Essential Words | VOCABULARY

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

📘 4000 Essential English Words:
Essential vocabulary for English learners!
Admin: @Nurik_0211
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© Paul Nation | 2009 Compass Publishing

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

📘 Book 3 | Unit 12

📑 Word list

🟦 germ [dʒəːrm] n. — mikrob
🔻>> A germ is something that makes you sick. >> A germ sizni kasal qiladigan narsa.

— Germs are on everything that you touch.
— Mikroblar siz tegadigan hamma narsada bor.

🟦 kit [kit] n. — zarur buyumlar sumkasi, aptechka
🔻>> A kit is a set of all the things needed to do something. >> A kit biror narsa qilish uchun kerak bo'ladigan narsalar yig'indisi.

— Is there a first aid kit in your office?
— Ofisingizda birinchi yordam to'plami bormi?

🟦 puff [pʌf] n. — tutun parchasi
🔻>> A puff is a little bit of smoke or steam. >> A puff tutunning ozgina qismi.

— A puff of smoke came from the burnt match.
— Kuygan gugurtdan tutun chiqdi.

🟦 rag [ræg] n. — latta
🔻>> A rag is a small towel. >> A rag kichkina sochiq.

— Please use a rag to clean the dust off the table.
— Stol changini artish uchun, iltimos, lattadan foydalaning.

🟦 scatter [skætə:r] v. — sochib yubormoq
🔻>> To scatter something is to make it go in many places. >> Biror narsani scatter qilish uni har xil joyga tarqatish degani.

— I accidentally scattered all of my pills.
— Men barcha tabletkalarimni tasodifan sochib yubordim.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.



A -👩‍👦  Ona va bolaga
Б - 👵 Keksa onaxonga
C - 🤕 Nogironga
Д - 😡 Jahldor bezoriga

Variantlardan birini tanlang va o'zingiz haqingizda hayratlanarli faktlarni bilib oling👇😱


Choose the right definition for the given word. kit
  •   something that makes you sick
  •   set of things needed to do something
  •   a round container
  •   to disappear in liquid
399 голосов

Choose the right definition for the given word. anticipate
  •   to win
  •   to wait for
  •   to blow up
  •   to go everywhere
376 голосов


🏛️Endilikda bu yil 69 ball bilanham  GRAND ga kira olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan UNIVERSITETLAR e'lon qilindi 🤩

💯Yolg'on deyishdan oldin pastdagi tugmachalar orqali yo'nalishingiz bo'yicha bilib oling 👇

🧾Ro'yxatni ko'rish.....

📘 Book 3 | Unit 12

📑 Word list

🟦 contrary [kɒntrərɪ] adj. — zid, teskari
🔻>> If something is contrary to something else, it is the opposite. >> Agar biror narsa contrary bo'lsa, u zid bo'ladi.

— It isn’t warm outside at all. On the contrary, it is quite cold.
— Tashqari umuman issiq emas. Aksincha, juda sovuq.

🟦 deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərɪt] adj. — uyushtirilgan
🔻>> If you are deliberate, you do something on purpose. >> Agar Siz deliberate bo'lsangiz, biror narsani maqsad bilan qilasiz.

— Bernie made a deliberate attempt to injure Andy.
— Berni Endini jarohatlash uchun uyushtirilgan harakat qildi.

🟦 dissolve [dɪˈzɒlv] v. — eritmoq, erimoq
🔻>> To dissolve something is to mix it into a liquid and disappear. >> Biror narsani dissolve qilish, uni suyuqlik bilan aralashtirib yo'qotish degani.

— I dissolved the pill in a glass of water.
— Men tabletkani bir stakan suvda eritib yubordim.

🟦 explode [ɪksˈploud] v. — portlamoq
🔻>> When something explodes, it blows up. >> Agar biror narsa explode bo'lsa, u portlaydi.

— My new radio exploded when I plugged it in.
— Yangi radioim uni rozetkaga ulaganimda portlab ketdi.

🟦 fasten [fæsn] v. — bog'lamoq, mahkamlamoq
🔻>> To fasten something is to close it or put it in the correct place. >> Biror narsani fasten qilish, uni yaqinlashtirish yoki uni to'g'ri joyga qo'yish degani.

— Elizabeth fastened her seat belt.
— Elizabet xavfsizlik kamarini bog'ladi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 12

📑 Word list

🟦 anticipate [ӕnˈtisəpeit] v. — oldindan his qilmoq, oldindan bilmoq
🔻>> To anticipate something is to think that it will happen. >> Biror narsani anticipate qilish u sodir bo'ladi deb o'ylash degani.

— Carrie anticipated the arrival of her baby.
— Kerri chaqalog'ining kelishini kutdi.

🟦 barrel [bærəl] n. — bochka
🔻>> A barrel is a round thing that you can keep liquids in. >> A barrel siz ichida suyuqlik saqlaydigan aylana narsa.

— There was an empty barrel outside the house.
— Uy tashqarisida bo'sh bochka bor edi.

🟦 beam [biːm] n. — to'sin, sinch
🔻>> A beam is a heavy bar. >> A beam og'ir to'sin.

— Modern skyscrapers are made with several beams.
— Zamonaviy osmono'parlar bir necha sinchdan quriladi.

🟦 casual [kæʒjuəl] adj. — norasmiy, oddiy
🔻>> If something is casual, it is relaxed or simple. >> Agar biror narsa casual bo'lsa, u oddiy bo'ladi.

— You can wear casual clothes to the party like jeans.
— Siz ziyofatga jinsiga o'xshash oddiy kiyim kiysangiz bo'ladi.

🟦 caution [kɔːʃən] n. — ehtiyotkorlik
🔻>> Caution is care and attention in order to avoid danger. >> Caution  xavfni oldini olish uchun ehtiyotkorlikdir.

— Please use the power saw with caution. It is very dangerous.
— Ehtiyotkorlik bilan elektr arradan foydalaning. Bu juda xavfli.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📘 Book 3 | Unit 11

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

🔻abnormal - noodatiy
🔻bamboo - bambuk
🔻blossom - gullamoq
🔻compass - kompas
🔻dialect - lahja
🔻dishonest - yolg'onchi
🔻dwarf - mitti
🔻ecosystem - ekosistema
🔻fatal - ayanchli
🔻impatient - sabrsiz
🔻leaf - yaproq
🔻manuscript - qo'lyozmasi
🔻marsh - yaylov
🔻patience - sabr-toqat
🔻perfume - atir
🔻pond - hovuz
🔻proverb - maqol
🔻pursuit - ta'qib qilish
🔻recite - takrorlamoq qaytarmoq
🔻wilderness - biyobon

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 11

📑 Word list

🟦 pond [pɒnd] n. — hovuz
🔻>> A pond is a very small area of water. >> A pond suvning juda oz qismi.

— The ducks swam in the pond.
— O'rdaklar hovuzda suzishdi.

🟦 proverb [prɒvəːrb] n. — maqol
🔻>> A proverb is a short saying that tells you something important. >> A proverb sizga muhim biror narsa aytuvchi narsa.

— The proverb “egg on your face” means you’ve done something embarrassing.
— “Yuzingda tuxum” maqoli siz sharmandali ish qilganingizni bildiradi.

🟦 pursuit [pərsuːt] n. — ta'qib, ketidan quvish
🔻>> A pursuit is a chase. >> A pursuit bu ketidan quvish degani.

— The dinosaur was in pursuit of the caveman.
— Dinozavr g'or odamini ta'qib qilgan.

🟦 recite [rɪˈsaɪt] v. — bayon qilmoq
🔻>> To recite something means to repeat or say aloud in front of a group. >> Biror narsani recite qilish uni qaytarish yoki ko'pchilik oldida baland aytish degani.

— Katie recited the Pledge of Allegiance in class.
— Keti sinfda sodiqlik qasamini bayon qildi.

🟦 wilderness [wɪldə:rnɪs] n. — chakalakzor
🔻>> A wilderness is an area where no people live. >> A wilderness hech kim yashamaydigan joy.

— If you are not careful, you can get lost in the wilderness.
— Agar hushyor bo'lmasangiz chakalakzorda adashib qolishingiz mumkin.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 11

📑 Word list

🟦 leaf [li:f] n. — barg
🔻>> A leaf is the flat green thing on trees or bushes. >> A leaf bu daraxtlar yoki butalar ustidagi tekis yashil narsa.

— In the fall, the leaves on the trees change colors.
— Kuzda daraxtlardagi barglarning rangi o'zgaradi.

🟦 manuscript [mӕnjəskript] n. — qadimiy qo'lyozma
🔻>> A manuscript is an old book or paper written by hand. >> A manuscript qo'lda yozilgan eski kitob yoki qog'oz.

— The manuscript was written over 150 years ago.
— Qadimiy qo'lyozma 150 yil avval yozilgan edi.

🟦 marsh [mɑːrʃ] n. — botqoq
🔻>> A marsh is a type of wet land covered with grasses and short plants. >> A marsh — oʻtlar va kalta oʻsimliklar bilan qoplangan nam yer turi.

— The marsh looked so lovely against the mountains.
— Botqoq tog'lar oldida juda go'zal ko'rinardi.

🟦 patience [peɪʃəns] n. — sabr, toqat
🔻>> Patience is the ability to wait for something without becoming upset. >> Patience hafa bo'lmasdan biror narsani kutish qobiliyati.

— Sue’s patience was rewarded by catching her very first fish.
— Syuning sabri uning birinchi balig'ini tutish bilan mukofotlandi.

🟦 perfume [pəˈ:rfjuːm] n. — atir, duxi
🔻>> Perfume is a good-smelling liquid that girls wear. >> Perfume qizlar ishlatadigan shirin hidli suyuqlik.

— When she wore her perfume, everyone said she smelled great.
— U atirini surganida, hamma uning hidi ajoyib ekanini aytishdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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🎲 Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 3 // Unit 4 (@Vocabulary_Essential)»
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📘 Book 3 | Unit 11

📑 Word list

🟦 dishonest [dɪsˈɒnɪst] adj. — vijdonsiz, noinsof
🔻>> If someone is dishonest, they do not tell the truth. >> Agar birortasi dishonest bo'lsa, u haqiqatni aytmaydi.

— She was being dishonest when she copied the answers from his test.
— Uning testidan javoblarni ko‘chirib olayotganda, u insofsiz edi.

🟦 dwarf [dwɔːrf] n. — gnom, pakana odam
🔻>> A dwarf is a creature from stories that often looks like a short, hairy man. >> A dwarf odatda kichkina, junli odamga o'xshash hikoyalardagi mavjudod.

— The dwarf had a pleasant look on his face.
— Gnom yuzida mamnuniyat bor edi.

🟦 ecosystem [i:kousɪstəm] n. — ekotizim, flora va fauna
🔻>> An ecosystem is a group of plants and animals in an area. >> An ecosystem o'simliklar va hayvonlar guruhi.

— The river’s ecosystem not only includes fish but other insects and plants too.
— Daryoning ekotizimi nafaqat baliqlarni, balki hasharot va o'simliklarni ham o'z ichiga oladi.

🟦 fatal [feɪtl] adj. — halokatli, mash'um
🔻>> If something is fatal, it causes death. >> Agar biror narsa fatal bo'lsa, u o'limga olib keladi.

— They passed away in a fatal car crash.
— Ular halokatli avtohalokatda vafot etdilar.

🟦 impatient [ɪmˈpeɪʃənt] adj. — sabrsiz, toqatsiz
🔻>> If someone is impatient, they are not able to wait for things. >> Agar birortasi impatient bo'lsa, u biror narsani kutishga qodir emas.

— Bob was so impatient that he could barely wait for the light to turn green.
— Bob shu qadar sabrsiz ediki, u chiroqning yashil yonishini arang kutdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 11

📑 Word list

🟦 abnormal [æbˈnɔ:rməl] adj. — g'ayrioddiy
🔻>> If something is abnormal, it is strange or not normal. >> Agar biror narsa abnormal bo'lsa, u g'alati yoki noodatiy bo'ladi.

— Her idea of art is a bit too abnormal for me.
— Uning san'at haqidagi g'oyasi men uchun biroz g'ayritabiiy.

🟦 bamboo [bæmˈbu:] n. — bambuk
🔻>> Bamboo is a hard plant with thin branches and leaves. >> Bamboo ingichka shoxlari va barglari bo'lgan qattiq o'simlik.

— Outside his home, there is a lot of bamboo.
— Uning uyi tashqarisida juda ko'p bambuk bor.

🟦 blossom [blɑsəm] n. — gul
🔻>> A blossom is a flower or group of flowers. >> A blossom gul yoki gullar guruhi.

— There were colorful blossoms in the yard.
— Hovlida rang-barang gullar bor edi.

🟦 compass [kʌmpəs] n. — kompas
🔻>> A compass is a device used to tell what direction one is going. >> A compass  bu qaysi tomonga ketayotganini aniqlash uchun ishlatiladigan qurilma.

— A compass is an important tool to have when you are traveling.
— Kompas sayohat paytida boʻlishi kerak boʻlgan muhim vositadir.

🟦 dialect [daɪəlekt] n. — sheva
🔻>> A dialect is a regional variety of language showing where you are from. >> A dialect bu sizning qayerdan ekanligingizni koʻrsatadigan mintaqaviy tildir.

— People from the U.K. have a different dialect of English from those in the U.K.
— Birlashgan Qirollikdagi odamlar ingliz tilining Buyuk Britaniyadagidan farqli lahjasiga ega.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Репост из: Essential Words | VOCABULARY
🎲 Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 3 // Unit 3 (@Vocabulary_Essential)»
Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📘 Book 3 | Unit 10

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

🔻absence - yo'qlik
🔻aloud - ovoz chiqarib
🔻bald - kal
🔻blanket - ko'rpa
🔻creep - o'rmalamoq
🔻divorce - ajrashmoq
🔻imitate - taqlid qilish
🔻infant - chaqaloq
🔻kidnap - o'g'irlash
🔻nap - mizg'ish
🔻nowhere - hech qayerda
🔻pat - ohista urmoq
🔻relief - yengillik
🔻reproduce - nusxa yasamoq
🔻rhyme - qofiya
🔻suck - so'rmoq
🔻urgent - shoshilinch
🔻vanish - yo'qolmoq
🔻wagon - aravacha
🔻wrinkle - ajin

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 10

📑 Word list

🟦 suck [sʌk] v. — so'rmoq, shimmoq
🔻>> To suck is to put something in your mouth and try to get flavor out of it. >> To suck — og‘zingizga biror narsa solib, undan lazzat olishga harakat qilishdir.

— The baby sucked milk from her bottle.
— Chaqaloq shishadagi sutni shimdi.

🟦 urgent [əːrdʒənt] adj. — shoshilinch, muhim
🔻>> If something is urgent, it is important and needs to be done now. >> Agar biror narsa urgent bo'lsa, u juda muhim va darhol qilinishi kerak bo'ladi.

— He had to leave now; it was urgent.
— Men darhol ketishim kerak bo'ldi; bu shoshilinch edi.

🟦 vanish [vænɪʃ] v. — g'oyib bo'lmoq, yo'qolmoq
🔻>> To vanish is to go away suddenly. >> To vanish to'satdan yo'q bo'lish degani.

— All the passengers vanished from the train station.
— Barcha yoʻlovchilar vokzaldan gʻoyib boʻlishdi.

🟦 wagon [wæɡən] n. — arava
🔻>> A wagon is a cart you use to carry heavy things. >> A wagon siz og'ir narsalarni tashish uchun ishlatadigan arava.

— He used his wagon to carry some of his gifts.
— U ba'zi sovg'alarini tashish uchun aravasidan foydalandi.

🟦 wrinkle [rɪŋkəl] n. — ajin
🔻>> A wrinkle is a line on a person’s face that happens as they get old. >> A wrinkle inson qarigani sababli paydo bo'ladigan yuzidagi chiziqlar.

— My grandfather has some wrinkles on his face.
— Bobomning yuzida bir qancha ajinlari bor.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 10

📑 Word list

🟦 nowhere [nouhwɛə:r] adv. — hech qayerda
🔻>> You use nowhere to say that a place or thing does not exist. >> Biz nowhere'ni biror narsa yoki joy mavjud bo'lmaganda ishlatamiz.

— Unfortunately, water was nowhere to be found.
— Afsuski, suv hech qayerda topilmadi.

🟦 pat [pæt] v. — sekin-sekin urib ko'rmoq
🔻>> To pat something is to hit it softly with your hand. >> Biror narsani pat qilish uni qo'l bilan sekin urish degani.

— I patted some lotion onto my face.
— Men yuzimga loson surtdim.

🟦 relief [rɪˈliːf] n. — yengillik
🔻>> Relief is a feeling you get when something bad or challenging ends. >> Relief siz qachonki biror yomon yoki noxush narsa tugaganda his qiladigan tuyg'u.

— I felt a sense of relief when I heard the good news.
— Men yaxshi yangiliklarni eshitganimda yengillik his qildim.

🟦 reproduce [riːprəˈdjuːs] v. — nusxasini yaratmoq
🔻>> To reproduce is to make something exactly how someone else did it. >> To reproduce huddi biror boshqa shaxs qilgandek boshqa biror narsa yasash.

— The children tried to reproduce their house using toy blocks.
— Bolalar o'yinchoq bloklari yordamida uylarining nusxasini yasashga harakat qilishdi.

🟦 rhyme [raɪm] n. — qofiya
🔻>> To rhyme is to have the same sounds at the end of a word. >> To rhyme so'z oxirida bir xil tovushlarga ega bo'lish.

— Humpty Dumpty is an old rhyme that children learn in school.
— Humpty Dumpty - bu bolalar maktabda o'rganadigan eski qofiya.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Репост из: Essential Words | VOCABULARY
🎲 Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 3 // Unit 2 (@Vocabulary_Essential)»
Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

Choose the right word for the given definition. a good feeling when something bad goes away
  •   divorce
  •   pat
  •   roar
  •   relief
408 голосов

Choose the right word for the given definition. not having any hair
  •   bald
  •   urgent
  •   absence
  •   nowhere
396 голосов

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