
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Hard work, integrity and cooperation.
Eslatib oʻtamiz, muvaffaqiyatingiz salohiyat va intilishlaringizga bogʻliq!
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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: 🇬🇧 Learn English 🇬🇧
⭐️ put across - ясно и понятно излагать (мысли и т.п.)

I thought Ms. Smith put her ideas across rather clearly in the meeting.
Мне показалось, что Мисс Смит излагала свои мысли на собрании довольно четко и ясно.


Репост из: IELTS ZONE 9.0

Репост из: 10-11-12-dekabr | Ingliz tilini 1ta darajaga ko’tarib, Speakingni “0”dan tez chiqarish uchun 7 ta qadam | Madina Fozilova
🌙 Ramazon oyida ishlatiladigan inglizcha so‘zlar 🕌✨

🕌 Asosiy Ramazon atamalari
1️⃣ Ramadan – Ramazon oyi
2️⃣ Fasting – Ro‘za tutish
3️⃣ Suhoor / Sahur – Saharlik
4️⃣ Iftar – Iftor (ro‘zani ochish vaqti)
5️⃣ Taraweeh prayers – Taroveh namozi
6️⃣ Eid al-Fitr – Ramazon hayiti
7️⃣ Islamic lunar calendar – Islomiy qamariy taqvim

🍽 Ro‘za va ovqatlanish bilan bog‘liq
8️⃣ Breaking the fast – Ro‘zani ochish
9️⃣ Pre-dawn meal – Tong oldidan iste’mol qilinadigan ovqat
🔟 Date fruit – Xurmo
1️⃣1️⃣ Hydration – Suv yetarli miqdorda iste’mol qilish
1️⃣2️⃣ Moderation in eating – Ovqatlanishda me’yorni saqlash

🤲 Ibodat va ma’naviyat
1️⃣3️⃣ Self-discipline – O‘zini tuta bilish
1️⃣4️⃣ Spiritual reflection – Ruhiy mulohaza
1️⃣5️⃣ Charity (Sadaqah) – Xayriya qilish
1️⃣6️⃣ Zakat – Majburiy sadaqa
1️⃣7️⃣ Recitation of the Quran – Qur’on tilovati 📖
1️⃣8️⃣ Supplication (Dua) – Duo qilish
1️⃣9️⃣ Gratitude – Minnatdorchilik

🎊 Ramazonning ijtimoiy va madaniy jihatlari
2️⃣0️⃣ Community gatherings – Jamoat bo‘lib yig‘ilish
2️⃣1️⃣ Generosity – Saxovat
2️⃣2️⃣ Patience – Sabr-toqat
2️⃣3️⃣ Good deeds – Yaxshi amallar qilish
2️⃣4️⃣ Night prayers – Kechki namozlar
2️⃣5️⃣ Blessings – Barakalar

✨ Ramazon haqida yuqori darajadagi so‘zlar
2️⃣6️⃣ Spiritual rejuvenation – Ruhiy yangilanish
2️⃣7️⃣ Pious devotion – E’tiqod va sadoqat
2️⃣8️⃣ Intermittent fasting – Oraliq ro‘za usuli (sog‘liq uchun ham mashhur)
2️⃣9️⃣ Self-purification – O‘zini poklash
3️⃣0️⃣ Mindful abstinence – Ongli ravishda tiyilish

Siz Ramazonda qaysi so‘zlarni ko‘proq ishlatasiz? Kommentda yozib qoldiring!👇🏻


📰 🗞 Antoine Izambard, Louis Raymond
25/02/2025. Vanuatu files 1/3. Intelligence Online has obtained the official list of foreign nationals who have acquired a passport from the South Pacific state in recent years. The document allows visa-free travel to 130 countries and is favoured by intelligence and business figures alike.
The long list of 1,961 names includes a Central Asian spymaster, sanctioned Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian businessmen, Asian billionaires and diplomats. Intelligence Online has obtained the official records of which foreign nationals acquired Republic of Vanuatu passports in 2022 and 2023.
The South Pacific archipelago of 80 islands has specialised in selling these golden passports, which finance more than a third of the state budget every year. The precious document costs $130,000 and is issued in record time - around a month - and allows visa-free travel to 130 countries. For a long time, recipients could also choose an alias, a blessing for wanted criminals or intelligence officers wishing to operate secretly.
Faced with criticism from several countries that the system was opaque and lax, Vanuatu in 2022 passed a law banning such name changes. Several diplomatic sources have however expressed scepticism that the law is actually being applied. Abuse of the system, known as citizenship-by-investment (CBI), prompted the EU to suspend its visa exemption for Vanuatu passport holders in December 2022. Two years later, the EU revoked its travel agreement with the archipelago entirely, in an unprecedented move. Despite repeated warnings in recent years, Vanuatu continues to show little regard for the pedigree of foreigners to whom it grants citizenship, as Intelligence Online has discovered.
Billionaire's son
Vanuatru granted 2,200 passports to foreigners in 2020, a number it slashed to 1,054 in 2022 and 907 in 2023. Chinese names account for more than 30% of the passports, followed by Russians, and together they account for more than half the passports. Slapped with international sanctions in the wake of Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia saw a growing number of its citizens - around 250 - granted a Vanuatu passport in 2023.
Uzbek spymaster
The names of Ukrainians Roman Felyk and Vadym Mashurov, who made their fortune in cryptocurrencies, also feature on the passport lists. Mashurov is wanted in Kazakhstan.
Several prominent Central Asians also hold these golden passports, including Rustam Inoyatov, who commanded Uzbekistan's SNB secret service from 1995 to 2018 (IO, 03/03/23). The former spymaster and several of his family members obtained a Vanuatu passport in 2023. They include his son Sharif Inoyatov, who runs an agri-food and property empire in Uzbekistan and Russia.
Several nationals from neighbouring Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan also hold the precious travel document. Likewise in Pakistan, where local media reported in 2023 that Farhat Shahzadi, a close associate of Bushra Bibi, the wife of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan, held a Vanuatu passport.
Passport trafficking
At the urging of the European Commission, Vanuatu In February 2023 launched a commission of inquiry into its citizenship by investment programmes and their erratic management. However, according to several sources, the inquiry has now ground to a halt. Ishmael Kalsakau, Vanuatu's prime minister from November 2022 to September 2023, said he was open to trying to make the scheme more transparent. However, his mandate was short-lived and he has since had three successors. Vanuatu is also facing the problem of trafficking in diplomatic passports, which has hit the headlines in the local press in recent weeks, prompting the Vanuatu government to act.
When contacted, the Vanuatu government and its Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) responsible for financial intelligence and checking the profiles of passport applicants declined to answer our questions.

Репост из: Наблюдения под чинарой 🌳
Смысл фразы «Солнце никогда не садится над Британской Империей»

🇮🇪 Ирландия (Северная Ирландия)
🇬🇮 Гибралтар
🇲🇹 Мальта
🇨🇾 Кипр

🇮🇳 Индия
🇵🇰 Пакистан
🇧🇩 Бангладеш
🇲🇲 Бирма (Мьянма)
🇱🇰 Цейлон (Шри Ланка)
🇲🇾 Малайзия (Malaysia)
🇸🇬 Сингапур
🇭🇰 Гонконг
🇲🇾, 🇧🇳, 🇮🇩 Британское Борнео (Малайзия, Бруней и Индонезия)
🇮🇶 Ирак
🇦🇪 ОАЭ
🇯🇴 Иордания
🇵🇸 Палестина
🇮🇱 Израиль
🇾🇪 Йемен
🇴🇲 Оман
🇲🇻 Мальдивы
🇶🇦 Катар
🇧🇭 Бахрейн

🇿🇦 ЮАР
🇿🇼 Зимбабве (Zimbabwe)
🇰🇪 Кения
🇺🇬 Уганда
🇹🇿 Танзания
🇳🇬 Нигерия
🇬🇭 Гана
🇪🇬 Египет
🇸🇩 Судан
🇸🇱 Сьерра-Леоне
🇬🇲 Гамбия
🇲🇺 Маврикий
🇲🇼 Малави

Северная Америка:
🇺🇸 США
🇨🇦 Канада
🇨🇦 Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор

Карибский бассейн:
🇯🇲 Ямайка
🇹🇹 Тринидад и Тобаго
🇧🇧 Барбадос
🇧🇸 Багамы
🇬🇾 Гайана
🇻🇨 Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
🇬🇩 Гренада
🇧🇿 Белиз
🇦🇬 Антигуа и Барбуда
🇰🇳 Сент-Китс и Невис
🇻🇬 Виргинские острова

🇦🇺 Австралия
🇳🇿 Новая Зеландия
🇫🇯 Фиджи
🇻🇺 Вануату
🇹🇻 Тувалу
🇳🇺 Ниуэ
🇵🇬 Папуа Новая-Гвинея
🇸🇧 Соломоновы Острова
🇰🇮 Кирибати
🇹🇴 Тонга
🇼🇸 Самоа
🇳🇷 Науру

Кажется тут кого-то забыл и пропустил всё равно 😅🤔

#империя #великобритания #колонии #история #география


Репост из: Hilola Umarova
Endi taʼlim tili oʻzbek tili boʻlmagan sinf bitiruvchilari ham davlat tilidan imtihon topshiradi

Maktabgacha va maktab taʼlimi vazirining 2025-yil 20-fevraldagi 65-sonli buyrugʻi bilan umumiy oʻrta taʼlim muassasalarida yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi oʻtkazish tartibi belgilandi. Mazkur hujjatga asosan umumiy oʻrta taʼlim muassasalarida yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi oʻtkaziladigan fanlar roʻyxati va imtihon oʻtkazish shakllari, umumtaʼlim fanlari hamda xorijiy tillarni bilish darajasini baholovchi milliy va xalqaro tan olingan sertifikatlar roʻyxati tasdiqlandi.

Unga koʻra, 9-sinf oʻquvchilarining yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi:

➖Ona tili va adabiyoti (taʼlim oʻzbek tilida olib boriladigan sinflar uchun) fanidan – yozma;
➖Davlat tili (taʼlim tili oʻzbek tili boʻlmagan sinflar uchun)dan – yozma;
➖Matematika fanidan – yozma;
➖Oʻzbekiston tarixi fanidan – yozma/ogʻzaki;
➖Jismoniy tarbiya fanidan – amaliy shaklda oʻtkaziladi.

11-sinf oʻquvchilarining yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi:

➖Ona tili va adabiyoti (taʼlim oʻzbek tilida olib boriladigan sinflar uchun) fanidan – yozma;
➖Davlat tili (taʼlim tili oʻzbek tili boʻlmagan sinflar uchun)dan – yozma;
➖Matematika (Asosiy) / Matematika (Chuqurlashtirilgan) fanidan – yozma;
➖Tarix fanidan – yozma;

Oʻquvchining tanlovi boʻyicha:

➖ Ona tili va adabiyoti (qoraqalpoq, rus, qozoq, turkman, tojik, qirgʻiz tilida taʼlim boʻlgan sinflar uchun), Biologiya, Fizika, Kimyo, Davlat huquq asoslari, Geografiya fanlaridan – yozma;
➖ Chet tili fanidan yozma/ogʻzaki shaklda oʻtkaziladi.

Ma’lumot uchun, 2025-yilidan boshlab taʼlim o‘zbek tilida olib borilmaydigan umumiy o‘rta ta’lim muassasalarining 11-sinf bitiruvchilari uchun ham Davlat tilidan yakuniy nazorat imtihonlarini topshirish majburiy bo‘lishi belgilanmoqda.

Oʻzgarishlar haqida batafsil maʼlumotlar vazirlikning ijtimoiy tarmoqlari orqali beriladi.


Репост из: Nodavlat oliy ta'lim muassasalari
⚡️ Yaponiyada ta'lim olish va karyera qilishga qiziquvchilar diqqatiga!

❗️ Yaponiyada ta'lim olish va kasbiy rivojlanish haqida qiziqarli va foydali ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lishni istaysizmi? Sizni shu mavzuda bo‘lib o‘tadigan onlayn uchrashuvga taklif qilamiz!

✅ Spiker: Abror Madimarov
🟢 2010-2015 – Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti, Xalqaro munosabatlar fakulteti
🟢 2014-2015 – JASSO stipendianti, NUPACE akademik almashuv dasturi, Huquq maktabi, Nagoya universiteti
🟢 2016-2018 – MEXT stipendianti, Huquq oliy maktabi magistratura dasturi, Nagoya universiteti
🟢 2019-2022 – O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Strategik va mintaqaviy tadqiqotlar instituti, yetakchi ilmiy xodim
🟢 2022-2023 – London South Bank universiteti, mustaqil tadqiqotchi
🟢 2023 – OUKAWAY LLC yapon kompaniyasi rahbari

📆 Uchrashuv vaqti: 26-fevral, 16:00 (Toshkent vaqti)



✅ Yaponiyada o‘qish va ishlash bo‘yicha tajribali mutaxassisdan qimmatli maslahatlarni o‘tkazib yubormang!

🌐Telegram sahifamizga obuna bo’ling -  @wayuuz

🌐Instagram🌐Facebook🌐YouTube | 🌐LinkedIn

Репост из: English
Desertification in full swing — Over 1,800 trees being transplanted in Bukhara

Authorities in the Bukhara region are transplanting 1,824 trees to widen the Bukhara–Kogon highway, a move that has sparked public outcry. Videos circulating online show uprooted 15–17-year-old trees lying along the roadside, fueling concerns among residents and drawing widespread criticism. While environmental authorities initially opposed the project in 2023, they now assert that the process complies with legal regulations.


➡️ official channel

Репост из: 🇬🇧 Learn English 🇬🇧
Please, do your _____ (Внеси свой вклад)
  •   promotion
  •   part
1396 голосов

Репост из: 🇬🇧 Learn English 🇬🇧
⭐️ all in one piece - благополучно, без ущерба, без повреждений

Our furniture arrived all in one piece after we moved.
После нашего переезда наша мебель прибыла без повреждений.


Репост из: Эффект Макаренко
Реакция 37-летнего американского шахматиста Хикару Накамуру на проигрыш 19-летнему узбекистанцу Джавохиру Синдарову в турнире по шахматам Фишера.


Репост из: Енгил каналча
Булбулдек сайраш: Fiuweet-fiuweet-trrr-tyuu-liiit-trrr-fweet-fweet-tyu-tyu-tyu

Расм: Erkin Hasan.
Сўз: Alimoff.

Russia’s fears over ex-Soviet nations laid bare in leaked paper

Показано 20 последних публикаций.