bolalikka qaytib | back to bolalik
oxirgi haftada 3-4 marta Zominga borib-keldim. poyezd meni xuddi hozirimdan oʻtmishimga olib borib, qaytarib olib kelayotgandek tuyuldi.
tugʻilib-oʻsgan makonimning fasadi oʻzgarib ketgan boʻlsa-da, uning bagʻridan bolaligim mozaikasi, naqshlari parchalarini topsa boʻladi…
u odamlarda, yopilgan va yopilmagan eshiklar ortida,
u maktabdagi qoʻngʻiroq chalinishi, ismingni haliyam unutmagan bufetchi xolaning xotiralarida, hamon oʻzgarmagan buxanka novvoyxonasi hidida…
during the past week, I traveled to Zomin three or four times. the train felt like it was carrying me from my present back into my past and then bringing me back again.
though the façade of my childhood home has changed, I can still find fragments of its mosaic, pieces of its patterns, hidden within…
in the people, behind closed and open doors,
in the ringing of the school bell, in the memories of the cafeteria lady who still remembers my name,
in the scent of the bakery where the loaves still smell the same.
hamma suratlar shu yerda
oxirgi haftada 3-4 marta Zominga borib-keldim. poyezd meni xuddi hozirimdan oʻtmishimga olib borib, qaytarib olib kelayotgandek tuyuldi.
tugʻilib-oʻsgan makonimning fasadi oʻzgarib ketgan boʻlsa-da, uning bagʻridan bolaligim mozaikasi, naqshlari parchalarini topsa boʻladi…
u odamlarda, yopilgan va yopilmagan eshiklar ortida,
u maktabdagi qoʻngʻiroq chalinishi, ismingni haliyam unutmagan bufetchi xolaning xotiralarida, hamon oʻzgarmagan buxanka novvoyxonasi hidida…
during the past week, I traveled to Zomin three or four times. the train felt like it was carrying me from my present back into my past and then bringing me back again.
though the façade of my childhood home has changed, I can still find fragments of its mosaic, pieces of its patterns, hidden within…
in the people, behind closed and open doors,
in the ringing of the school bell, in the memories of the cafeteria lady who still remembers my name,
in the scent of the bakery where the loaves still smell the same.
hamma suratlar shu yerda