
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Русский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Русский
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😊Good to have talented students 😇

By Manuchexr 😎

Репост из: KIUT Samarqand Rasmiy

📌 13 marta IELTS imtihonini topshirgan, CELTA xalqaro o'qituvchilar malakasiga ega O'zbekistondagi eng yosh o'qituvchi Kamronbek Isoyevning muvaffaqiyat siri nimada?

Toshkent Kimyo xalqaro universiteti Samarqand filialining iqtidorli talaba-yoshlari uchun yo'lga qo'yilgan "Muvaffaqiyatli talaba" loyihasining 2-son mehmoni Kamronbek Isoyev CELTA xalqaro o'qituvchilar malakasiga ega O'zbekistondagi eng yosh o'qituvchi hisoblanadi. Hozirda "Innovative Center" o'quv markazida faoliyat yuritadi. Shu kunga qadar 100 dan ortiq yoshlarga IELTS 7 natijani qo'lga kiritishida yordam bergan. O'tkazilgan uchrashuvda TKXU Samarqand filiali Kamronbek Isoyevning muvaffaqiyat sirlari haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishdi.

"Muvaffaqiyatli talaba" loyihasining keyingi son mehmoni kim bo'lishini xohlaysiz? Izohlarda o'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring.

🔗 KIUT Samarqand filiali axborot xizmati
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Your fav one 🤌

Репост из: Office of Director
Хотели бы вы работать в Innovative Centre в команде с ведущими экспертами и самыми талантливыми профессионалами?

Мы рады пригласить вас подать заявку в наш Карьерный центр! Это ваш шанс стать частью команды, которая формирует будущее образования и инноваций.

Просто отправьте своё резюме, и наш Отдел кадров рассмотрит его и свяжется с вами с предложением о работе.

Присоединяйтесь к нашей Dream Team прямо сейчас!

Submit an online application here

Really proud of you my boy 💖🫂

Репост из: Shoks
For those who wonder how much time I prepared to get in, I will try to answer some of your questions here.

I started learning English in 2022 at Innovative Center with my first English language teacher - Timur Musaev, or Timur aka as we would call him- one of the best people I have ever met. He was the kind of person I had never met; he was really funny, and I now carry 90% of his jokes (Yeah, I LOVE it when people understand jokes and we can have fun together). He guided me, starting from A1 level to B2. I still miss our walks and karaoke at the end of the class, Timur aka. Of course, sometimes I was punished because of not doing my homework. Timur aka explained to me that its only me who has to learn something, and he is the person who helped me to set most of my goals.

Further, I was 100% lucky that I started attending IELTS classes with the person who had the most significant impact on me - Mukhammadkhon Soliev. I joined his IELTS classes first, wanting to get a 5.5 and attend Uzbek University. However, as he started talking about his students who are studying abroad - Bobirjon Bakhtiyorov, Sukhrob Murodov, and many more - over some time, I realized that this is how I see my future. Mukhammad aka is the best IELTS teacher I have ever seen because his students constantly scored 7.5, 8.0, and even 2 9.0. I was surrounded by people who shared the same goals and values as me and were as ambitious as I was. I'm thankful to Mukhammad aka, for everything.

Also, I can not go further without mentioning my close friend, brother who taught me the SAT for 2024, Azimkhon Akobirov, a true legend. The person who helped me in everything - showing me the proper form for an exercise in the gym, SAT materials, support, and bullying if I didn't do the homework. Thank you, brother!

The year 2024 was packed up with new people, new goals, and new values that I obtained, and I met people who navigated me through this “Admissions path.” Bobir aka, Sukhrob aka, Sulaiman (Sulaiman is nomer odin #1) and Shakhnoza.

This “Roadmap” post has become a “Thanksgiving” post, but still, here you can see my journey in academics and how much time it took for me. Further i will try to cover more topics that might interest you, but for now thats it.

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Let's practice a bit!

Always on the top
Always Innovative ✔️

Репост из: Innovative Centre️🇺🇿
How Did the IELTS World Look Back in 2019?

A time when you probably didn’t know anything about this exam—maybe you were in elementary school or even kindergarten.

Back then, an IELTS 7.0 was considered extremely high. Teachers with such scores could attract students for a full year in advance. IELTS 8.0s were rare, and the number of 8.5 scorers was even lower than today’s 9.0s. If any center had a student scoring 7.0 or 7.5, it became local news—everyone would talk about it and praise it. Even top executives from the local administration would give small presents like laptops or chargers.

At that time, Innovative Centre had just brought(May 2018) the IELTS exam to Samarkand, and now it has become a monthly event. All exams were face-to-face, and people had never even heard of coronavirus.

What Remarkable Event Changed This?

On February 4, 2019, Innovative Centre held its first-ever awarding ceremony—a historic moment that had to be arranged in a rush because more than 10 students had already scored 7.0 or higher. At that time, this was more than any place in the region.

Among those who achieved high scores were:
✔️ Zarshedkhon Sultonov
✔️ Umidjon Avchiev
✔️ Baxtinur Ilashov
…and many others.

Now, these guys have built successful careers in the US, Europe, and Japan.

Back in 2019, we achieved a level of progress that many still struggle to reach today. Since then, we have broken our own records many times over. At that time, it was a shock—people were asking each other in Russian:
“Как так можно?”
“Это всё куплено?”

Are You Still Living in 2019?

If you’re reading this and still not studying at Innovative Centre, ask yourself:
⚡ Does an IELTS 7.0 still seem unachievable?
⚡ Is the only thing your teacher can boast about his own score?

Don’t live in 2019.
Join Innovative Centre.

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