📖Dars #139 So'roq olmoshlarining qo'llanishi
✳️ Soʻroq olmoshlari ingliz tilida asosan soʻroq gaplarni hosil qilishda ishlatiladi. Quyida eng koʻp ishlatiladigan soʻroq olmoshlari keltirib oʻtiladi.
✅ what - nima?
✅ who - kim?
✅ which - qaysi?
✅ when - qachon?
✅ where - qayerga/da?
✅ why - nimaga?
✅ how - qanday?
✅ whose - kimning? kimniki?
🔸What do you want?
🔸Who is the least popular man around here?
🔸Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis?
🔸When are you going home?
🔸Where are we going?
🔸Why hasn't he brought the book?
🔸How do you manage to keep the place so tidy?
🔸Whose is this? It’s Mick's.
✳️ what soʻroq olmoshi otlardan oldin kelganda qanday deb tarjima qilinadi.
🔸What colour is your car? (Mashinangiz qanday rangda)
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
✳️ Soʻroq olmoshlari ingliz tilida asosan soʻroq gaplarni hosil qilishda ishlatiladi. Quyida eng koʻp ishlatiladigan soʻroq olmoshlari keltirib oʻtiladi.
✅ what - nima?
✅ who - kim?
✅ which - qaysi?
✅ when - qachon?
✅ where - qayerga/da?
✅ why - nimaga?
✅ how - qanday?
✅ whose - kimning? kimniki?
🔸What do you want?
🔸Who is the least popular man around here?
🔸Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis?
🔸When are you going home?
🔸Where are we going?
🔸Why hasn't he brought the book?
🔸How do you manage to keep the place so tidy?
🔸Whose is this? It’s Mick's.
✳️ what soʻroq olmoshi otlardan oldin kelganda qanday deb tarjima qilinadi.
🔸What colour is your car? (Mashinangiz qanday rangda)
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA