🤔Sizni tajribali IT-loyiha menejeri, sertifikatlangan Scrum Master, Gruziyadagi Agile Schoolning asoschisi va bosh direktori Aleks Gijashvili tomonidan "Agile nima va nima uchun Agile eng mashhur yondashuv hisoblanadi?" mavzusidagi mehmon ma’ruzasiga taklif etamiz.
Tadbir davomida Agile va Scrum yondashuvlarining afzalliklari, zamonaviy IT boshqaruv tendensiyalari va samaradorlikka erishish yo‘llari haqida batafsil ma‘lumot beriladi. Bu siz uchun o‘z sohangizda yangi bilimlar va amaliy ko‘nikmalarni egallash uchun noyob imkoniyatdir!
🗓Sana: 14-fevral, soat 15:00
📍Joyi: TTPU, Yellow Hall
🤔We invite you to a guest lecture by experienced IT project manager, certified Scrum Master, founder and CEO of Agile School in Georgia, Alex Gijashvili, on the topic: "What is Agile and why is Agile considered the most popular approach?"
During the event, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits of Agile and Scrum, modern trends in IT management, and strategies to achieve efficiency in project execution. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and practical skills in the field.
🗓Date: February 14, 3:00 PM
📍Venue: TTPU, Yellow Hall
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🤔Sizni tajribali IT-loyiha menejeri, sertifikatlangan Scrum Master, Gruziyadagi Agile Schoolning asoschisi va bosh direktori Aleks Gijashvili tomonidan "Agile nima va nima uchun Agile eng mashhur yondashuv hisoblanadi?" mavzusidagi mehmon ma’ruzasiga taklif etamiz.
Tadbir davomida Agile va Scrum yondashuvlarining afzalliklari, zamonaviy IT boshqaruv tendensiyalari va samaradorlikka erishish yo‘llari haqida batafsil ma‘lumot beriladi. Bu siz uchun o‘z sohangizda yangi bilimlar va amaliy ko‘nikmalarni egallash uchun noyob imkoniyatdir!
🗓Sana: 14-fevral, soat 15:00
📍Joyi: TTPU, Yellow Hall
🤔We invite you to a guest lecture by experienced IT project manager, certified Scrum Master, founder and CEO of Agile School in Georgia, Alex Gijashvili, on the topic: "What is Agile and why is Agile considered the most popular approach?"
During the event, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits of Agile and Scrum, modern trends in IT management, and strategies to achieve efficiency in project execution. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and practical skills in the field.
🗓Date: February 14, 3:00 PM
📍Venue: TTPU, Yellow Hall
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