Again, endocrinology!
Bugun amaliyotda Yunusobod tumanidagi barcha shifoxonalardan TTG tahlillarini yig'ib, shahar tibbiyot birlashmasiga topshirdik.
~ TTG/Tireotrop gormon
Gipertireoz va gipotireozni qiyosiy tashxislashda muhim.
Juda aqlli talaba deb o'ylashingiz mumkin, lekin normal o'qigan klinik fanim - endokrinologiya :)
~ Task 2 savol
Alisher has faced many times to endocrinology in his clinical rotations multiple times.
However, some people argue that this is not an extraordinary situation and does not deserve much attention. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
~ Introduction
Alisher has encountered science of glands and hormone regulation multiple times during his medical practice. While some may argue that this is a common experience and does not require much attention, this essay completely disagree with this statement and it will demonstrate that thyroid and other hormone-related medicine aligns with Alisher’s genuine passion and interest in the field, and that his repeated exposure to it is a meaningful aspect of his professional development.
Bugun amaliyotda Yunusobod tumanidagi barcha shifoxonalardan TTG tahlillarini yig'ib, shahar tibbiyot birlashmasiga topshirdik.
~ TTG/Tireotrop gormon
Gipertireoz va gipotireozni qiyosiy tashxislashda muhim.
Juda aqlli talaba deb o'ylashingiz mumkin, lekin normal o'qigan klinik fanim - endokrinologiya :)
~ Task 2 savol
Alisher has faced many times to endocrinology in his clinical rotations multiple times.
However, some people argue that this is not an extraordinary situation and does not deserve much attention. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
~ Introduction
Alisher has encountered science of glands and hormone regulation multiple times during his medical practice. While some may argue that this is a common experience and does not require much attention, this essay completely disagree with this statement and it will demonstrate that thyroid and other hormone-related medicine aligns with Alisher’s genuine passion and interest in the field, and that his repeated exposure to it is a meaningful aspect of his professional development.