English Listening Podcast

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

🌐 Online darslar mavjud!
Owner: Azimjon Juraev - 🎓Master of TSTU (IELTS 6.0)
👩🏻‍🎓 Teacher: [IELTS 7.5 | CEFR C1]
E’zoza - L 8.0/ R 7.5/ W 6.5/ S 7.0 (MDIST)
📍Online kursga yozilish uchun - @Azimjon_Juraev
[ Reklama uchun: @bilimAds ]

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Qachon 34k bo’lamiz?

Okay again speaking won 😃

Ho’p, speakingni o’stirish eng eng eng to’g’ri yo’l bu doimiy holatda gapirib yurish. I mean like in everywhereeee. You should create an English life for yourself, literally delete or unfollow that distracts you from English life 💆🏻‍♀️

Instead follow someone that helps you to get higher score like me 😀. Furthermore there are other thousand of people that runs his/her channel in English 🫶

Thirdly, grammar is one of the factor that plays huge role in speaking section of all English language tests, specifically IELTS 📃

To learn grammar better follow this channel)

To improve pronunciation do shadowing from the speeches that famous have done 🫠

If you search English speeches with subtitles on YouTube you can find 🙂

Furthermore, pls while learning vocabulary learn it by heart 🙏 as it is very important cuz you may use some words inaccurately which really affects the final result 💆🏻‍♀️

For more information follow 👇

Different ways of telling some words

No English word has double “o” except Good prove me wrong?)



Men kitob sotvoganlar uchun faqat manfaatli bo’lsin deyman)

💌 Murojaat uchun

Faqat speaking o’tmemizku boshqa narsa tanlelar masalan reading or writing 🤩

Good morning everyone 🫶

Bugun qaysi sectionni o’stirish haqida yozay? 👀

Listening ❤️
Reading 🔥
Writing 🤩
Speaking 🐳




👆Basic IELTS listening

👆 Listening Strategies

👆4000 Essential English words

👆 Cambridge practice books

👆IELTS Testbuilder 2

Ingliz tilidan listening uchun useful bot lar
📬 Sharing is caring❗️

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100 ta like yig’sa bugungi darsni audiosini tashlab beraman)

Bitta lavash yoki bitta kitob? 🤔

⁉️ 3 yillik tajriba bitta kitobda)

Kitobdan namuna

Kitobda eng kerakli lug’atlar va eng kerakli grammatika mavzulari qamrab olingan.

❗️Tanlov o’zingizda:

Murojaat uchun

Let’s finish?)

Sample answer beryapman)

1. How does the weather affect people’s mood in your country?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a place with four seasons?
3. How do weather conditions impact agriculture in your region?
4. Do you think climate change is affecting the seasons? How?
5. Why do you think some people prefer to live in places with consistent weather all year round?

20 last posts shown.