Overall, women in all age groups in the UK consumed more vegetables and fruits than men. In both genders, more older people ate the recommended quantities of fruits and vegetables than their younger counterparts, with people aged 55-64 consuming the highest amounts and those at 19-24 the lowest.
Looking at the figures for women, almost 35% of females aged 55-64 consumed more than 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in 2006, followed closely by those aged 65-74(29%) and 45-54(27%). While 25% of women in 35-44 and 75+ age groups ate the recommended amounts, the figure was slightly lower for 25-34-year-olds and significantly so for 19-24-year-olds.
Men generated similar patterns, with 55-64-year-olds heading the list at around 32%, a little higher than those aged 65-74 at 27%. Whereas 25% of men aged 75+ ate the necessary amounts of fruits and vegetables and 22% of those aged 35-54, the number was 20% and 15% among males at 25-34 and 19-24, respectively.
Looking at the figures for women, almost 35% of females aged 55-64 consumed more than 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in 2006, followed closely by those aged 65-74(29%) and 45-54(27%). While 25% of women in 35-44 and 75+ age groups ate the recommended amounts, the figure was slightly lower for 25-34-year-olds and significantly so for 19-24-year-olds.
Men generated similar patterns, with 55-64-year-olds heading the list at around 32%, a little higher than those aged 65-74 at 27%. Whereas 25% of men aged 75+ ate the necessary amounts of fruits and vegetables and 22% of those aged 35-54, the number was 20% and 15% among males at 25-34 and 19-24, respectively.