Kecha Don Kixotning ispanchasini qayta ochib varoqladim. Qo’rqayotgandim ispancham yetmaydi, deb. Matn saryog’dek oqdi. Bir yarim yillik o’rganish mevasini beribdi, demak.
Do’stlarimdan biri esa buni “til o’rganishda omadlisan” deb baholadi. Bitch, that’s called the result of hell outta hard work. Your birth was by chance, not my language skills, dedim 🌞
Do’stlarimdan biri esa buni “til o’rganishda omadlisan” deb baholadi. Bitch, that’s called the result of hell outta hard work. Your birth was by chance, not my language skills, dedim 🌞