🔺 Bugun 4-mart kuni O’zbekiston metallurgiya va mashinasozlik sanoati tarmoqlari xodimlari kasaba uyushmasi Toshkent shahar hududiy kengashi bilan hamkorlikda
8-mart Xalqaro xotin-qizlar bayrami munosabati bilan
"Ayol - ilhom, go‘zallik va mehr tilmsoli" mavzusidagi bayram tadbiri o'tkazildi.
🔻 Tadbirni TTPU Yoshlar bilan ishlash bo‘yicha birinchi prorektori
A.Ashurov hamda O‘zbekiston metallurgiya va mashinasozlik sanoati tarmoqlari xodimlari kasaba uyushmasi respublika kengashi raisi o’rinbosari
Sh.Isroilovlar ochib, barcha ayollarni bayram bilan tabrikladilar. So‘ngra 50 nafardan ziyod metallurgiya va mashinasozlik sanoati tarmoqlari kasaba uyushmalari raislariga, bir qancha
TTPU xodimalari hamda iqtidorli, reyting ko‘rsatgichi yuqori bo'lgan talaba qizlarga bayram sovg‘asi taqdim etildi.
🔸Shuningdek, tadbir davomida Universitet
Musiqa klubi rahbari
B.Norboyev, klub a'zolari
U.Mavlonov va
A.Abdumanovlar tomonidan ijro etilgan qo‘shiqlar bayram tadbiriga o‘zgacha shukuh bag‘ishladi.
🔺Today, on March 4, a festive event titled
"Woman - a symbol of inspiration, beauty and kindness" was held in the conference hall of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in collaboration with the Tashkent City Territorial Council of the Trade Union of Workers of Uzbekistan's Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Industry on the occasion of
International Women's Day on March 8.🔻 The event was opened with congratulatory speeches by
A.Ashurov, the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs at TTPU and
Sh.Isroilov, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Council of the Trade Union of Workers of Uzbekistan's Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Industry, who extended their best wishes to all women. Following this, holiday gifts were presented to more than 50 trade union leaders from the metallurgy and mechanical engineering sectors, several female staff members of TTPU, as well as talented female students with high academic ratings.
🔸Additionally, performances by
B.Norboyev, Head of the TTPU Music Club, and club members
U.Mavlonov and
A.Abdumanov added a special festive atmosphere to the event with their musical renditions.
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