Destination B1, B2, C1&C2

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Destination - C1&C2
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Sizga Grammatikadan BEPUL darslar kerakmidi?

Mana oling, Bepul darslar

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📈 Qiziqarli testlar

✍️ Qimmatli kitoblar

Hammasi bitta kanalda:

Xalq mazza qilsin 😉

🇬🇧 (A1): pain
🇬🇧 (B2): discomfort/agony
🇬🇧 (C1): excruciating suffering/chronic distress

🇬🇧 (A1): illness
🇬🇧 (B2): disease/condition
🇬🇧 (C1): ailment/pathology

🇬🇧 (A1): medicine
🇬🇧 (B2): medication/drug
🇬🇧 (C1): pharmaceutical treatment/therapeutic agent

🇬🇧 (A1): doctor
🇬🇧 (B2): physician/specialist
🇬🇧 (C1): medical practitioner/consultant

🇬🇧 (A1): hospital
🇬🇧 (B2): clinic/medical facility
🇬🇧 (C1): healthcare institution/medical center

🇬🇧 (A1): injury
🇬🇧 (B2): wound/trauma
🇬🇧 (C1): lesion/severe impairment

🇬🇧 (A1): treatment
🇬🇧 (B2): therapy/cure
🇬🇧 (C1): intervention/rehabilitation program

🇬🇧 (A1): headache
🇬🇧 (B2): migraine/severe pain
🇬🇧 (C1): debilitating cephalalgia/neuralgia

🇬🇧 (A1): fever
🇬🇧 (B2): high temperature/pyrexia
🇬🇧 (C1): febrile condition/systemic inflammatory response

🇬🇧 (A1): virus
🇬🇧 (B2): infection/pathogen
🇬🇧 (C1): viral strain/contagious agent

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🔥 Juda ko‘p odam boy bo‘lishni xohlaydi
🥀 Ammo kamchilik boylik uchun ishlashga tayyor ❌

Sening hayoting – sening mas’uliyating.
Boy bo‘lishni istaysanmi? 💸 Muvaffaqiyatga erishmoqchimisan? 🔥 Hech kim kelib senga pul berib qo‘ymaydi.

📈 Qoidalar oddiy:
1️⃣ Sen ishga kirishasan
2️⃣ Men yo‘l ko‘rsataman
3️⃣ Sen pul ishlaysan

👉 Bu yerda faqat kuchlilar pul topadi!

Harakat qil! Kirish ochiq, lekin uzoq vaqt emas!

Vocabulary of children 👨‍👩‍👦👦🏾👧🏾

🇬🇧 (A1): child
🇬🇧 (B2): youngster/minor
🇬🇧 (C1): juvenile/adolescent

🇬🇧 (A1): baby
🇬🇧 (B2): infant/toddler
🇬🇧 (C1): neonate/newborn

🇬🇧 (A1): school
🇬🇧 (B2): educational institution/academy
🇬🇧 (C1): scholastic establishment/pedagogical center

🇬🇧 (A1): play
🇬🇧 (B2): recreation/leisure activity
🇬🇧 (C1): engagement in imaginative exploration/unstructured pastime

🇬🇧 (A1): parent
🇬🇧 (B2): guardian/caregiver
🇬🇧 (C1): primary custodian/legal overseer

🇬🇧 (A1): toy
🇬🇧 (B2): plaything/entertainment object
🇬🇧 (C1): recreational apparatus/cognitive stimulation tool

🇬🇧 (A1): story
🇬🇧 (B2): tale/narrative
🇬🇧 (C1): anecdotal account/literary composition

🇬🇧 (A1): friend
🇬🇧 (B2): companion/peer
🇬🇧 (C1): confidant/social affiliate

🇬🇧 (A1): teacher
🇬🇧 (B2): educator/instructor
🇬🇧 (C1): pedagogue/academic mentor

🇬🇧 (A1): happiness
🇬🇧 (B2): joy/contentment
🇬🇧 (C1): euphoria/emotional well-being

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👑Tojlardan birini tanlang va kelajakda sizni nima kutayotganini bilib oling.

🏆Bu test 98% ga to'g'ri chiqib hammani lol qoldirmoqda.


🟥DAY 4

C1-C2 Idioms  FOR SPEAKING 🔥🔥

1. When in a rush - shoshilgan vaqtimda
• When in a rush, I usually catch a taxi

2. Looking back - o'tmishga nazar solmoq
• Looking back, I admit I didn't always do the right thing

3. A high-value man - o'zini qadrini biladigan kishi
• I'm a high-value man

4. Despite all my effort - hamma mehnatim/urinishimga qaramay
• Despite all my effort, I couldn't persuade him

5. Deep down - ich ichidan
• I was happy on the outside, but deep down I was so disappointed.
• Deep down, I know you love me.

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🇦 🇩 🇻 🇦 🇳 🇨 🇪 🇩   🇬 🇷 🇦 🇲 🇲 🇦 🇷 

✔️ Other ways of expressing the FUTURE:

be to + infinitive (formal)
— The president is to visit France next week Tuesday.

be about to + infinitive/be on the point of + -ing(near future)
— Look! The bus is about to leave.
— The company is on the point of closing down

be due to + infinitive (timetables)
— Their flight is due to arrive at 7.30 pm

be sure to/be certain to/be bound to + infinitive (kelajak haqida ishon bilan gapirish)
— This plan is sure to/is bound to succeed
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➡️ Well-developed - yaxshi rivojlangan
— Tashkent is a well-developed region

➡️ Well-dressed - yaxshi kiyingan, yaxshi kiyinadigan
— I’m a well-dressed man

➡️ Well-matched- bir biriga mos
— They are well-matched.

➡️ Well-mannered - odobli, yaxshi xulqli
— She is a well-mannered child.

➡️ Well-established- uzoq tarixga ega, obro’li
— It’s a well-established company.

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🟥DAY 3

⚡️10 beautiful idioms for speaking

1. An early bird 🦜- erta turuvchi inson

2. A night owl 🦉 - kech uxledigan inson

3. A lone wolf 🐺 - yolg’iz bo’lishni yoki yolg’iz ishlashni yoqtiradigan inson

4. A party animal 🦓 - bazmlarni yoqtiradigan inson

5. A gold digger 🏅 - faqat puli uchun kimnidur yaxshi ko’radigan inson

6. A creature of habit - bir xil kun tartibiga ega inson. Bir xil narsani qilishni afzal ko’radigan inson

7. In deep water 💧 - juda qiyin vaziyatda bo’lmoq

8. Get to the point - maqsadga o’t! Gapni aylantirma

9. Kill two birds with one stone - bir o’q bilan, ikkita quyonni urmoq

10. A fish out of water 🐠- o’zini noqulay his qilmoq (xuddiki suvdan tashqarida turgan baliq kabi)

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1. Ingredient - taomga kerakli mahxsulot.
🚩 Example: Flour is a key ingredient in making bread.

2. Cuisine - maxsus davlatning milliy oshxonasi
🚩 Example: Italian cuisine is known for its pasta and pizza.

3. Recipe - ovqat retsepti
🚩Example: I found a delicious recipe for chocolate cake online.

4. Flavor - Ta'm , qo'shilgan ta'm
🚩Example: The flavor of the soup is enhanced by fresh herbs.

5. Garnish - garnir
🚩 Example: She used parsley as a garnish for the roasted chicken.

6. Nutrients - nutriyent yani foydaga boy vitaminlar
🚩Example: Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients.

7. Portion - porsiya,bitta kishi uchun berilgan qism
🚩 Example: The restaurant offers large portions of pasta.

8. Vegan - go'sht va hayvon mahsulotlatrini yemaydigan odam
🚩Example: She follows a vegan diet and enjoys plant-based meals.

9. Appetizer - asosiy ovqatdan oldin tortilgan ishtahani ochuvchi taomcha.
🚩 Example: We ordered bruschetta as an appetizer.

10. Condiment - qo'shimcha sous.
🚩Example: Ketchup is a popular condiment for fries

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⚫️ To be honest - Rostini aytsam
⚫️ In my opinion - Mening fikrimcha
⚫️ It seems to me that - Menga shunday tuyuladi
⚫️ To put it simply - Oddiy qilib aytganda
⚫️ There is no doubt that - Shubhasiz
⚫️ On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
⚫️ In contrast to - Taqqoslaganda
⚫️ To a certain extent- Ma'lum darajada
⚫️ For instance - Masalan
⚫️ In addition to- Qo‘shimcha ravishda
⚫️ It is widely believed that- Keng tarqalgan fikrga ko‘ra
⚫️ As a matter of fact- Haqiqatan ham
⚫️ To address the issue - Masalani hal qilish
⚫️ A growing number of people- Ko‘payib borayotgan odamlar soni
⚫️ It is essential to note that - Ta'kidlash muhimdir
⚫️ From a broader perspective- Kengroq nuqtai nazardan
⚫️ There is a tendency towards - moyillik bor
⚫️ To highlight the importance of - ...ning ahamiyatini ta'kidlash
⚫️ In light of recent developments - So‘nggi rivojlanishlarni hisobga olgan holda
⚫️ It is worth mentioning that - Ta'kidlashga arziydi

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INGLIZ TILIDA O'Z FIKRINI BILDIRISH (Mening fikrimcha,o'ylaymanki..) oʻrganamiz 👇👇👇

✅ In my opinion...
✅ I strongly opine that...
✅ I think...
✅ My opinion is that...
✅ Personally speaking...
✅ In my view...
✅ I believe...
✅ According to me...
✅ From my point of view...
✅ As far as I am concerned...
✅ From my perspective...
✅ I realise...
✅ To my way of thinking...
✅ It seems to me that...
✅ To me...
✅ my mind...
✅ My own view on the matter is...
✅I reckon that
✅ I feel that...
✅I understand...
✅ I suppose..

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🌍Words about books (C1 level) 🪐

🌓 Breath-taking - katta taassurot qoldiruvchi

🌓 Chilling - qoʻrqinchli

🌒 Evocative - oʻtmishni eslatadigan

🌓 Macabre - dahshatli, vahimali

🌓 Nail-biting - hayajonli

🌒 Touching - ta'sirli, yigʻlatadigan

🌓 Tedious - zerikarli, qaytariladigan

🌒 Poignant - dardli, alamli

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Shopping related vocabulary


🟥DAY 2

🛍️ Go shopping - bozorlik qilmoq

🛍️ A sales assistant - yordamchi sotuvchi

🛍️ Spend money extravagantly - pulni behuda sarflang

🛍️ A good deal - Yaxshi kelishuv

🛍️ Window shopping - sotib olmasdan shunchaki tomosha qilishlik

🛍️ On sale - skidkada, chegirmada

🛍️ For sale - sotuvda

🛍️ By cash - naqd pulda

🛍️ Shop around - aylanib narxlarni taqqoslamoq

🛍️ Get a refund - to'lovni qaytarib olmoq

🛍️ Demand a replacement - O'zgartirishni/ almashtirib berishini talab qilmoq

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●Sleep like a log/baby [idiom]

○Juda yaxshi uxlamoq

Ex. I went to bed early and slept like a log.

Sleep tight [idiom]
○yaxshi dam oling!

Ex. Good night, Jenny. Sleep tight!

Get this [idiom]
○Eshitinglar|Sizlarga aytsam

Ex. OK, get this guys - there are only two left.

Drink sb's health [idiom]
○Sog'ligi uchun ichmoq/ko'tarmoq

Ex. We drink your good health

Drink like a fish [idiom]
○Bo'kkuday ichmoq

Ex. Simon was drinking like a fish that evening.

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🟥DAY 1

- sog‘lom

✔️Ableism - nogironlarga nisbatan kamsitish

✔️Access - kirish, imkoniyat

✔️Appliance - jihoz

✔️Companion - hamroh

✔️Disability - nogironlik

✔️Disabled - nogiron

✔️Discriminate - kamsitmoq, ajratmoq

✔️Doorway - eshik ostonasi

✔️Equip - jihozlamoq

✔️Facilities - qulayliklar

✔️Fend for yourself - o‘zini eplamoq

✔️Invisible - ko‘rinmas

✔️Negotiate - muzokara olib bormoq

✔️Obstacle - to‘siq, g‘ov

✔️Patronizing - o'zini boshqalardan yaxshiroq deb o'ylashini ko'rsatish

✔️Provision - ta'minot

✔️Ramp - nogironlar aravachasi uchun ko'prik vazifasida ishlatiladigan kichik metal

✔️Roomy - kenng.

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Say it one more time, please -  Yana bir marta ayting, iltimos
Please speak more slowly - iltimos sekinroq gapiring
Please write it here - Iltimos mana bu yerga yozing
Please, hurry up  - Iltimos, shoshiling
Come with me! -  Men bilan yur
Please call a doctor - Iltimos, doktor chaqiring
Can you lend me...? - Menga qarzga berib tura olasizmi?
Can I borrow your pen? - Ruchkangizni olib tursam maylimi?
Will you mail this letter for me? - Bu xatni menga jo'natib yubora olasizmi?
Will you help me with this problem? - Ushbu muammo bo'yicha menga yordam bera olasizmi?
May I have your address? - Manzilingizni berasizmi?

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A1 (beginner) form of words = C2 (advanced)

🩶 Beginner (A1): down the street
🧡 Advanced (C2): along the street
💚 Translate: ko'cha bo'ylab

🖤 Beginner (A1): very good
💙 Advanced (C2): excellent
💚 Translate: juda yaxshi

💜 Beginner (A1): Very bad
💙 Advanced (C2): terrible
💚 Translate: juda yomon

💚 Beginner (A1): big
🩷 Advanced (C2): enormous
💛 Translate: ulkan

💜 Beginner (A1): cold
🧡 Advanced (C2): freezing
💚 Translate: muzlab qolgan

💛 Beginner (A1): fast
💙 Advanced (C2): rapid
💚 Translate: tez

💛 Beginner (A1): slow
💙 Advanced (C2): sluggish
🩷 Translate: sekin

🤍 Beginner (A1): talk
💙 Advanced (C2): converse
💚 Translate: gapirish

🩷 Beginner (A1): listen
💛Advanced (C2): heed
💙 Translate: tinglash

💚 Beginner (A1): work
🩷 Advanced (C2): toil
🩶 Translate: ishlash

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