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Well, one of the 40-Day challenge participants started a charitable activity. You can check it out here:


#AndNew ⛰️

Overall: 6️⃣🔤5️⃣
Exam date: February 22, 2025
Instructor: @Azamat_Nurmatov

📍Everest Jahon tillari
📞 +99895 144 50 80
📞+99895 144 50 70

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Репост из: Айман Ёғий
Ислом шариат аёлларни ҳар куни эҳтиром қилишга буюрди. Бир кунни хослаб олиш эса, ҳақларни зое қилиш бўлади.


Bilgan biladi, bilmagan o'zi biladi😎

Jahon tillarida o'qiydigan qizlardan tashqari hammaga bayram muborak)


We are now)

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By using them multiple times

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How do you memorize new words and concepts so that you are able implement them when writing a report or an essay under exam conditions?

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Albatta. Buni gashti boshqacha)

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O'quvchila bilan iftorlik qip turibsilami

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Va a'laykumussalam.


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Assalomu aleykum ustoz speakingni oshirish uchun nima qilish kerak

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Va a'laykumussalam. Immerse yourself in English. Receptive skills ni yaxshilab oshiring, baribir bular tortib beradi. Ko'p kino/podcast active listening qilish kerak. Reading - article, writing - analiz + yozib Chatgpt bilan ishlash, speaking - gapirish.

Yokida watch this podcast: https://youtu.be/5a6pHqLwSUk

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Assalom aleykum ieltsni 6.5 dan 7.5 8.0 ga olib chiqiw un nmani tavsiya beras 3 oyda

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Qaysi kanal postini o'tkazib yubormay kuzatasiz

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