Yettita davlat banki ishtirokida $40 mlnlik venchur fond tashkil etildi
Yettita davlat banki tomonidan tashkil etilgan "United Ventures" qo‘shma investitsiya fondi istiqbolli startap loyihalarni moliyaviy qo‘llab-quvvatlash va ekotizimni rivojlantirish maqsadini ko‘zlamoqda.
Seven state banks launch $40 million venture fund
The United Ventures joint investment fund, established by seven state banks, aims to provide financial support to promising startup projects and develop the ecosystem.
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Yettita davlat banki tomonidan tashkil etilgan "United Ventures" qo‘shma investitsiya fondi istiqbolli startap loyihalarni moliyaviy qo‘llab-quvvatlash va ekotizimni rivojlantirish maqsadini ko‘zlamoqda.
Seven state banks launch $40 million venture fund
The United Ventures joint investment fund, established by seven state banks, aims to provide financial support to promising startup projects and develop the ecosystem.
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