1. Ingredient - taomga kerakli mahxsulot.
🚩 Example: Flour is a key ingredient in making bread.
2. Cuisine - maxsus davlatning milliy oshxonasi
🚩 Example: Italian cuisine is known for its pasta and pizza.
3. Recipe - ovqat retsepti
🚩Example: I found a delicious recipe for chocolate cake online.
4. Flavor - Ta'm , qo'shilgan ta'm
🚩Example: The flavor of the soup is enhanced by fresh herbs.
5. Garnish - garnir
🚩 Example: She used parsley as a garnish for the roasted chicken.
6. Nutrients - nutriyent yani foydaga boy vitaminlar
🚩Example: Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients.
7. Portion - porsiya,bitta kishi uchun berilgan qism
🚩 Example: The restaurant offers large portions of pasta.
8. Vegan - go'sht va hayvon mahsulotlatrini yemaydigan odam
🚩Example: She follows a vegan diet and enjoys plant-based meals.
9. Appetizer - asosiy ovqatdan oldin tortilgan ishtahani ochuvchi taomcha.
🚩 Example: We ordered bruschetta as an appetizer.
10. Condiment - qo'shimcha sous.
🚩Example: Ketchup is a popular condiment for fries
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1. Ingredient - taomga kerakli mahxsulot.
🚩 Example: Flour is a key ingredient in making bread.
2. Cuisine - maxsus davlatning milliy oshxonasi
🚩 Example: Italian cuisine is known for its pasta and pizza.
3. Recipe - ovqat retsepti
🚩Example: I found a delicious recipe for chocolate cake online.
4. Flavor - Ta'm , qo'shilgan ta'm
🚩Example: The flavor of the soup is enhanced by fresh herbs.
5. Garnish - garnir
🚩 Example: She used parsley as a garnish for the roasted chicken.
6. Nutrients - nutriyent yani foydaga boy vitaminlar
🚩Example: Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients.
7. Portion - porsiya,bitta kishi uchun berilgan qism
🚩 Example: The restaurant offers large portions of pasta.
8. Vegan - go'sht va hayvon mahsulotlatrini yemaydigan odam
🚩Example: She follows a vegan diet and enjoys plant-based meals.
9. Appetizer - asosiy ovqatdan oldin tortilgan ishtahani ochuvchi taomcha.
🚩 Example: We ordered bruschetta as an appetizer.
10. Condiment - qo'shimcha sous.
🚩Example: Ketchup is a popular condiment for fries
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