Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Samarkand , Uzbekistan
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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- No risk, No story
- at least, I tried

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Analyzing every chapter of this book

All about finance and investing.

Sometimes I think I am studying the right major.

As Kiyosaki puts it, no matter who you become in the future , be an investor.

Internship ham start up, bizness va investingga oid. Fevral oyida ko'plab postlar shu bo'yicha bo'ladi.

Va albatta biz yangi ma'suliyatni nishonladik.

O'zim turgan shahar haqida ko‘proq ma'lumot olish maqsadida sayohat uyishtirdik. Selangor Malayziyaning eng qimmat va rivojlangan shahari. U davlatning 25% GDP siga hissa qo'shadi.

Davlatning eng katta aeroporti ham Selangor, Sepangda joylashgan bu degani bu shahar ko'plab insonlar uchun travel hub.

Selangorda davlatning eng katta dengiz porti- Port Klang joylashgan bo'lib, u xalqaro Savdo uchun eng asosiy darvoza hisoblanadi. Bu degani ko'plab yirik Xalqaro kompaniyalar o'z bosh qarorgohlarini Selangorda joylashtirishgan.

Local aholi bilan ko‘proq suhbatlar qildik. Golding aytganidek Eng yaxshi fikrlar aslida eng oddiy fikrlar va shubhasiz 2 ta insonni fikrini muammosini eshitib bitta yechim izlashga harakat qildik. Ularni o'zlari tushunmaydigan narsa yechimi ko'p hollarda bitta bo'lishi.

Rasmda eng Selangorning maketi. Juda chiroyli lekin odamlarni juda Kam ko'rasiz,yashil Zona lekin air pollution 😳

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My next trip to KL

Just a few words : halal New York

Xitoyning yangi yilini ham, eng muhim proyektlarni ham, 1 ta quizni ham tugatib oldik . 1 haftalik ta'til juda yaxshi o'tdi. Albatta o'qish, tugallanmagan ishlarimni tugatish, yangi " skill" larni o'rganish va nemis tili darajamni ko'tarish va yangi internship bilan yakunlaymiz.

Yanvar juda ajoyib va mazmunli boshlandi. Ko'plab do'stlar, yangi taasurotlar ayniqsa o'zimdan tajribasi katta insonlarning davrasiga qo'shilish men uchun eng katta " Bonus " bo'ldi. PHD chilar bilan badminton club tashkillashtirdik. MBA chilar bilan Start uplar ustida ishlayapmiz va hokazo. Bu yil o'z e'tiborimni to'laqonli yo'nalishimga qaratmoqchiman va 2-yil juda katta yangiliklar bo'ladi Xudo Xohlasa.

Xitoy sun'iy Intellekt bo'yicha nimalarga qodir ekanligining bu bir kichik misoli. Aqshning keyingi harakati juda qiziq.


me , in real life, I do not need any problems

me, while working on our start up, I need problems , more problems to solve

Bu ikkisi teng bo'lur-mi ?

and now we are looking for problems to solve 😂

If you are interested in creating your own start ups, I can share some daily informative posts.

Репост из: Pressuzb
Президент фармони билан Эркинжон Оқбутаевич Турдимов Сирдарё вилояти ҳокими вазифасини бажарувчи этиб тайинланди.


Another A , good to go

Shu maqtanishni yomon ko'raman prosta hayot majburlaydi😂

Sometimes, a simple conversation can have a profound impact on your life decisions. An unknown person can become one of the closest people to you, and it’s truly amazing how Allah brings these individuals into your life just when you need them most

Why Macao's economy developt rapidly, Why Nepal's economy is getting better due to what?, Singapur does not produce but export a lot - really? ,why Petroleum gas is so cheap in Malaysia and why they don't allow foreigners to purchase?, would u believe me if I say the price is as cheap as mineral water, what e invoice, and etc

In general, it was a great opportunity to discuss industrial knowledge and the economic outlook of Malaysia with Datuk Koong ( National Council Member and Chairman of SMEs Committee at the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia.

P.S MBA is so much fun , no doubts.

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You don’t “have” to, you “get” to.
This is one of the simplest changes in perception, and yet also
something truly fulfilled people master: the knowing that everything
is an opportunity to experience. You don’t have to go to work; you
get to go to work. You don’t have to wake up early; you get to wake
up early. When you start considering things not as obligations but as
opportunities, you start taking advantage of them rather than trying
to avoid them.

The plan doesn't change, but are u willing to allow the plan to change you?

And yes it is true❤️

Our part was emotional—and it needed to be.

It’s heartbreaking that some people remain unaware of what’s happening around the world, or worse, they forget about the wars as if things will somehow get better on their own. I tried to share the most moving stories to help others feel the pain these children endure every day. Like Yusuf, an 8-year-old boy found sleeping in his mother’s grave after losing his entire family. Or Sidra, whose lifeless body was discovered hanging inside a destroyed building. She was only 7 years old.

Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder—do the people who killed them not have children of their own?

What do you think?

How many more children must suffer before we decide that enough is enough?

Показано 16 последних публикаций.