▶️Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti “Mashinasozlik texnologiyasi va aviakosmik muhandisligi” kafedrasi o'qituvchisi va doktoranti Abdivakhidova Nodira "Dunyo bo'ylab" telekanali "Поколение Next" ko'rsatuvi nigohida.⬇️
▶️Nodira Abdivakhidova, teacher and PhD student of the "Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aerospace Engineering" department at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is in the spotlight of the "Поколение NEXT" program on the "Dunyo bo'ylab" TV channel.⬇️
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▶️Nodira Abdivakhidova, teacher and PhD student of the "Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aerospace Engineering" department at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is in the spotlight of the "Поколение NEXT" program on the "Dunyo bo'ylab" TV channel.⬇️
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