Abbos’s path

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Hey, welcome to the family!
- International Student in Europe
- IELTS 8.0 |speaking 8|
- EducationUSA AC Alumnus
- Leader of @nextstopkarshi a successful tourism project with $1,500 grant from Uzbekistan Volunteers Association and 3M views on Google Maps

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

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the most powerful ruler in the east and the most feared in the west


Ingliz tilini endi boshlagan vaqtim IELTS dan 7.0 olaman deb yurardim. Ikki yil avval 2022-yilda 16 yoshimda 7.0 ballni olgandim.

Bugun IELTS 8.0 ni qo’lga kiritdim.
Feels super good!❤️‍🔥✅

1.1k 0 16 32 71

I am extremely proud that the U.S. Embassy has found Qarshi as a very vital city in the South of Uzbekistan!

When I was 13-14 years old I was heavily into Robotics. I participated in various national competitions. I secured third place in the national tournament back in 2019 and many more in regionals.

I wish I had such an opportunity back then. Youth of Qarshi, it is the best time to shine!!

Utilize every resource on your way to success.


Репост из: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
🤝 Today, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan Jonathan Henick and Air Products Vice President for Central Europe and Central Asia Vaclav Harant officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch the American Makerspace Qarshi.
The Makerspace, powered by Air Products' visionary investment, aligns with New Uzbekistan’s strategic goals to create knowledge-based economic opportunities, fostering innovation and creativity for a brighter future 😌
Find out more here.

Feels good!!

Especially when you spent an entire week on this particular assignment.🫡

Small steps shape big destinies. Whenever I start to overthink my goals, I shift my focus to drafting my plan of small, achievable steps leading to my goal. Many tend to neglect these small actions, but the only way to achieve something meaningful is through a constant rhythm of small actions.

Don’t overthink - start small.


Life is a continuous flow of time, that requires us to change. Humans ought to change and adapt to new environments, only then, they can feel life, and maybe if they are lucky enough, they may find peace that soothes their inner child, supports who they are now, and guides their future endeavors.


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After a month of fasting with Bulgarian «храна», finally O’zbek food!🫡🇺🇿

It feels like I am in Aroma

1k 0 1 12 32

Depressive istanbul

Sometimes you’ll have days where it feels like all you do is eat, sleep, and nothing special happens. On those days, wait for the massive challenge coming your way. This is just a suspicious calm before the storm.

Use this time to rest well and prepare yourself for the challenges ahead.


From the recent trip to Türkiye🇹🇷

Samalyotni oynasi juda kir ekan, boriga baraka.

This is the view from my room. It sometimes consoles me, when I have many assignments or midterms.

Nima gaplar odamlar? Yaxshimisila?

559 0 0 17 19

Mill - a philosopher who contributed significantly to ethics had an idea that higher pleasures those of the intellect, feelings, and imagination are more important than sensory pleasures. Sensory pleasures include things like eating, drinking, and other pleasures related to our body.

In many societies today, there is a much greater emphasis on sensory pleasures than on intellectual, emotional, and imaginative joy. To address this, Mill believes we must show people alternatives. We need to take them to museums, encourage them to read books, or have a meaningful conversation about one particular topic that helps to enrich their understanding of the topic it will help them to experience the joy of intellectual stimulation and show them that life is richer when filled with more meaningful pleasures rather than just sensational.

I find this particularly relatable in our society. People are often obsessed with sensory pleasures like buying expensive stuff or organizing lavish weddings. We need to show them that there is another side, intellectual pleasure, which can be experienced when you are passionate about something, and feel joy while exploring that field.

*Inspired by my Ethics course.



Увидев стих, просто захотелось поблагодарить Азамата Нормурадовича за прекрасные уроки литературы и русского языка.

желаниe купить фотокамеру после этого похода📈

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