The bar graph provide a percentage breakdown of four waste disposal means in four countries: the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and the UK.
Overall, landfilling is the most common method of waste dealing, with the UK having the biggest share. However, the Netherlands appears to be much more ecologically-friendly, recycling the vast majority of the rubbish produced. Other ways - incineration and being used as chemicals - have quite moderate proportions across
all four nations.
Starting with the most popular approach - digging underground, the UK is a far-off outlier with a staggering 65% - far higher than the figures of Italy and Spain, both burying 40% of the total waste. The Netherlands, on the other hand, shows the least landfilled waste percentage - below 10%.
As for recycling, it is the least favored option in the UK, Italy, and Spain, however, the Dutch recycling rate visibly stands out with nearly 70% of its waste being recycled. Italy recycles 20%, while Spain and the UK have even lower proportions - both slightly above 10%.
The percentages of burning and chemical use in the Netherlands and Italy are almost the same within countries: approximately 10% in the former and 20% in the latter, respectively. In Spain, incineration's figure (30%) is almost twice of chemical use, whereas the discrepancy between burning and chemical use in the UK is three-fold, with the dominance of being used as chemicals.
#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9
Overall, landfilling is the most common method of waste dealing, with the UK having the biggest share. However, the Netherlands appears to be much more ecologically-friendly, recycling the vast majority of the rubbish produced. Other ways - incineration and being used as chemicals - have quite moderate proportions across
all four nations.
Starting with the most popular approach - digging underground, the UK is a far-off outlier with a staggering 65% - far higher than the figures of Italy and Spain, both burying 40% of the total waste. The Netherlands, on the other hand, shows the least landfilled waste percentage - below 10%.
As for recycling, it is the least favored option in the UK, Italy, and Spain, however, the Dutch recycling rate visibly stands out with nearly 70% of its waste being recycled. Italy recycles 20%, while Spain and the UK have even lower proportions - both slightly above 10%.
The percentages of burning and chemical use in the Netherlands and Italy are almost the same within countries: approximately 10% in the former and 20% in the latter, respectively. In Spain, incineration's figure (30%) is almost twice of chemical use, whereas the discrepancy between burning and chemical use in the UK is three-fold, with the dominance of being used as chemicals.
#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9