📺Joriy yilning 23-yanvar kuni Oxus universiteti talabalarning bo'sh vaqtini mazmunli o'tkazish maqsadida "Movie club" ni tashkil qildi. Ularda ota-onasiga bo'lgan hurmat va inson qadr qiymatini his qilish tuyg'ulari yana bir karraga ko'payishi uchun millionlab tomoshabinni yig'latgan "Jannat onalar oyog'i ostida" kinosi talabalar uchun maxsus namoyish qilindi
Kelgusida vatanparvarlik ruhini o'zida aks ettirgan "Movie club" tashkil qilinishi ko'zda tutilmoqda.
📺Movie Time sessions have started for students residing in the Oxus dormitory. On January 23, Oxus University launched the "Movie Club" to provide students with meaningful leisure activities. To deepen their sense of respect for parents and the value of humanity, the heart-touching film "Heaven Lies Beneath a Mother’s Feet", which has moved millions to tears, was specially screened for the students.
In the future, films that promote patriotism and national pride are planned to be showcased.
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Kelgusida vatanparvarlik ruhini o'zida aks ettirgan "Movie club" tashkil qilinishi ko'zda tutilmoqda.
📺Movie Time sessions have started for students residing in the Oxus dormitory. On January 23, Oxus University launched the "Movie Club" to provide students with meaningful leisure activities. To deepen their sense of respect for parents and the value of humanity, the heart-touching film "Heaven Lies Beneath a Mother’s Feet", which has moved millions to tears, was specially screened for the students.
In the future, films that promote patriotism and national pride are planned to be showcased.
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