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Ramazon muborak bo’lsin

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The graph illustrates the average carbon dioxide emissions per person in four countries over the period between 1967 and 2007

Overall, The emissions of CO2 saw a decreasing trend in the United Kingdom and Sweden, while the reverse was true for Italy and Portugal. The United Kingdom consistently had the highest emissions throughout the period, whereas Portugal started with the lowest levels and demonstrated steady growth over the years.

At the start of the period, the average CO2 emissions per person in the United Kingdom were the highest at 11 metric tonnes, followed by Sweden at 9 metric tonnes. Over the next decade, Sweden's emissions caught up with those of the United Kingdom, From 1977 to 2007, both countries saw a significant decline in emissions, with United Kingdom's emissions falling to around 9 metric tonnes and Sweden's to about 5 metric tonnes by 2007.

In contrast, Italy and Portugal saw a significant growth in CO2 emissions per person from 1967 to 1997. Italy's emissions rose from 4 metric tonnes in 1967 to 7 metric tonnes by 1997, while Portugal's emissions increased from 1 metric tonne to 5 metric tonnes over the same period. Both countries saw their emissions stabilize from 1997 to 2007.

In summary, while the United Kingdom and Sweden experienced declines in average CO2 emissions per person, Italy and Portugal saw increases, with their emissions surpassing Sweden's by the end of the period.

Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
“Daromadim ikki marta ko‘paysa, yetadi” — deymiz.

“Pul yigʻishni boshlayman” — deymiz.


Daromad ko‘paysa, yig‘ish ko‘paymaydi. Xarajat ko‘payadi.

Avval e’tibor berilmagan matohlar – “muhim” boʻlib qoladi.

Biz ham “odamlardek” yashaylik endi: ichkaridan ovoz keladi.

Housel aytganidek: “Pul yigʻa olish moliya emas, psixologiya”.

Xohishlarini boshqara olgan — pullarini boshqara oladi.

Репост из: RealConsulting
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🤗Orzu qilishda ehtiyot bo’ling sababi ular amalga oshish hususiyatiga ega. Videodagi shunqorlarni Amerika orzusini RealConsulting ko’magida amalga oshirdik ;)

📍Times Square ehtiroslarni jumbushga keltiradigan joy🥹

xayolingizga siqqan xar qanday narsaga xayotingizda xam erishish imkoniyatingiz bor.

Bo’lmasa, u sizning xayolingizga sig’magan bo’lardi. Buyuk olim Albert Eynshteyn aytganidek,

«Inson tasavvuriga siqqan xamma narsaga yetishishi mumkin»

Anchadan beri men o’qimoqchi bo’lga kitob va nixoyat topdim 📚📖


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