📕 Book 4 | Unit 1
📑 Word list
🟪 palate [pælɪt] n. — tanglay
⚜>> The palate is the top part of the mouth. >> The palate og'izning tepagi qismi.
— You can touch your palate with your tongue.
— Siz tanglayingizga tilingiz bilan tegishingiz mumkin.
🟪 paradise [pærədaɪs] n. — jannatmakon joy, jannat
⚜>> Paradise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect. >> Paradise narsalar mukammal bo'ladigan hursandchilik joyi yoki vaziyati.
— My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.
— Gavayidagi ta’tilim jannatda bo‘lgandek edi.
🟪 plantation [plænˈteɪʃən] n. — plantatsiya
⚜>> A plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops. >> A plantation faqat ma'lum turdagi o'simliklar o'sadigan katta ferma.
— In the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.
— 1800-yillarda janubiy AQShda ko'plab paxta plantatsiyalari bo'lgan.
🟪 rapid [ræpɪd] adj. — tez, jadal
⚜>> When something is rapid, it moves or changes very quickly. >> Agar biror narsa rapid bo'lsa, u juda tez harakatlanadi yoki o'zgaradi.
— His mother was surprised by her son’s rapid growth.
— Uning onasi o'g'lining tez o'sishidan hayratlandi.
🟪 rate [reɪt] n. — tezlik, sur'at
⚜>> A rate is the speed at which something happens. >> A rate biror narsa sodir bo'ladigan tezlik.
— Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.
— Maysa juda sekin sur'atda o'sishga moyil.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟪 palate [pælɪt] n. — tanglay
⚜>> The palate is the top part of the mouth. >> The palate og'izning tepagi qismi.
— You can touch your palate with your tongue.
— Siz tanglayingizga tilingiz bilan tegishingiz mumkin.
🟪 paradise [pærədaɪs] n. — jannatmakon joy, jannat
⚜>> Paradise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect. >> Paradise narsalar mukammal bo'ladigan hursandchilik joyi yoki vaziyati.
— My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.
— Gavayidagi ta’tilim jannatda bo‘lgandek edi.
🟪 plantation [plænˈteɪʃən] n. — plantatsiya
⚜>> A plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops. >> A plantation faqat ma'lum turdagi o'simliklar o'sadigan katta ferma.
— In the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.
— 1800-yillarda janubiy AQShda ko'plab paxta plantatsiyalari bo'lgan.
🟪 rapid [ræpɪd] adj. — tez, jadal
⚜>> When something is rapid, it moves or changes very quickly. >> Agar biror narsa rapid bo'lsa, u juda tez harakatlanadi yoki o'zgaradi.
— His mother was surprised by her son’s rapid growth.
— Uning onasi o'g'lining tez o'sishidan hayratlandi.
🟪 rate [reɪt] n. — tezlik, sur'at
⚜>> A rate is the speed at which something happens. >> A rate biror narsa sodir bo'ladigan tezlik.
— Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.
— Maysa juda sekin sur'atda o'sishga moyil.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.