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Posh English School Dan yana 2ta ajoyib yangilik

Posh English School Dan yana 2ta ajoyib yangilik

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Posh English School with ( Five elements hotel)

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Posh English School (Frankfurt city 🏙️

Barcha o'qiyotgan o'quvchilarga shunday balllar nasib qilsin 🤲🤲

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😅 Mock testsdan ketma-ket 6.0-6.5 olaverib, Overall 7.0 ola olmasligiga ishongan qizlar ...

Shunday dugonalaringizga share qilamiz 🙃😇😎

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Forward from: Multi-level test
⚡️ British Council test DATES IN 2025


💵Test Fee: 2,519,990 UZS

IELTSchilarga jo’natib qo’yamiz🚀

🔹Channel: @Multi_level_test

🩵🩵🩵🩵  12th November🔥

Overall🔺      56 | B2

🎧 Listening   65 (C1)
📖 Reading     52
✍ Writing       56
🎙 Speaking   49

👩‍💻Teacher: BAHODIR

Congratulations HUMOYUNMIRZO with a fantastic B2🎊

🔹Channel: Posh English school

🩵🩵🩵🩵  12th November🔥

Overall🔺      59 /

🎧 Listening   73 (C1)
📖 Reading     60
✍ Writing       52
🎙 Speaking   52

👩‍💻Teacher: Jamshidbek

Congratulations Shahriyor with a fantastic B2🎊

🔹Channel: Posh English School

Posh English school da Bularning hammasi 1.Listening -73=C1 2.Listening -65=C1

Posh English school 2 ta C1

Posh English School 2 ta B2 lar

ChatGPT ham bizni bilar ekan

Posh English School, O‘zbekistonning Andijon Oltinkoʻl tumani Qoʻshtepada da joylashgan, ingliz tilini o‘qitishga ixtisoslashgan ta’lim muassasasidir. Maktabda ingliz tili bo‘yicha sifatli ta'lim berish, shuningdek, talabalarning shaxsiy rivojlanishini qo‘llab-quvvatlashga alohida e'tibor qaratiladi.

Ular turli yoshdagi bolalar uchun darslar va dasturlar taklif etadi. Maktabning maqsadi — o‘quvchilarga zamonaviy pedagogik usullar va interaktiv o‘qitish orqali ingliz tilini o‘rganishga yordam berish.

Qo‘shimcha ma'lumot kerakmi?+998999095717

Forward from: Multi-level test
🗣🗣🗣🗣 Part 1.1 - Plants 🌱 🪴

1⃣ Do you like plants?
Yes, I do. I find plants fascinating, especially how they improve the environment by purifying the air. I also enjoy the calming effect they have on my mood. Having some plants around makes me feel more relaxed and connected to nature.

2⃣ What types of plants are common in your country?
In my country, you’ll find a variety of plants depending on the region. For example, tulips, roses, and chrysanthemums are quite common in gardens. Fruit trees like apricot and apple are also popular, along with some medicinal plants like mint and lavender.

3⃣ Do you think plants are important for the environment?
Absolutely! Plants play a vital role in the ecosystem. They help reduce carbon dioxide levels, provide oxygen, and prevent soil erosion. Additionally, they offer habitats for animals and insects. Without plants, life on Earth would be severely impacted.

4⃣ What is your favorite plant?
My favorite plant is the cactus. I admire how resilient it is, able to survive in harsh environments with very little water. Plus, I find the various shapes and sizes of cacti quite unique and visually appealing.

🔹Channel: @Multi_level_test

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