✅Vocabulary time
📌 Education
🔹 Preschool -maktabgacha ta'lim
🔸 Kindergarten- Bog;cha
🔹 Primary school- Boshlang'ich ta'lim(British Eng.)
🔸 Elementary school. Boshlang'ich ta'lim(American Eng.)
🔹 First grade - Birinchi sinf
🔸Fifth grade - Beshinchi sinf
🔹 Middle school( junior high school Amer.Eng.)- O'rta maktab(9- 13 yoshli bolalar uchun)
🔸 High school (a secondary school Amer. Eng) - O'rta Maktab(13- 18 yoshgacha)
🔹 Apply to colleges / universities -Kolej yoki Universitetga hujjat topshirmoq
🔸 Get good grades - yaxshi baholar olmoq
🔹 Get a scholarship / be awarded a scholarship - grant asosida o'qimoq
🔸 Take classes / take courses - Fanlarni o'qimoq
🔹 Take notes - eslatmalar yozmoq
🔸 Giving the lecture - Ma'ruza o"qimoq
🔹 Give presentations / make presentations - prezentatsiya taqdim etmoq.
🔸 Do research - ilmiy izlanish olib bormoq
SUCCESS TEAM - Better Together
📌 Education
🔹 Preschool -maktabgacha ta'lim
🔸 Kindergarten- Bog;cha
🔹 Primary school- Boshlang'ich ta'lim(British Eng.)
🔸 Elementary school. Boshlang'ich ta'lim(American Eng.)
🔹 First grade - Birinchi sinf
🔸Fifth grade - Beshinchi sinf
🔹 Middle school( junior high school Amer.Eng.)- O'rta maktab(9- 13 yoshli bolalar uchun)
🔸 High school (a secondary school Amer. Eng) - O'rta Maktab(13- 18 yoshgacha)
🔹 Apply to colleges / universities -Kolej yoki Universitetga hujjat topshirmoq
🔸 Get good grades - yaxshi baholar olmoq
🔹 Get a scholarship / be awarded a scholarship - grant asosida o'qimoq
🔸 Take classes / take courses - Fanlarni o'qimoq
🔹 Take notes - eslatmalar yozmoq
🔸 Giving the lecture - Ma'ruza o"qimoq
🔹 Give presentations / make presentations - prezentatsiya taqdim etmoq.
🔸 Do research - ilmiy izlanish olib bormoq
SUCCESS TEAM - Better Together