📺Joriy yilning 23-yanvar kuni Oxus universiteti talabalarning bo'sh vaqtini mazmunli o'tkazish maqsadida "Movie club" ni tashkil qildi. Ularda ota-onasiga bo'lgan hurmat va inson qadr qiymatini his qilish tuyg'ulari yana bir karraga ko'payishi uchun millionlab tomoshabinni yig'latgan "
Jannat onalar oyog'i ostida" kinosi talabalar uchun maxsus namoyish qilindi
Kelgusida vatanparvarlik ruhini o'zida aks ettirgan "
Movie club" tashkil qilinishi ko'zda tutilmoqda.
📺Movie Time sessions have started for students residing in the Oxus dormitory. On January 23, Oxus University launched the "
Movie Club" to provide students with meaningful leisure activities. To deepen their sense of respect for parents and the value of humanity, the heart-touching film "
Heaven Lies Beneath a Mother’s Feet", which has moved millions to tears, was specially screened for the students.
In the future, films that promote patriotism and national pride are planned to be showcased.
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