
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

⚡️IELTS score 7x2
📌listening 8.5/8
📌speaking 7.5
Ingliz tilini o’rganish oson, buni bu yerda men sizga isbotlayman.

Don’t expect useful content after 10 pm
To contact write : @mahbubiy_sk

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

The line graph shows the degree of contentment with the healthcare system in four countries (Canada, UK, Netherlands, and the US) from 1991 to 2007.

Overall, there was little variation in the level of satisfaction in each country, except for Canada, which experienced a significant dip and lost its top position to the Netherlands as the country with the most satisfying healthcare system.

In the initial years, Canada had the highest level of satisfaction, starting at 55%. However, this figure sharply plummeted to approximately 20% in 1998. Subsequently, there was a slight improvement, with the percentage rising to 40%, but still lower than the initial level.

On the other hand, the other three countries (UK, Netherlands, and the US) showed relatively stable trends throughout the period. The satisfaction levels in the UK and the Netherlands remained almost flat over the years, with the Netherlands consistently having a higher satistaction rate of nearly 50%, surpassing Canada in 1993. The US, however, started at only 10% and maintained a slightly higher but still low rate throughout the 17 years.

Estimated score: 7.5 - 8.0

Репост из: Diyorbek's IELTS

📊 TASK 1: The line graph shows the level of satisfaction of health care system in four countries in three years.

📝 TASK 2: Many people aim to achieve a balance between work and other parts of lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problem? How to overcome it?



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This is me after checking 10 essays in an hour.

My heart is full of hate when I see a student write "In this essay i will discuss both advantages and disagvatages of something” in task 2.


📍once and for all- butunlay

We need to sattle this once and for all.

Biz bunga butunlayga barham berishimiz kerak.

Iborani ishlatib gaplar tuzing, men tekshirib beraman⬇️


Suxbatdoshingga shunday termilib tursang. U gapirsa, sen hech qachon zerikmasang )

Kim ingliz tili qiyin deb o’ylasa, nemis tiliga kirib ko’ringlar.

Xayotga bo’lgan qiziqishinglar so’nadi.

Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
Hot take:

If students stopped using words like “Firstly”, “Moreover”, and “In other words” in their Task 2, their writing score would probably go up.

I smile while I am angry,
I cheat, and I lie.
I do what I have to do to get by,
But I know what is wrong,
And I know what is right.
I’m a master of truth in my secret life.

I saw you this morning,
You were moving so fast.
I had to relinquish my grip on the past,
But I turned to you still, like a man to his wife.
So I held on in the chains of my secret life.


Find someone you can call when you’re in trouble.

If you have someone who would be mad if you didn’t call them in tough times, hold on to them.

And if you are that person for someone else, never stop reminding them that they are never alone.


Inson qachon katta bo’ladi ?

Pasport olgandami, 18 ga kirgandami , maktabni bitirib armiyaga borib kelgandami yoki ishga kirib oyiga 1000$ dan ko’p pul topishni boshlagandami ?

Manimcha inson boshqalar uchun ma’sul bo’lishni boshlaganida, yaqinlari manfaatini o’z manfaatlaridan ustun qo’ya boshlaganida katta bo’ladi.

Men ham bitta ingliz tilini bilib o’zimni nimadir biladi deb yurgan ekanim.

Hozir yonimda 6-7 yosh bolani Qur’on o’qib turgani ko’rib, o’zimni qanchalar ahmoq ekanligimni va yanglishganimni yana bir bor anglab yetdim.

Qissadan hissa o’rganadigan narsa ko’p.

Eng katta qo’rquvingiz nima ?

Inson qachon katta bo’ladi ?

Didn't know it was a real thing😅

When was the last time you got a hug?

Sevmasa berganing gul befoyda do’st,
Bilmasa Robbini qul befoyda do’st.
Xar kimsa turfa yo’l tanlab ketmoqda,
Bormasa Allohga yo’l befoyda do’st.


Репост из: The Renaissance Man
May this be the last Ramadan we spend unmarried. Say Ameen.

💡HAVE (SOMETHING) TO DO WITHbiror narsaga aloqador bo‘lish yoki bog‘liq bo‘lish

-Success in language learning has a lot to do with consistency and practice.

Til o‘rganishda muvaffaqiyat doimiylik va mashq qilish bilan bog‘liq.

-The delay has something to do with technical issues.

Kechikish texnik muammolar bilan bog‘liq.

-Does his resignation have anything to do with the recent scandal?

Uning iste’fosi so‘nggi mojaro bilan bog‘liqmi?

Bu iborani ishlatib gaplar tuzib qoldiring💭

Men ularni tekshirib beraman


Good morning to everyone—except those who don’t react to my posts.

I was buring while you blame me for the smell of ashes.


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