Innovative Centre️🇺🇿

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

The leading language school in Central Asia offering premier IELTS prep 🌐🎓
Over 12,000 of our students have achieved their IELTS Certificates, including two perfect IELTS band 9.0

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Innovative Centre, in 2018, introduced internationally accepted standards for test takers, and since then, we have maintained and improved those standards. Hopefully, one day, other places will at least reach the level we achieved seven years ago. With all the money spent on marketing, perhaps educational institutions should refocus on their core business roles—educating by providing truly global standards of education and exams.

Now, we hear about many places in our region offering mock tests and assessment tests using sources available on the internet, yet they still provide a classroom for such purposes.

Репост из: Innovative Centre Exam Department
📣 Take Your IELTS Mock Exam at Innovative Centre! 📣

Why Choose Us?

✔️Authentic IELTS Experience: Practice in a true-to-life exam environment at an official British Council-recognized venue. Benefit from genuine Cambridge Testbank materials that ensure accurate and effective preparation.

☄️Expert-Led Mock Exams: Conducted by highly trained professionals, including expert examiners with IELTS 7.5+ qualifications for speaking and writing. Get your results in just 12 hours for a fast, efficient testing experience!

Exclusive Discounts: Register at least one day in advance to enjoy a 50% discount(for our students)! For external candidates or those without prior registration, the standard fee is 120,000 UZS. Don't miss this opportunity—secure your spot today and save!

🔗 Join Our IELTS Mock Exam Every Sunday at 10:00 with authentic Cambridge English TestBank files.

🖥 Register Now: Sign Up Here

Innovative Centre – Your Gateway to IELTS Success!

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Репост из: KIUT Samarqand Rasmiy

📌 13 marta IELTS imtihonini topshirgan, CELTA xalqaro o'qituvchilar malakasiga ega O'zbekistondagi eng yosh o'qituvchi Kamronbek Isoyevning muvaffaqiyat siri nimada?

Toshkent Kimyo xalqaro universiteti Samarqand filialining iqtidorli talaba-yoshlari uchun yo'lga qo'yilgan "Muvaffaqiyatli talaba" loyihasining 2-son mehmoni Kamronbek Isoyev CELTA xalqaro o'qituvchilar malakasiga ega O'zbekistondagi eng yosh o'qituvchi hisoblanadi. Hozirda "Innovative Center" o'quv markazida faoliyat yuritadi. Shu kunga qadar 100 dan ortiq yoshlarga IELTS 7 natijani qo'lga kiritishida yordam bergan. O'tkazilgan uchrashuvda TKXU Samarqand filiali Kamronbek Isoyevning muvaffaqiyat sirlari haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishdi.

"Muvaffaqiyatli talaba" loyihasining keyingi son mehmoni kim bo'lishini xohlaysiz? Izohlarda o'z fikringizni yozib qoldiring.

🔗 KIUT Samarqand filiali axborot xizmati
Veb-sayt | Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | You Tube

Morning starts with good news!

One of our top students has been accepted into an American university (top 1000 in the world) with a full tuition scholarship, and today, he got his visa approved.

Guess who this is?

Репост из: Innovative Centre️🇺🇿
Хотели бы вы работать в Innovative Centre в команде с ведущими экспертами и самыми талантливыми профессионалами?

Мы рады пригласить вас подать заявку в наш Карьерный центр! Это ваш шанс стать частью команды, которая формирует будущее образования и инноваций.

Просто отправьте своё резюме, и наш Отдел кадров рассмотрит его и свяжется с вами с предложением о работе.

Присоединяйтесь к нашей Dream Team прямо сейчас!

Submit an online application here

Went to at least 10 different places and teachers and ended up stuck at 6.0

Only at Innovative Centre, I learned what authentic learning is and what academic English means. It was my mistake thinking any kid of my age with a personal score of 8.0-8.5 (with OSR) could teach me. The turning point for me was when I met my mentor Mukhammadkhon Soliev (everyone knows he has got the only DELTA in Uzbekistan, and it is not just a marketing trick used by many others).

One valuable lesson I got from him was understanding that learning doesn’t end in the classroom and he encouraged true autonomous learning.

I never understood why I constantly scored low in writing, and with his help, I understood all my weaknesses. But now, I am not a robot-IELTS taker who takes the exam again and again, to showcase it like it is the latest iPhone and gain popularity among my peers.

Now, I can write letters, critically think, and make full-scale research. His mentorship helped me to elevate as a language learner, but most importantly, as the one who is academically motivated and knows where he is going.

Thanks a lot to Mukhammad aka and the entire Innovative Team, I meant Innovative Family.

Репост из: With SUKHROB 📈
On my way back to Tampa, I was sitting right next to an old man. He asked me if my flight got delayed, and from there, we ended up talking for 1.5 hours. He was asking very specific questions about what I study, what I do, and the like.

I was passionately answering. Then, It turned out he did a “business” trip to Central Asia, and had paid a visit to UzAuto Motors in Uzbekistan (formerly GM) to make a contract for future consulting services provision.

That’s the point where I asked what he does. It turns out he teaches Corporate Finance at an MBA level at Wharton, and graduated 35 years ago from UPenn with a degree in Finance and Accounting. For 10 years, he worked for McKinsey&Company as a strategy consultant.

As his flight was nearing, we shook hands, and he told me the following words:

“Look son, you have a brilliant mind. Kid like you must be noticed and will be noticed. Keep putting yourself out there and shoot me a message when you land. We can continue our conversations”.

The takeaway: Put yourself out there, bravely and confidently.

Yesterday, I met some good people too. Like my mentor Mukhammad aka said, “the world is a small place”.

Good night 😴

Two More 7.5s at Innovative Centre, Who Joined With the Hope of Getting Their B2 Only

Meet the first student, Shakhzod Usmanov.

His parents always wanted him to be a government worker, and initially, his ambition was to get a quick B2 and apply for a state university, but the truly energizing atmosphere at Innovative Centre pushed him beyond.

Shakhzod, who used to be the top student in his public school, realized there are so many talented people around. He joined the Future Leaders Club and learned about other talented students. He realized his true interest in pursuing a business major and is now taking SAT courses.

With the mentorship of Timurbek Djalilov, who prepared Shakhzod using MM Publications books and authentic resources by Cambridge pretesting.

Anna Goglidze, another brilliant example, finally got 7.5 in her third attempt. She studied in Timurbek Djalilov’s groups and realized her potential.

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Хотели бы вы работать в Innovative Centre в команде с ведущими экспертами и самыми талантливыми профессионалами?

Мы рады пригласить вас подать заявку в наш Карьерный центр! Это ваш шанс стать частью команды, которая формирует будущее образования и инноваций.

Просто отправьте своё резюме, и наш Отдел кадров рассмотрит его и свяжется с вами с предложением о работе.

Присоединяйтесь к нашей Dream Team прямо сейчас!

Submit an online application here

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Greetings from our top alumni

Bobirjon Bakhtiyorov JHU-26, IELTS 9.0, SAT 1600

Mahmud Khamraev, MIT RSI, IELTS 8.5, SAT 1490

And one more American friend of Innovative Centre


📣 Take Your IELTS Mock Exam at Innovative Centre! 📣

Why Choose Us?

✔️Authentic IELTS Experience: Practice in a true-to-life exam environment at an official British Council-recognized venue. Benefit from genuine Cambridge Testbank materials that ensure accurate and effective preparation.

☄️Expert-Led Mock Exams: Conducted by highly trained professionals, including expert examiners with IELTS 7.5+ qualifications for speaking and writing. Get your results in just 12 hours for a fast, efficient testing experience!

Exclusive Discounts: Register at least one day in advance to enjoy a 50% discount(for our students)! For external candidates or those without prior registration, the standard fee is 120,000 UZS. Don't miss this opportunity—secure your spot today and save!

🔗 Join Our IELTS Mock Exam TOMORROW at 10:00 with authentic Cambridge English TestBank files.

🖥 Register Now: Sign Up Here

Innovative Centre – Your Gateway to IELTS Success!

Follow us for more:
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Репост из: ЯНГИ ЎЗБЕКИСТОН |Расмий канал
Ёшларни хорижда ўқитиш бўйича янги тизим – “Ёрқин истеъдод” лойиҳаси жорий этилади

Ҳар йили саралашдан ўтган минг нафар ёшлар дунёнинг “топ-100” олийгоҳларига юборилиб, ўқиш ва яшаш харажатлари қоплаб берилади.

Батафсил 👉

Batafsil 👉

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Репост из: Prezident matbuot kotibi | Sherzod Asadov
Инсон учун она тили билан бирга хорижий тилларни билиш дунёга чиқишда жуда муҳим. Айниқса, тижоратда бунинг ўрни беқиёс.

Энди, хорижий тиллардан “С1” даражасига эга бўлган ёшлар ташаббус кўрсатиб, олис ва чекка ҳудудларда чет тилларига ихтисослашган ўқув марказларини очса, уларга 120 миллион сўмгача фоизсиз ссуда берилади.

Шунингдек, меҳнат бозорига тил биладиган ёшлар кириб келишини рағбатлантириш учун хусусий ўқув марказларида хорижий тилларни ўрганадиган ёшларга харажатлари “2+6” шаклида қоплаб берилади. Бунда ўқув харажатларининг дастлабки 2 ойи ўқувчиларнинг ўз маблағидан, қолган 6 ойи давлат ҳисобидан тўлаб берилади.


Репост из: ЯНГИ ЎЗБЕКИСТОН |Расмий канал
Хорижий тилларни ўрганадиган ёшларга харажатлари “2+6” шаклида қоплаб берилади

Бунда ўқув харажатларининг дастлабки 2 ойи ўқувчиларнинг ўз маблағидан, қолган 6 ойи давлат ҳисобидан тўлаб берилади.

Батафсил 👉

Batafsil 👉

Telegram | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

Репост из: Tim’s blog
Hats off to Anna who scored an amazing 7.5 ( 8.0 speaking/ 8.5 reading )

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