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🔺TTPU talabalari uchun Samarqandga sayohat tashkil etildi
Joriy yilning 8-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti tyutori B.Norboyev boshchiligida universitetning jamoat ishlarida faol boʻlgan hamda yuqori oʻzlashtirish koʻrsatkichiga ega bir guruh talabalari uchun ichki turizmni rivojlantirish va talabalarning bo‘sh vaqtlarini mazmunli o‘tkazish maqsadida ko‘hna Samarqand shahriga sayohat tashkil etildi.
🔻Sayohat Amir Temur (Goʻri Amir) maqbarasini ziyorat qilishdan boshlandi. Talabalar maqbaraning nafis arxitekturasi va Temuriylar sulolasi tarixidagi ahamiyati haqida ma’lumot olishdi. Keyingi manzil Registon majmuasi bo‘lib, uning Markaziy Osiyo ilm-fan va madaniyat markazidagi tarixiy o‘rni bilan tanishildi. Talabalar Bibixonim maqbarasiga tashrif davomida Amir Temurning rafiqasiga bo‘lgan hurmati va mehrining ramzi sifatida yaratilgan ushbu obida haqida oʻzlarining bilimlarini boyitishdi.
🔺A trip to Samarkand was organized for TTPU students
On February 8 of this year, a trip to the ancient city of Samarkand was organized under the leadership of TTPU tutor B. Norboyev. The purpose of the trip was to promote domestic tourism and provide meaningful leisure activities for a group of students who are active in university community initiatives and demonstrate excellent academic performance.
🔻The trip began with a visit to the Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum. The students learned about the exquisite architecture of the mausoleum and its significance in the history of the Timurid dynasty. The next destination was the Registan complex, where they explored its historical importance as a center of science and culture in Central Asia. During their visit to the Bibi-Khanym Mausoleum, the students enriched their knowledge about this monument, which symbolizes Amir Temur's respect and love for his wife.
🔺TTPU talabalari uchun Samarqandga sayohat tashkil etildi
Joriy yilning 8-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti tyutori B.Norboyev boshchiligida universitetning jamoat ishlarida faol boʻlgan hamda yuqori oʻzlashtirish koʻrsatkichiga ega bir guruh talabalari uchun ichki turizmni rivojlantirish va talabalarning bo‘sh vaqtlarini mazmunli o‘tkazish maqsadida ko‘hna Samarqand shahriga sayohat tashkil etildi.
🔻Sayohat Amir Temur (Goʻri Amir) maqbarasini ziyorat qilishdan boshlandi. Talabalar maqbaraning nafis arxitekturasi va Temuriylar sulolasi tarixidagi ahamiyati haqida ma’lumot olishdi. Keyingi manzil Registon majmuasi bo‘lib, uning Markaziy Osiyo ilm-fan va madaniyat markazidagi tarixiy o‘rni bilan tanishildi. Talabalar Bibixonim maqbarasiga tashrif davomida Amir Temurning rafiqasiga bo‘lgan hurmati va mehrining ramzi sifatida yaratilgan ushbu obida haqida oʻzlarining bilimlarini boyitishdi.
So'ngra, talabalar Islom Karimov maqbarasini ziyorat qilib, zamonaviy tarixga oid ma’lumotlarga ega bo‘lishdi. Shohi Zinda majmuasidagi noyob naqshlar va yozuvlarning tarixiy ahamiyatini o‘rganildi. Sayohat Mirzo Ulug‘bek rasadxonasiga tashrif bilan yakunlanib, talabalar buyuk olimning astronomiyaga qo‘shgan hissasi va ilmiy kashfiyotlari haqida qiziqarli ma’lumotga ega bo‘lishdi.
🔺A trip to Samarkand was organized for TTPU students
On February 8 of this year, a trip to the ancient city of Samarkand was organized under the leadership of TTPU tutor B. Norboyev. The purpose of the trip was to promote domestic tourism and provide meaningful leisure activities for a group of students who are active in university community initiatives and demonstrate excellent academic performance.
🔻The trip began with a visit to the Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum. The students learned about the exquisite architecture of the mausoleum and its significance in the history of the Timurid dynasty. The next destination was the Registan complex, where they explored its historical importance as a center of science and culture in Central Asia. During their visit to the Bibi-Khanym Mausoleum, the students enriched their knowledge about this monument, which symbolizes Amir Temur's respect and love for his wife.
Later, the students visited the mausoleum of Islam Karimov and gained insights into modern history. At the Shah-i-Zinda complex, they studied the historical significance of its unique patterns and inscriptions. The trip concluded with a visit to Mirzo Ulugbek Observatory, where the students learned fascinating details about the great scholar's contributions to astronomy and his scientific discoveries.