📘 Book 6 | Unit 7
📑 Word list
🟨 deception [diˈsepʃən] n. — hiyla, nayrang
◾️>> Deception is the act of lying or tricking someone. >> Deception bu birortasini aldash yoki chalg'itish harakati.
— The magic looked very real, but it was only deception.
— Sehr juda haqiqiy ko'rinardi, lekin bu faqat yolg'on edi.
🟨 decipher [diˈsaifər] v. — anglab tushunmoq
◾️>> To decipher writing is to figure out what it says. >> Yozuvni decipher qilish unda nima yozilganligini aniqlash hisoblanadi.
— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.
— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.
🟨 dung [dʌŋ] n. — go'ng
◾️>> Dung is solid waste material produced by animals. >> Dung bu hayvonlar tomonidan ishlab chiqariladigan qattiq keraksiz material.
— There was cow dung all over the field.
— Dala bo'ylab sigir go'ngi bor edi.
🟨 dusk [dʌsk] n. — oqshom, shom vaqti
◾️>> Dusk is the time in the evening when it begins to get dark. >> Dusk bu kechki paytda kun qorong'ulashib boradigan vaqt.
— After dusk, Hannah would catch fireflies in the park.
— Oqshomdan keyin Xanna parkda yonar qo'ng'iz tutdi.
🟨 gratify [grætəfai] v. — huzur baxsh etmoq
◾️>> To gratify someone means to please them. >> Birortasini gratify qilish bu ularni rozi qilish demakdir.
— Bonnie was gratified after receiving her gift from her parents.
— Bonni ota-onasidan sovg'ani olganidan keyin xursand bo'ldi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟨 deception [diˈsepʃən] n. — hiyla, nayrang
◾️>> Deception is the act of lying or tricking someone. >> Deception bu birortasini aldash yoki chalg'itish harakati.
— The magic looked very real, but it was only deception.
— Sehr juda haqiqiy ko'rinardi, lekin bu faqat yolg'on edi.
🟨 decipher [diˈsaifər] v. — anglab tushunmoq
◾️>> To decipher writing is to figure out what it says. >> Yozuvni decipher qilish unda nima yozilganligini aniqlash hisoblanadi.
— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.
— My teacher complained that she couldn’t decipher my essay.
🟨 dung [dʌŋ] n. — go'ng
◾️>> Dung is solid waste material produced by animals. >> Dung bu hayvonlar tomonidan ishlab chiqariladigan qattiq keraksiz material.
— There was cow dung all over the field.
— Dala bo'ylab sigir go'ngi bor edi.
🟨 dusk [dʌsk] n. — oqshom, shom vaqti
◾️>> Dusk is the time in the evening when it begins to get dark. >> Dusk bu kechki paytda kun qorong'ulashib boradigan vaqt.
— After dusk, Hannah would catch fireflies in the park.
— Oqshomdan keyin Xanna parkda yonar qo'ng'iz tutdi.
🟨 gratify [grætəfai] v. — huzur baxsh etmoq
◾️>> To gratify someone means to please them. >> Birortasini gratify qilish bu ularni rozi qilish demakdir.
— Bonnie was gratified after receiving her gift from her parents.
— Bonni ota-onasidan sovg'ani olganidan keyin xursand bo'ldi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.