🦄 Toshkentda o‘tkazilgan Unicorn Battle: Verifix San-Fransiskodagi Unicorn Cup’da O‘zbekistonni taqdim etadi!
Toshkentdagi “U-Enter” markazida investorlar, hamkorlar va startaplar ishtirokida Unicorn Battle tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Bu innovatsion ekotizimning muhim voqealaridan biri bo‘lib, turli sohalardan 120+ startap o‘z arizalarini topshirdi. Saralash natijasida MVP bosqichida bo‘lgan va kengayish salohiyatiga ega 18 ta startap taqdimot uchun tanlab olindi.
🎉 Unicorn Battle g‘oliblari:
🥇 Verifix – Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyoda iste’dodlar tanqisligini bartaraf etuvchi B2B SaaS HR platformasi.
🥈 Azma Finance – kichik biznes egalari uchun avtomatlashtirilgan buxgalteriya platformasi, bu soliq hisob-kitobi, moliyaviy boshqaruv va hisobotni soddalashtiradi.
🥉 Tilmoch – turkiy tillarga ixtisoslashgan sun’iy intellektli tarjima xizmati bo‘lib, o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilishda Google va Yandex’dan 2 barobar aniqroq natijalar beradi.
Batafsil: 👉 https://digital.uz/oz/news/view/34676
🦄 Unicorn Battle in Tashkent: Verifix to Represent Uzbekistan at Unicorn Cup in San Francisco!
The Unicorn Battle event took place at U-Enter in Tashkent, bringing together investors, partners, and startups. As one of the key events in Uzbekistan’s innovation ecosystem, the competition attracted 120+ startup applications from various industries. After careful selection, 18 MVP-stage startups with high growth potential were chosen to pitch their solutions.
🎉 Unicorn Battle Winners:
🥇 Verifix – A B2B SaaS HR platform tackling the talent shortage in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
🥈 Azma Finance – An automated accounting platform that simplifies tax calculations, financial management, and reporting for small business owners.
🥉 Tilmoch – An AI-powered translation service specializing in Turkic languages, delivering twice the accuracy of Google and Yandex for Uzbek translations.
Read more: 👉 https://digital.uz/en/news/view/34676
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Toshkentdagi “U-Enter” markazida investorlar, hamkorlar va startaplar ishtirokida Unicorn Battle tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tdi. Bu innovatsion ekotizimning muhim voqealaridan biri bo‘lib, turli sohalardan 120+ startap o‘z arizalarini topshirdi. Saralash natijasida MVP bosqichida bo‘lgan va kengayish salohiyatiga ega 18 ta startap taqdimot uchun tanlab olindi.
🎉 Unicorn Battle g‘oliblari:
🥇 Verifix – Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyoda iste’dodlar tanqisligini bartaraf etuvchi B2B SaaS HR platformasi.
🥈 Azma Finance – kichik biznes egalari uchun avtomatlashtirilgan buxgalteriya platformasi, bu soliq hisob-kitobi, moliyaviy boshqaruv va hisobotni soddalashtiradi.
🥉 Tilmoch – turkiy tillarga ixtisoslashgan sun’iy intellektli tarjima xizmati bo‘lib, o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilishda Google va Yandex’dan 2 barobar aniqroq natijalar beradi.
Batafsil: 👉 https://digital.uz/oz/news/view/34676
🦄 Unicorn Battle in Tashkent: Verifix to Represent Uzbekistan at Unicorn Cup in San Francisco!
The Unicorn Battle event took place at U-Enter in Tashkent, bringing together investors, partners, and startups. As one of the key events in Uzbekistan’s innovation ecosystem, the competition attracted 120+ startup applications from various industries. After careful selection, 18 MVP-stage startups with high growth potential were chosen to pitch their solutions.
🎉 Unicorn Battle Winners:
🥇 Verifix – A B2B SaaS HR platform tackling the talent shortage in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
🥈 Azma Finance – An automated accounting platform that simplifies tax calculations, financial management, and reporting for small business owners.
🥉 Tilmoch – An AI-powered translation service specializing in Turkic languages, delivering twice the accuracy of Google and Yandex for Uzbek translations.
Read more: 👉 https://digital.uz/en/news/view/34676
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