We are looking for the ideal to avoid our own vulnerability. It seems to us that the boundaries of an ideal life protect us from
- Deaths
- Loneliness
- Loss
- Fears
An ideal life in which there is no vulnerability is as empty as a deflated ball.
It is vulnerability that makes us alive, allows us to feel - I need a person, I need a dialogue, I need friendly hugs or I need love.
Only when a person recognizes his need for another person and in a relationship with him, the ability to see opportunities appears.
And in the perfect picture, where everything is in place and everything is as you wanted - there is no most important thing - living human communication. To be vulnerable means to be able to tell yourself and others - I am. I'm open. Here are my spiritual scars. They remained in the place of former wounds. Maybe someday I'll tell you about them. It was my scars that made me sensitive and that's why I can tell you - I'm vulnerable to my fears, vulnerable to uncertainty, vulnerable to despair. I'm vulnerable. But I'm alive. And I can tell you about it. And I want to hear about you. And about what you are like. What are you afraid of or avoiding.
This is not an ideal life.
This is a life that is really worth your efforts.
✍🏻Svetlana Kilaru
What feelings do you notice towards a vulnerable person? And in relation to yourself, when you are vulnerable? Write in the comments.
- Deaths
- Loneliness
- Loss
- Fears
An ideal life in which there is no vulnerability is as empty as a deflated ball.
It is vulnerability that makes us alive, allows us to feel - I need a person, I need a dialogue, I need friendly hugs or I need love.
Only when a person recognizes his need for another person and in a relationship with him, the ability to see opportunities appears.
And in the perfect picture, where everything is in place and everything is as you wanted - there is no most important thing - living human communication. To be vulnerable means to be able to tell yourself and others - I am. I'm open. Here are my spiritual scars. They remained in the place of former wounds. Maybe someday I'll tell you about them. It was my scars that made me sensitive and that's why I can tell you - I'm vulnerable to my fears, vulnerable to uncertainty, vulnerable to despair. I'm vulnerable. But I'm alive. And I can tell you about it. And I want to hear about you. And about what you are like. What are you afraid of or avoiding.
This is not an ideal life.
This is a life that is really worth your efforts.
✍🏻Svetlana Kilaru
What feelings do you notice towards a vulnerable person? And in relation to yourself, when you are vulnerable? Write in the comments.