Reading and vocabulary

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Sight - ko'rish
Catch/lose sight of sb/sth - ko'rib qolmoq/ ko'rmay qolmoq
In sight of sth - 1) ko'rinadigan joyda; 2) biror narsaga erishish arafasida
At first sight - birinchi ko'rinishda
Waste - chiqindi
A waste of time - vaqtni bekor o'tkazish
Waste your time - vaqtni bekorga sarflamoq
Industrial/household waste - sanoat/uy chiqindisi
Weather - ob-havo
Weather forecast - ob-havo ma'lumoti
Under the weather (idiom) - o'zini yaxshi his qilmaslik, kasal
World - dunyo
All over the world - butun dunyo bo'yicha
Around the world - dunyo bo'ylab
Throughout the world - dunyo bo'ylab
The whole world - butun dunyo
In the world - dunyoda
World record - jahon rekordi

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Qo‘lingizdagi buyumni nima ma'no anglatishini bilardingizmi? 😳👇


💠TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
💠FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
💠NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

Answering strategy:

1⃣Read the first passage.
2⃣Look up for answers for the first few questions.
3⃣If you found an answer - read the whole sentence carefully, and only then answer the question.
4⃣When there are no answers left - move on to next paragraph, and repeat this strategy.
5⃣If you prefer, you can read the whole text and only after that answer the questions.


1⃣This type of questions needs attention to details. Don't just look for key words - read the whole question and the whole sentence with answer.
2⃣Words like often, always, never, some can completely change the meaning of the question. Be careful!
3⃣The order of questions can help you. Answer for question 4 will be between answers for questions 3 and 5 in the text.
4⃣If you can't find answer for some question, don't spend too much time on it and return to it in the end. Probably, this information is just not given in the text.

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✅ Alternatives of 5 words to enrich your vocabulary

💠 Nice

🔹lovely; superior; pleasant; satisfying; delightful; likeable; agreeable; correct; adequate; swell; fair; okay; approved.

💠 Very
🔹extremely; exceedingly; exceptionally; immensely; tremendously; abundantly; particularly; remarkably.

💠 Fine
🔹satisfactory; worthy; respectable; exquisite; suitable; well; imposing; decent; admirable; praise-worthy; decent.

💠 Happy
🔹cheerful; delighted; pleased; content; amused; thrilled; elated; thrilled; ecstatic; on cloud 9.

💠 Really
🔹genuinely; truly; honestly; actually; undoubtedly; certainly; remarkably; incredibly; downright; unquestionably; extremely.

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Alternatives of 5 words to enrich your vocabulary

💠 Know
🔹understand; comprehend; realize; learn; perceive; recognize; grasp; sense.

💠 Change
🔹alter; transform; replace; diversify; adjust; adapt; modify; remodel; vary; evolve; transfigure; redesign; refashion; advance; transition; shift; adjustment.

💠 Old
🔹aged; ancient; matured; elderly; senior; veteran; decrepit; seasoned; venerable; past one’s prime; doddering; senile.

💠 Think
🔹 ponder; reflect; conceive; imagine; contemplate; consider; determine; realize; visualize; guess/assume; conclude; envision.

💠 Funny
🔹comical; ludicrous; amusing; droll; entertaining; absurd; hilarious; silly; whimsical; hysterical; joking; witty; facetious; slapstick; side-splitting; knee-slapping.

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❄️The First Messenger

Flurry was a little girl. She lived in a big house which was surrounded by many trees. One bright morning Flurry woke up and decided to go for a walk. Suddenly she heard a soft whistle. She looked around but saw nothing. The whistle sounded again. Now Flurry looked at her house. There was no one there either. The lilting whistle sounded a third time. Now Flurry looked at the tree. She saw a beautiful blue bird. Flurry leapt with joy. It was a Bluebird! “Where have you come from Bluebird,” she asked curiously. “I was spending time in warm Australia. But now that spring’s here again, I am back,” explained the little bird. “And why do you whistle?” she asked. “I want to spread the news all over that spring is here!” said the Bluebird and flew off to another tree.

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​​❄️The Master and his Student

Once, a Master was walking on the banks of a river. Suddenly, he heard a cry. He ran to the

riverside and saw his Student in the water. The Student was waving his arms and crying out loud. When he saw the Master, he shouted, “Master! Please help me. I will drown in the river.”

The Master asked his Student to stay calm. He said, “Son! Do not panic! I shall find a way to bring you out. But how did you fall into the river?”

The Student replied, “I was learning how to swim with the help of a log of wood. After a while, I felt I could swim without it. So, I left the log and started swimming without it. The force of the stream was very rough and I lost my balance.”

The Master looked around for another log of wood, and found one lying upon the bank. He threw it towards his Student and said, “Let this be a warning to you. In future, never throw away the log until you are quite sure you have learnt to swim without it.”

Do not make rash and hasty decisions.

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​​❄️The Elephant and the Animals

The animals in Happy Valley were sad. They were all troubled that some creatures were unkind to the others. The strong, kind Elephant was their leader, so the animals ran to him and told him all.

The Elephant wanted to know which animals were bad. So, he called the animals for a meeting and told them to stop their bad habits. Being lazy, cruel, selfish or jealous would spoil the happiness of the whole forest.

All the gentle animals like the Dog, Camel, Sheep, Dove, Ant and Bee, listened carefully to the Elephant’s words. They nodded in agreement. However, animals like the Tiger, Wolf, Snake, Wasp, Hornet, Fly, Grasshopper and Ape became very angry with the Elephant’s words. These animals were cruel and mean to the weaker animals. They grumbled and murmured loudly.

The Elephant trumpeted for silence.

Then he continued, “I gave my advice to everyone here, but only some of you were happy to hear me!” He explained that those who agreed with his advice were the good animals, but the ones who were angry with his words were the real troublemakers!

Good advice hurts those who do wrong things.

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​​❄️The Bees and the Beetles

Far away on the hills, there was a forest full of many different trees and plants. Different kinds of animals, birds and insects lived in the forest.

There was a huge beehive on a tall tree. The Bees were always busy collecting honey and filling their combs.

On another old tree, close to the tree with the beehive, was a colony of Beetles. They lived in the old tree trunk.

The Bees and Beetles were very good neighbours.

They never troubled each other and always went their own ways. They lived peacefully with each other.

One day, the friendly Bees invited the Beetles for dinner. The Beetles arrived and dinner was served.

The Bees offered the Beetles some of the best honey that they had.

The Beetles did not like the taste of honey. They barely ate anything and then flew away.

The next day, all the Beetles invited the Bees over for dinner. A plate full of dung was served to the Bees. The Bees could not eat even a single bite. They remained hungry and flew back home.

Two people can have different likes and dislikes, but still they can be good friends.

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​​❄️ The Ant and the Fly

Once, an Ant and a Fly were fighting over who was more important.

The Fly said, “Ant! What do you think you are? How can you even think about comparing yourself to me? Look at me! You have to work hard but I pass my time with the rich and the learned. I fly into the temples and taste the offerings. I can sit on the King’s crown and kiss the Queen’s forehead. I do not work, yet have the best life!”

The Ant replied, “Don’t be so proud! You are always hated when you enter the temples. You are driven away as soon as you sit on the King’s crown or the Queen’s forehead. You do not have anything left for the difficult times as you are lazy. In winters, you feed yourself on a pile of cow dung. Look at me! I work hard and gather a store of grain for the winter. Later on, when you shiver in the cold, I am safe and at peace in my cosy home. I am prepared to live in any season of the year.”

Look at your own faults, before finding faults in others.

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❄️The Cold Planet

Thousands of miles from Earth is the planet of Fliptune. Fliptune gets no sun, and is therefore always cold and dark. It is inhabited by creatures who resemble dinosaurs. These creatures use torches to see. One day, a young Fliptunese called Neila put the wrong batteries in his torch. Suddenly the torch lit up and its bright golden rays travelled through the universe and touched planet Earth. The light hit a boy named Bamby. Even before Bamby could understand what was happening, he got sucked into the light and went higher and higher and landed on Fliptune. Neila watched wild-eyed. He had never seen a human before. Bamby was equally surprised. “It’s so cold and dark here,” said Bamby. “We don’t get the sun,” lamented Neila “I can get the sun for you,” replied Bamby. He lit the torch once again and helped Bamby return to Earth. Bamby took out a huge mirror and reflected the sun’s rays towards Fliptune. Now Fliptune was never dark and cold again.

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​​❄️ The Clever Wife

There lived a Woman whose Husband had a bad habit. The man would drink a lot every day. This caused him to lose his normal senses for most of the time.

The Woman tried many times to help him get out of this habit. But all her efforts went in vain!

Every night, someone else would have to bring him back home. One such night when he was brought home, the Woman had him carried to a grave in the neighbourhood. She thought she could teach him a good lesson by frightening him and then he would stop his bad habit.

Then she dressed herself in a dark-coloured dress. She wore a mask upon her face. She waited for him to wake up.

When the Woman saw her Husband returning to his senses, she moved towards him with a serious face. Then, she gave him some food to eat and spoke loudly, “Get up and eat, it is my job to bring food for the dead.”

The Husband was very scared. He ran home at once. From that day onwards, he gave up his bad habit.

We must leave our bad habits.

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​​❄️ The Clever Thief

One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to snatch his money by making some excuse.

The Thief decided to fool the Old Man and take away his money.

“Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?” the Thief shouted in anger at the Old Man.

“You must be mistaken,” said the Old Man. “I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”

“Oh stop it!” growled the Thief. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”

“No! That cannot be true. I did not live in this house last year,” replied the Old Man.

“Well then, if it was not you, it certainly must have been your brother,” shouted the Thief.

“It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago, answered the Old Man.

“Never mind, I know it was definitely an Old Man like you, I will not accept excuses anymore,” said the Thief. Then, he snatched the Old Man’s money and ran away with it.

Bad people will find any excuse to do bad things.

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​​🐢The Magic Turtle

Whenever Han was very sad or very happy he played his flute. Today he was very sad for lie had got his school report and he had not done well at all! He knew his mother would be very angry. He wished he had listened to her when she told him to study hard. He sat on the riverbank wondering how to tell his mother about it. “Why are you looking so glum?” Hari heard a voice. When he looked up he saw a huge turtle swimming towards him. Hari narrated his plight. “So I’ve decided not to show my report to my mother,” he concluded. “That’s not the right thing to do. You must tell your mother the truth and promise her that you’ll do better next time. It’s never too late to mend your ways,” said the turtle. “And don’t worry,” continued the turtle. “I am a magical turtle. I’ll help you in your studies. But only if you play the flute for me every evening.” Hari was delighted to hear this. He promised to come to the river every day. The two became friends forever.

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​​❄️The Farmer and the Dog

One evening, a Farmer returned home from his farm. He had left his baby asleep in the cradle. His faithful Dog was watching over the child.

When the Farmer reached the room, he saw the baby’s cradle turned upside down and blood everywhere. The baby was missing.

The Farmer understood that a beast had killed his baby. Now he was very sad and upset.

Then he saw that his Dog was lying quietly with blood on his mouth and body. The Farmer was so angry that he picked up a an axe and hit the Dog. The poor Dog cried out in pain and died.

The Farmer now rushed to the turned cradle and lifted it. His little son was perfectly safe and sleeping, peacefully!

A big, ugly Snake lay dead near the cradle.

The Farmer was shocked. He was happy that his baby was safe, but very sad that his beloved Dog was dead.

Now he understood that his Dog had fought and killed the Snake to save the baby. He realised his mistake.

He had killed his loyal Dog without thinking. Sadly, he picked up his baby.

Do not make any decision when you are angry.

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🍂The Proud Lady and the Caterpillar

A young Lady had a wonderful garden. She took great care of it. One day, she was walking in her beautiful garden and admiring the colourful flowers. She saw the trees laden with juicy fruits and clapped her hands with joy.

Suddenly, the Lady saw a Caterpillar on her dress. She was horrified.

The Lady shook him off her dress, saying angrily, “Go away, you ugly Caterpillar! You eat all the leaves, flowers and fruits and ruin my lovely garden. I work so hard to keep my garden beautiful. You spoil it by being here.”

The Caterpillar looked at her and said calmly, “Proud Lady, I am ugly to look at now Soon, I shall turn into a beautiful Butterfly. The lovely silk of your dress has come from insects like me, so, do not insult me.”

“You will be jealous of me, when I become a Butterfly! Since, then I shall be more colourful and beautiful than you.”

The Caterpillar continued, “We are greatly puzzled by you. Your beauty is temporary. Without your clothes, you look like a Caterpillar. Only when you dress up in colourful clothes do you become a Butterfly!”

True beauty does not lie in clothes!

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​​🍂An Old Tiger and a Greedy Traveller

Once, there was an old Tiger that could no longer hunt. One morning, he stood in a lake and held a blade of holy grass in one paw and a gold bracelet in the other. He was shouting, “Ladies and Gentlemen! A gold bracelet for charity.”

A Traveller, passing by, liked the gold bracelet. However, he was scared of the Tiger.

The Traveller said, “How can I believe that you would not harm me?”

The Tiger replied, “I admit that when I was young, I was wicked and killed many cows and human beings. Then a holy man advised me to give alms. So, now I take a bath and give things for the sake of charity. Besides, I’ve gone old. My teeth and claws have fallen off. So, what have you to fear from me?”

The Traveller believed him and went into the lake, but got struck in the deep mud.

When the Tiger saw this, he comforted him. “Oh! Don’t worry. I’ll help you,” he said, and slowly waded towards the Traveller and grabbed him.

Soon after that, the Tiger killed the Traveller and ate him up.

You must not risk your life at the cost of greed.

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​​🍂The Lion

King Leopard happily ruled over his Kingdom.

However, one day, a Lion Cub was born in a distant part of the Kingdom. The Leopard felt sorry because the poor cub had no father. But the Prime Minister, the Fox, knew that when the Lion Cub grew up, there would be trouble. Lions always respect friendship and never fight needlessly with other animals. So, he advised the Leopard, “It is wise to be friendly with the Lion Cub to control his power.”

King Leopard did not listen. Many years passed. The Cub grew into a big Lion! He was brave, watchful and clever. He began to show his power. The Fox begged the Leopard again, “Before he destroys us fully, please give the Lion a part of the Kingdom, some oxen and other animals to feed on. We can live safely in the other part of the Kingdom.”

“No, I will not give him any part of my Kingdom!” the Leopard again refused the Fox’s advice.

Very soon, the Lion became so powerful that he slowly won the Leopard’s Kingdom and became King, instead!

If there is a strong person in your life, make sure he is your friend!

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​​🍂The Lion Going to War

One day, the King of the Forest called for a meeting. He was preparing to go for war. He wanted to give each animal a responsibility.

To the Elephant, he said, “Elephant, you should carry all the weapons of war on your back and fight

with great strength.”

Then, the Lion told the Bear, “Be prepared to rush in while the war is on, we may need you if the enemy is pushing us over.”

He said to the Fox, “Your task is to fix all the secret plots.” Then, he called the Monkey and said, “Take care that the enemies should be amused by your tricks.”

While all the animals waited their turn, one of them said, “What

use are the Ass and the Hare? They are too cowardly to fight. Send them home.” “No,” said the King, “everyone has a part to play. Without their help we would be incomplete.”

Then the King said, “The Ass shall be our trumpeter, to scare our enemy. And then the lively Hare will carry home the report of our victory.”

In this way, the wise King got all the animals involved and ready for battle.

Everyone is gifted with a talent different from another.

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🍂The Old Man and the Three Young Men

Once, three strong Young Men lived in a village. They did not do any work at all and just roamed around the village, making fun of people.
One day, the three Young Men were walking on the road. At a farm, they saw an Old Man, with grey hair and a grey beard. They noticed that he was planting some fruit trees.

A Young Man laughed at him and said, Why are you planting those trees?” The second Young Man said, “You are so old now You may not live to eat the fruit.” “Oh Young Men! My trees will give fruits, in some years. Maybe I do not live to eat any of these fruits but many others can enjoy them. This way they will remember me, as, through hard work, I will leave my mark even after I die. But what do you do? How will people remember you?”

The three Young Men understood that the Old Man was right. They knew that they would only be remembered as fools.

Thus, from that day onwards, they started working very hard.

Good deeds are remembered even after death!

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