

I have very big plans for 2025!


5.8k 0 4 11 173

🥇Writing marathon uchun hammaga link yuborildi.

🥈Kimdir to'lov qilgan bo'la turib link olmagan bo'lsa yozsin, tashlab qoyamiz link.


✔️Life is like a video game!

🤔How I manage to work hard without getting stressed out.


7.4k 4 57 13 116

Ayrimlar meni kurslarimda faqat structure urgatiladi degan emish!

🥇Men natijaga kafolat beradigan yagona o'qituvchiman. Agar men o'tadigan darslar zarracha bo'lsa ham foydasiz bo'lganda kafolat berolmasdim.

🥈Writing kursimda ham Speaking kursimda ham har qanday kursdagidan ko'proq vocabulary urganasiz.

🥉Writing kursimda ham Speaking kursimda ham har qanday kursdagidan ko'proq idea urganasiz.

🏅Writing kursimda ham Speaking kursimda ham har qanday kursdagidan ko'proq grammar urganasiz.

✅ Agar IELTS muloqot qilish qobiliyatini baholasa, va muloqot qilish qobiliyati sizni qancha so'zdan, structuredan, va ideadan foydalana olishingizni bildirsa demak meni kurslarimda keraksiz narsa yo'q. Shuning uchun ham har bir kursimda allaqachon IELTS dan 7.0 7.5 8.0 olib bo'lganlar ham to'xtovsiz qatnashib kelyapdi, demak nimanidir tug'ri urgatyapman.


7.6k 4 5 33 164

To'lov qilganlar ertaga qoshamiz deyildi. Men to'lov qilganman nega javob bermayapdi deysizmi haliyam? Tik-Tok miyyalar meni tushunmay qomasin deb haliyam uzbek tilida yozaman.


6k 0 5 88 189

Zahar ichgan bo'larmidingiz?


6.9k 1 63 21 127

‼️Writing Marathon uchun qabul tugadi‼️

✅To'lov qilganlar ertaga sizlar uchun guruh linki tashlanadi. 200 kishi qabul qilindi. Bundan keyingi Writing kurslar 400 mingdan Noyabrni o'rtasida ochiladi!


8.5k 4 15 21 63

Vocab and ideas in IELTS Writing and Speaking


8.8k 4 82 58 98

Do you want tests like this to boost your vocab and idea generation?


Which sentence is wrong and why?
  •   Extraverts find it easy to strike up conversations and break the ice.
  •   Extraverts find it easy to make friends and forge relationships.
  •   Extraverts bottle up their emotions and withdraw from social gatherings.
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