Fazliddin Giyosov | IELTS 9.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

IELTS instructor at @SpotOneSchool
Personal band score: 9.0
Listening: 9.0
Reading: 9.0
Writing: 8.5
Speaking: 8.5
Run by @FazliddinGiyosov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Ulug'bek Umidjonov | 9.0
20-Day Ramadan Challenge 🌙✨

Join me for everyday live lessons—a daily dose of high-impact learning at 6:30 AM (after Suhoor)! 📝

📍Venue: @ulugbekumidjonov

💡 Stay consistent, sharpen your reading & writing skills, and make this Ramadan count!

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769 0 11 4 83

The town of Willington became more accessible, residential, entertaining, and commercial at the expense of green areas and farmlands while the river was the only feature that remained unchanged.

In 1780, there were 100 homes in the town which had doubled in 1860 and reached 500 in 2000. To connect the inhabitants of the town with other cities, a bridge across the river was built by 1860 along with a road between the residential area and the river. By 2000, another road was introduced connecting the residential area with schools and sports fields.

The area also underwent significant developments in terms of entertainment and commerce, with schools and sports facilities being introduced to the place previously occupied by trees. Also, a wetland for birds was created in the southern part of the town, and a line of shops alongside the river. Over the years, the amount of space devoted to farming diminished and disappeared by 2000.



The town of Lynnfield became more entertaining, commercial, residential, and accessible at the expense of natural areas, farmlands, and government buildings while the post office, bank, and library remained unchanged.

The northern part of the town was largely unoccupied with trees to the left and a river to the right. While those trees were reduced in number, a residential area was created along the river, accommodating the population of the town. There were government offices and farmland in the southeast of Lynnfield in 1936, but the former was converted into a museum and the latter turned into a golf course after 70 years. The cycle path crossing the southwest was replaced by a road for cars.

The commercial developments mostly took place in the central part of the town, with a large shopping center being introduced in what was once an empty space. While a supermarket replaced a sweet shop and butcher’s above the shopping center and a flower shop made way for a travel agent below, the post office, bank, and library remained in their original position.



Overall, women in all age groups in the UK consumed more vegetables and fruits than men. In both genders, more older people ate the recommended quantities of fruits and vegetables than their younger counterparts, with people aged 55-64 consuming the highest amounts and those at 19-24 the lowest.

Looking at the figures for women, almost 35% of females aged 55-64 consumed more than 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in 2006, followed closely by those aged 65-74(29%) and 45-54(27%). While 25% of women in 35-44 and 75+ age groups ate the recommended amounts, the figure was slightly lower for 25-34-year-olds and significantly so for 19-24-year-olds.

Men generated similar patterns, with 55-64-year-olds heading the list at around 32%, a little higher than those aged 65-74 at 27%. Whereas 25% of men aged 75+ ate the necessary amounts of fruits and vegetables and 22% of those aged 35-54, the number was 20% and 15% among males at 25-34 and 19-24, respectively.



877 0 10 3 10

Spring here 🌸
Ramadan here 🙏 ❤️❤️♥️♥️😚

Репост из: SPOT ONE
📢 Millat Umidi Universiteti – Kelajagingiz shu yerdan Boshlanadi! 🎓✨

🔹 100% xalqaro darajadagi ta’lim – CELTA, ACCA, Pearson BTEC, CERTIPORT sertifikatlari
🔹 Xalqaro almashinuv dasturlari –
🔹 “Work and Travel” – AQSh va Germaniyada ishlash va sayohat qilish imkoniyati
50-100% grantlar
🔹 Sifatli ta’lim va tajribali professorlar

✅ Ro‘yxatdan o‘tganlar uchun maxsus imkoniyatlar!
🎓 master-klass va karyera bo‘yicha maslahatlar

🌍 become_a_global_citizen – global bilim olish va kelajagingizni mustahkamlash imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

Bularning hammasi haqida batafsil malumotlarni taqdimotda olishingiz mumkin

📅 Sana :28- fevral
⏰ Vaqt :14:00
📍Manzil : Spot One

1k 0 3 22 14

Репост из: SPOT ONE

💵 60.000 sums

🗓 Mar 2, 09:00AM -

🎧 will be provided for you - real-exam headphones

🗓 Deadline for registration - Mar 1 - 9.00PM

⭕️⭕️⭕️You will get feedback from top IELTS instructors in Jizzakh including the only NINER in the city


Contact @Spot_Oneadmin for registration

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Yesterday I deleted my Instagram app. But today I'm looking at my phone screen with my fingers searching the Instagram icon which is no longer there

A male teacher without a girlfriend is like a fish without a bicycle 😂😂😂

1.6k 1 8 25 112

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 7️⃣🔤0️⃣

Congratulations Nargiza


Overall, higher percentages of men than women possessed tertiary degrees except in the USA and Germany. The gap between the two genders in Switzerland and Germany was the most noticeable, with male dominance in the former country and female dominance in the latter, while the remaining countries exhibited the same difference between the two sexes.

Looking at the figures for men, 45% had completed higher education in Switzerland, while the US, Great Britain, and Germany each showed 35%. The lowest numbers were observed in Japan, with 30% of men having obtained higher education degrees.

The figures for females represent varying numbers, with Germany leading with 45% of women who had higher education qualifications, followed closely by the USA and Switzerland at 40% and 35% respectively. While Great Britain had 30% of women with higher education diplomas, the numbers were again the lowest for Japan where 25% of females possessed higher degrees.



🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 7️⃣🔤0️⃣

The candidate chose not to be mentioned by name so I can't reveal who this is.

But I want to wish them the best of luck in their plans ahead and LIMITLESS joy in life


🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 7️⃣🔤0️⃣

Congratulations Mr.Shavkatovich 🎊


Bepul Writing Marathon ✍️

🌙 Ramazon munosabati bilan, IELTS 9.0 sohibi tomonidan kichik tuhfa!

Writingdan qiynalib yurgan o’quvchilar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

🚀 Start: Ramazonning birinchi kuni!

Marafon mutlaqo bepul va ochiq! Qo‘shilish uchun hoziroq linkni bosing:


Репост из: SPOT ONE

💵 60.000 sums

🗓 Mar 2, 09:00AM -

🎧 will be provided for you - real-exam headphones

🗓 Deadline for registration - Mar 1 - 9.00PM

⭕️⭕️⭕️You will get feedback from top IELTS instructors in Jizzakh including the only NINER in the city


Contact @Spot_Oneadmin for registration

Our channels

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 8️⃣🔤0️⃣

No comments!!!

Congratulations Shakhrizoda 🎊

No surprise you did it! I'm so proud to be a part of journey to 🙌


🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 7️⃣🔤0️⃣

Ahmadjon Sattarov got his desired score studying in my different group over the last several months.

However, he did exaggerate saying '0 dan 7 gacha obchiqdiz'. Without proper general knowledge of English, even the most informative, innovative, and well-organized IELTS course is helpless.

Congratulations Ahmadjon 🎊


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