U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Take a stroll with U.S. Ambassador Johnathan Henick through Yangiabad Bazaar - where you never know what hidden treasures you’ll find! 🎥


AQSh elchisi Jonatan Xenik bilan Yangiobod bozorida birga sayr qiling - bu yerda istalgan narsani topishingiz mumkin! 🎥


Погрузитесь в атмосферу базара Янгиабад с послом США Джонатаном Хеником — здесь можно найти всё, что угодно! 🎥

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⚠️To avoid immigrant visa processing delays, please make sure that the police certificate(s) you bring to your interview include all your previous names, including your maiden name if applicable.

Check our 👉 DV and IV webpages to see what documentation is required by our Consular Officers. Bringing all required documentation to your interview will help us process your visa quickly.

⚠️ Immigratsion viza jarayonida kechikishlarni oldini olish maqsadida, suhbat kuni, barcha avvalgi ism, familiya, otangizning ismi hamda qizlik familiyangiz (agar mavjud bo'lsa) ko'rsatilgan sudlanmaganlik haqida ma'lumotnoma(lar)ni olib kelganingizga ishonch hosil qiling.

Konsullik Ofitserlari tomonidan talab etiladigan hujjatlar haqida batafsil ma'lumot uchun 👉 DV va IV veb-sahifalarimizga o'tishingizni so'raymiz. Barcha kerakli hujjatlarni suhbat kuni taqdim etish, viza murojaatingizni ko'rib chiqish jarayonini tezlashtiradi!

⚠️ Во избежание задержек с оформлением иммиграционной визы, просим убедиться, что в справке о несудимости которую вы принесете на собеседование, указаны все ваши предыдущие фамилии, имена и отчества, включая девичью фамилию (при наличии таковой).

Просим ознакомиться с подробной информацией о документах, требуемых Консульскими Офицерами на наших 👉DV и IV веб-страницах. Предоставление всей необходимой документации в день собеседования поможет ускорить процесс оформления вашего заявления на визу!

🇺🇸Happy Presidents' Day!
Today, we honor the leaders that have shaped our nation and reflect on their contributions to a strong and prosperous America.

Репост из: Saida Mirziyoyeva
Bugun biz AQShning O‘zbekistondagi elchisi Jonatan Xenik bilan uchrashuv o‘tkazdik.

Suhbatda tez o‘zgarayotgan voqeliklarni inobatga olgan holda AQShning yangi ma’muriyati bilan o‘zaro manfaatli hamkorlikni rivojlantirish masalalarini muhokama qildik. Shuningdek, ayollar uchun imkoniyatlar yaratish, ta’lim sohasini yaxshilash hamda ikki tomonlama savdo-iqtisodiy aloqalarni mustahkamlash yuzasidan fikr almashdik.

Сегодня мы провели встречу с послом США в Узбекистане Джонатаном Хеником.

В ходе беседы обсудили развитие взаимовыгодного партнёрства с новой администрацией США с учётом быстро меняющихся реалий. Также обменялись мнениями о создании возможностей для женщин, улучшении сферы образования и укреплении двусторонних торгово-экономических отношений.

🇺🇸 Secretary of State Marco Rubio: "Marc Fogel is free! Marc was detained in Russia, and now after more than three years, he is on his way back home to reunite with his family. President of the United States is working to secure the release of all detained Americans in Russia and around the world."

🇺🇸 AQSh Davlat kotibi Marko Rubio: "Mark Fogel ozod bo‘ldi! Mark uch yil muqaddam Rossiyada qamoqqa olingan edi, endi esa u o'z oilasi bag'riga qaytish uchun vataniga yo'l oldi. AQSh Prezidenti Rossiya va dunyoning boshqa joylarida tutqinlikda saqlanayotgan barcha amerikaliklar ozod etilishiga erishish ustida ish olib bormoqda".

⚠️ At this time, the U.S. Embassy is not accepting transfer requests for immigrant visa cases for applicants who reside outside of Uzbekistan.

🇺🇸 U.S. Embassy Tashkent is able to accept only a limited number of transfer requests, mainly for medical emergency and other urgent reasons. Long wait time in other countries is not a sufficient justification for a transfer request.


⚠️ Hozirgi vaqtda AQSh Elchixonasi O'zbekiston hududidan tashqarida istiqomat qiluvchi murojaatchilardan, immigratsion ishni ko'chirish bo'yicha murojaatlarini qabul qilmaydi.

🇺🇸 Toshkentdagi AQSh Elchixonasi faqatgina cheklangan sonda immigratsion ishni ko'chirish murojaatlarini, asosan favqulodda tibbiy yoki boshqa shoshilinch holatlarni ko'rib chiqib, qabul qilish imkoniyatiga ega. Boshqa davlatlardagi uzoq kutish vaqti, immigratsion ishni ko'chirish uchun yetarli asos hisoblanmaydi.

⚠️ В настоящее время Посольство США не принимает запросы на перевод иммиграционного дела от заявителей, проживающих за пределами Узбекистана.

🇺🇸 Посольство США в Ташкенте может принять только ограниченное количество запросов на перевод иммиграционного дела, в основном по неотложным медицинским или другим срочным причинам. Длительное время ожидания в других странах не является достаточным основанием для отправки запроса на перевод дела.

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🤔 How well are you familiar with places named after Alisher Navoi?

✨ Join Ambassador Henick on a brief tour, where he will guide you through some of his favorite locations and share fascinating insights along the way.

🇺🇸 On January 20, 2025, Ambassador Jonathan Henick hosted an official reception at his residence for senior Government of Uzbekistan officials in honor of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.

The assembled guests joined millions around the world in witnessing this historic event and reflected on the strong and enduring partnership between our two countries.

🇺🇸🇺🇿We look forward to continuing our strategic partnership with Uzbekistan under the Trump Administration.

✨ Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an iconic American figure and a beacon of justice and hope.

Famous for his leadership of the U.S. civil rights movement, Dr. King offered a vision for what America could be at its best.

Today we proudly celebrate the life of Dr. King, whose fight for equality transformed America and continues to inspire the world.

#MLKDay #Equality #CivilRights

⚠️ Dear immigrant visa (IV/DV) applicants!

If you have a new spouse or a new child NOT included into your case, you will need to follow these steps 👈

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⚠️ Hurmatli immigratsion viza (IV/DV) murojaatchilari!

Agar immigratsion ishingizga yangi oila a'zosi (turmush o'rtoq yoki yangi farzand)ni kiritmagan bo'lsangiz, ushbu ko'rsatmalarga amal qilishingizni so'raymiz 👈

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⚠️ Уважаемые заявители на иммиграционную визу (IV/DV)!

В случае, если вы не добавили новых членов семьи ( супруг/супруга или новорожденный ребенок) в свое иммиграционное дело, следуйте нижеприведенным инструкциям 👈

🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the following positions in the Motorpool Section:


: January 23, 2025

👉 Click here to view vacancies and apply.

⚙️ Calling All Supply Chain Pros!

Elevate your expertise in SABIT 2025 Supply Chain for Eurasia Program and gain global insights in Washington, DC and at Promat 2025 in Chicago!

📆 Program Dates: March 14–29, 2025
👥 Who Can Apply: Mid-to-senior managers, entrepreneurs, association reps, government officials, academics.

Apply by January 20, 2025 (11:59 PM, DC time)
🔗 More Info

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⚙️ Вниманию специалистов по цепочкам поставок!

Расширьте свой опыт в программе SABIT 2025 «Цепочка поставок для Евразии», посетив Вашингтон и выставку Promat 2025 в Чикаго!

📆 Даты программы: 14–29 марта 2025
👥 Кто может подать заявку: Менеджеры среднего и высшего звена, предприниматели, представители ассоциаций, госслужащие, учёные.

Подайте заявку до 20 января 2025 года (23:59 по времени Вашингтона)
🔗 Подробнее

🇺🇸 In accordance with U.S. immigration law, certain non-immigrant visa applicants are eligible to renew their U.S. visa without having to attend an interview with a U.S. consular officer.

How to renew your U.S. visa?

🔸 Fill out the DS-160 application form;
🔸 Register, pay, and receive instructions on how to renew.

Need help? No option to renew your visa without an interview?

If the appointment system does not give you the option for a renewal without interview and you believe there was an error, please contact our help center about your case:

📧 Uzbekistan.Visas@gdit-gss.com 
🇺🇿 +998 71 2055769
🇺🇸 +1 703 249 4617

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🇺🇸 В соответствии с иммиграционным законодательством США, некоторые заявители на неиммиграционную визу могут продлить свою визу в США без прохождения собеседования с Консульским Офицером США.

Как подать заявление на обновление визы в США?

🔸 Заполните анкету DS-160;
🔸 Зарегистрируйтесь, оплатите визовый сбор и получите инструкции по обновлению визы;

Необходима помощь? Нет опции по продлению визы без собеседования?

В случае, если в системе записи не можете найти опцию для подачи заявления на обновление визы и думаете что произошла ошибка в системе, просим связаться с нашей службой поддержки:

📧 Uzbekistan.Visas@gdit-gss.com 
🇺🇿 +998 71 2055769
🇺🇸 +1 703 249 4617

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🇺🇸 AQShning immigratsion qonunchiligiga muvofiq, ayrim noimmigrasion vizaga murojaat etuvchilar o‘z vizalarini Konsullik Ofitseri bilan suhbatdan o‘tmasdan yangilashlari mumkin.

AQSh vizasini yangilash bo‘yicha murojaat etish:

🔸 DS-160 anketasini to'ldiring;
🔸 Bizning viza uchun suhbat belgilash xizmatimizdan foydalangan holda ro'yxatdan o'ting, to'lovni amalga oshiring va vizani yangilash bo'yicha ko'rsatmalarga ega bo'ling

Yordam kerakmi? Vizani yangilash bo‘yicha murojaat eta olmayapsizmi?

Agar tizimda vizani yangilash bo'yicha murojaat eta olmayotgan bo'lsangiz,murojaatchilarga yordam ko'rsatish markazimiz bilan bog'laning:

📧 Uzbekistan.Visas@gdit-gss.com 
🇺🇿 +998 71 2055769
🇺🇸 +1 703 249 4617

🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce a new round of the Self-Defense Camp for Women and Girls in Qarshi!

🥋 If you are a female interested in mastering techniques to defend yourself against physical threats, as well as maintaining good mental health and overall well-being, sign up for the new round! Classes are free of charge for all selected participants.

👉 Here’s more info.

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🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasi ayollar va qizlar uchun o’z-o'zini himoya qilish mashg'ulotlarining Qarshi shahrida yangi bosqichini mamnuniyat bilan e’lon qiladi.

🥋 Agar siz o'zingizni jismoniy tahdidlardan himoya qilish usullarini, shuningdek, ruhiy salomatlik va umumiy farovonligingizni oshirishni xohlasangiz, loyihamizning yangi raundiga yoziling!

👉 Batafsil ma’lumot.
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🇺🇸 Посольство США объявляет набор на новый раунд курсов самообороны для женщин и девочек в Карши.

🥋 Если вы хотите освоить комплекс приемов для самозащиты и улучшить свою физическую подготовку, а также позаботиться о своем психологическом здоровье, записывайтесь на новый раунд. Занятия будут проводиться бесплатно.

👉 Подробная информация по ссылке.

Ready to level up your leadership skills?

📝 Young leaders of Uzbekistan, apply today for the Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Academy (GLEA) — a three-week, fully funded exchange to the University of Connecticut! 💡

Through hands-on learning and service, you'll advance your leadership abilities and join a community of leaders dedicated to tackling global challenges. 🤝

Deadline: January 19th

🔗 Click the link to learn more and apply!

#UConn #UConnGlobal

🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy’s Consular Section will be closed to the public from January 27-31, 2025, to perform a necessary systems upgrade, and will only provide emergency services to U.S. citizens.

No visa services will be provided during this time. Those requiring non-emergency passport renewals, notarial services, or Consular Reports of Birth Abroad are encouraged to schedule appointments for these services prior to January 27.

To find out more about how to make an appointment at the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, and for information on how to contact us during an emergency, please visit our U.S. citizen services website.

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🎉 Happy New Year, Uzbekistan! We wish you prosperity, tranquility, and happiness in 2025. 🥳


🎉 Yangi yil muborak bo‘lsin, O‘zbekiston! 2025-yilda sizga farovonlik, xotirjamlik va baxt-saodat tilaymiz. 🥳


🎉 С Новым Годом, Узбекистан! Желаем вам процветания, спокойствия и счастья в 2025 году. 🥳

In Tribute: Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President

We remember President Jimmy Carter—peanut farmer, nuclear engineer, Navy veteran, diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and global humanitarian. Throughout his presidency (1977–1981) and beyond, he championed democracy, human rights, and compassion for the less fortunate. From the historic Camp David Accords to his tireless work at the Carter Center, Carter’s commitment to peace and public service shaped a remarkable legacy.

His unassuming leadership and lifelong dedication to helping others will continue to inspire people worldwide.

Показано 18 последних публикаций.