Oxus University

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💾Zakovat intellektual o'yini jarayonidan fotolavhalar.

💾Photos from the process of the Zakovat intellectual game.

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➡️"Oxus Universiteti" talabalari o'rtasida "Besh tashabbus" loyihasi doirasida "Zakovat" intellektual o'yini bo'lib o'tdi.

✅O'yin davomida ko'tarinki ruh barchani tark etmadi. G'olib bo'lgan ishtirokchilar esdalik sovg'alari bilan taqdirlandi.

➡️An intellectual game "Zakovat" was held among the students of "Oxus University" as part of the "Five Initiatives" project.

✅Throughout the game, a high spirit remained with everyone. The winning participants were awarded with memorable gifts.

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🌹8-mart lobar ayollarimizning xushnud etiladigan kun

🌹Qadrli Oxus universitetining jonkuyar pedagog ayollari, sizlarni bayram munosabati bilan samimiy tabriklaymiz!
Har doim bugungidek go'zallikka boy bo'lib yashang.

➡️Hurmat bilan Oxus universiteti qirchillama yigitlari!

🌹March 8 – A day to bring joy to our esteemed women.

🌹Dear dedicated female educators of Oxus University, we sincerely congratulate you on this special occasion!
May you always live with the beauty and grace of the day.

➡️With respect,
The energetic young men of Oxus University!

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✔️Oxus universitetida O‘zbekiston adabiyoti va madaniyatida muhim o‘rin tutgan atoqli shoiramiz Zulfiya Isroilovaning tavallud kuniga bag'ishlangan badiiy tadbir o'tkazildi.

➕Tadbir davomida "Do'stlik" ordeni sohibasining xalqimiz mehrini qozongan, insonparvarlik, vatanparvarlik va muhabbat ruhidagi she'rlaridan namunalar o'qildi.

✔️At Oxus University, a literary event was held in honor of the birthday of our esteemed poet Zulfiya Isroilova, who holds a significant place in Uzbek literature and culture.

➕During the event, poems by Zulfiya Isroilova, a recipient of the "Do‘stlik" Order and a beloved poet of our people, were recited. These poems convey themes of humanism, patriotism, and love.

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🔼Toshkent shahrida joylashgan oliy Ta'lim muassasalari rektorlari o'rtasida "Vazir kubogi" sport musobaqasi bo'lib o'tdi.
🔽Ushbu musobaqada Oxus universiteti rektori vazifasini bajararuvchi Ikromjon Musoxonzoda munosib ishtirok etdi va tashkilotchilar tomonidan tashakkurnoma bilan taqdirlandi.

🔼A "Minister's Cup" sports competition was held between the rectors of higher education institutions located in Tashkent city.
🔽In this competition, Ikromjon Musoxonzoda, Acting Rector of Oxus University, participated commendably and was awarded a certificate of appreciation by the organizers.

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➡️Joriy yilning 3-4-mart kunlari Oxus universiteti filologiya yo'nalishining 1-kurs talabalari rus tili fanidan xalqaro onlayn olimpiadada ishtirok etishdi.
🟩Jumladan, Abduqahhorova Matluba 2-o'rinni qo'lga kiritgan bo'lsa, Sadoqat Gafurova hamda Jasmina Kim g'oliblikni qo'lga kiritishdi.

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🔼Oxus universiteti tarbiyachi-pedagogi miss Akmaral  talabalar bilan birgalikda "Milliy qadriyatlar va ularning millat ma'naviyatidagi o'rni" shiori ostida   she'rxonlik tashkil qildi.

🔽Bu kabi ma'naviy-ma'rifiy tadbirlardan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad talabalarga millatimiz qadriyatlarini va o'zligimizni anglatishdir.

🔼Oxus University educator Miss Akmaral, together with the students, organized a poetry reading event under the slogan "National Values and Their Role in the Spirituality of the Nation."

🔽The main goal of such spiritual and educational events is to help students understand the values of our nation and our identity.

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➡️Oxus universiteti talabalari "Besh tashabbus" loyihasi doirasida tashkil etilgan navbatdagi "Mohir qo'llar" to'garagida ishtirok etishdi. Shuningdek, tarbiyachi-pedagog miss Akmaral boshchiligida barcha talabalar qizlar bo'sh vaqtlarida o'zlari qiziqqan hunarni o'rganib kelishmoqda.

➡️Oxus University students participated in the next "Skilled Hands" club organized within the framework of the "Five Initiatives" project. Additionally, under the guidance of educator Miss Akmaral, all female students are learning crafts of their interest during their free time.

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