Diyorbek's IELTS

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

💯 English with immersion
🚀 IELTS 7.0+
⚡️ Mock tests (IELTS/SAT/CDI)

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

🔴Sign up for Ulug’bek Umidjonov’s NEW PRE-IELTS groups.

⏰ 10:15-12:15 / 14:00-16:00

To register, write to⤵️

💯 @diyorbeksielts_yunusobod
📞 +998953198828

8.7k 0 15 15 98

🌅 March 16 mock morning session is fully booked.

🌇 The seats for the afternoon session are filling up quickly.

To register, write to ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_mock

16.6k 0 30 24 157

Many writers, including Paul Millerd who is the author of "Pathless Path", use Claude over ChatGPT for writing.

Give Claude 3.7 a try. It is actually better than ChatGPT for editing.

17k 0 164 28 160


The seats for March 16 are filling up quickly. To register, write to ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_mock

19.2k 0 46 44 211

22k 0 37 57 985

Don’t translate directly from your native language

Many students tend to translate directly from their native language, especially with prepositions, leading to common errors like:

❌ Affect to → ✅ Affect (no preposition)

❌ Cause to → ✅ Cause (no preposition) or Cause [something] to [verb]

❌ Ask from → ✅ Ask [someone] for [something]

❌ Come across with → ✅ Come across (no extra preposition)

Prepositions don’t always translate directly, so it’s important to check their use

24.1k 2 408 39 624

In April, my team will get the cup back from Jo’rabek’s

25.1k 0 15 86 766


IELTS Reading is nothing but a test of vocabulary.

24.3k 1 114 23 360

Generating Ideas 💡

One way to generate ideas is by using the stakeholder approach—considering all the parties who would have a say on the topic.

Topic: Banning dangerous sports.

Now, let’s identify the people connected to this issue and explore their perspectives.

Park ranger:
Police officer:

What would each say?

24.5k 0 76 71 225

Mock Results - February 23.pdf

If you forgot your candidate number or have other enquiries, write to @diyorbeksielts_mock

🌇🌆 There are seats for both sessions of March 16. To reserve your seat ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_mock

People are not obese due to a lack of awareness about the harmful effects of fast food—everyone already knows that. Therefore, suggesting that raising awareness about the consequences of junk food is a solution is ineffective.

26.2k 2 56 67 204


The most common problem I see in students' essays about Causes/Solutions/Effects is the quality of solutions.

Weak solutions (see the examples in the picture) usually fall into the following categories:

1) Overly general solutions
2) Unrealistic/impractical solutions
3) Relying too much on government intervention
4) Vague/Cliched solutions

To write stronger solutions, make sure that they are specific, practical and supported by specific examples.

💯 Diyorbek's IELTS

25.8k 2 109 24 162

📢 Join Our Writing Workshop This Sunday ✍️

Want to improve your IELTS Writing with real, practical tips? One of our top teachers—8.5 Writing, two perfect 9.0s in Task 2—is hosting a workshop to help you write like a pro.

✅ Learn practical strategies
✅ Get expert feedback
✅ Have loads of fun

Bring paper, a pencil, and loads of enthusiasm! Don’t miss out—sign up now! 🚀

📍 Yunusobod branch
🕰 14:00
📆 March 2

🔗 Registration link

24.7k 0 130 48 222

23.3k 0 15 104 95

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Yuqori IELTS natijasi va xalqaro talabalik.

Xalqaro talabalikga erishgan o'quvchilarimizning safi kengaymoqda

The Pennsylvania State University talabalasi bo'lgan 3 nafar o'quvchilarimizning o'quv markazimiz haqidagi fikrlari.

DILC o’quvchilariga safiga qo’shilish va yuqori marralarni zabt etish uchun izohlarda 🔥 belgisini qoldiring.


Follow us on Instagram ⤵️

📱 Diyorbek’s IELTS

27.5k 0 72 65 373

🌅🌇 Both sessions of March 9 are fully booked.

🌸📆You can register for March 16 sessions. ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_mock

22k 0 32 14 116

Nodira successfully completed Furqat & Sirojiddin’s latest intensive group and achieved an impressive 8.0 overall, including a remarkable 8.5 in Listening

📖 READING - 8.0
✍️ WRITING - 7.5
🗣 SPEAKING - 7.0

Overall: 8️⃣🔤🔤 (in her first attempt)

Furqat Olimjonov (@ielts_cream) and Sirojiddin Erkaboyev (@siroj_notes)

Natija va ingliz tili uchun ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
📩 @diyorbeksielts_yunusobod

23.2k 0 29 55 218


21k 0 0 15 215

Bobur Fayzullaev completed D118 and took the test a little earlier than the course completion. He took the CDI on the 25th and received his 7.0 today


Overall: 7️⃣🔤0️⃣

Natija va ingliz tili uchun ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_admin
📩 @diyorbeksielts_yunusobod

Показано 20 последних публикаций.